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Tell us about the innovators and​ the ideas that are bringing positive change to Wisconsin’s legal landscape. Nominate a Wisconsin Legal Innovator who breaks with tradition to do it better, differently. Do you know a risk taker who, despite barriers, finds creative, new solutions to client problems? A visionary who is passionate about using technology to drive internal efficiencies to deliver cost-effective legal services? A trailblazer who is determined to transform a firm’s culture to ensure the firm thrives in tomorrow's marketplace?

Nominations are open until June 30​

* indicates a required field
If this is a team nomination, who is the primary contact?

Person Submitting Nomination:
*How do you know the nominee?

Type of Innovation:
*Which category best describes the nominee's innovation? If none of these categories fits, select "other" and tell us more in the next section.

Why is the Nominee a Wisconsin Legal Innovator? Keep your response to each question to 250 or fewer words.
*What was the innovation?
*What problem/challenge did this innovator solve and for whom?
*When was this idea put in place and what are the results?
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about the nominee?

Submit the Nomination

After completing this form, click on the "Submit" button below to send your nomination. Before submitting your nomination, you may wish to print a copy of your records. When the State Bar receives your entry, you will receive an email confirmation, which includes the text of the submitted nomination.

Please direct questions about your submission to:
Peter Kraemer
State Bar of Wisconsin
(800) 444-9404, ext. 6139