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Diversity and Inclusion Oversight Subcommittees​

​​DIOC Data and Research Subcommittee​

Establish, update, and publish ​reliable census data regarding the diversity of State Bar members. Conduct research to produce goals and data that the State Bar of Wisconsin can use in addressing diversity and inclusion in the Wisconsin legal profession.​

DIOC Law Student Outreach Subcommittee
The Law Student Outreach Subcommittee (“LSO”) is charged with the responsibility of playing the leadership role in forming and marketing collaboration among law schools, State Bar of Wisconsin, and employers to encourage and support diversity and inclusion, including revitalizing the Diversity Clerkship Program, and facilitating better communication/collaboration to develop/expand programs for pre-law school, law students, and new graduates.

DIOC Communication and Education Subcommittee​​
Develop tools to be used to market Wisconsin to diverse candidates and make available to law schools and employers. Solicit and recognize/reward diversity and inclusion best practice ideas from lawyers, judges, employers, law schools, and law students (e.g. the Diversity Counsel Program and an RFP for a CLE program at the Annual Meeting and Conference).
DIOC Diversity Counsel Program Sub-Subcommittee

Planning and organizing a diversity CLE program including deciding a topic, finding speakers and a location, marketin​​g, and facilitating the event for the following year. ​​

​If you would like to serve on a Diversity and Inclusion Oversight Committee subcommittee as a non-committee member, please contact Jacque Evans,

If you would like to help with the Diversity Clerkship Program process, please contact Jacque Evans, There are several capacities in which you could offer your time and assistance including as a volunteer interviewer, a member of the Selection Committee, and a member of the Matching Committee. Click to learn more about the Diversity Clerkship Program.​ 

​Affinity Bar Associations

If you would like to learn more about one of Wisconsin's many Affinity Bar Associations or to get involved more locally, please check out the following Affinity Bar Association websites. 

Pro Bono Program

Wisconsin lawyers are uniquely qualified to help close the justice gap and we have an ethical obligation to try. The Pro Bono program at the State Bar of Wisconsin exists to make Pro Bono services accessible for all attorneys. To find the service that is right for you, visit our Pro Bono Portal. For questions about posting an opportunity or using the Pro Bono Portal, contact the Pro Bono Program Manager at ​​ or 608-250-6177. 

The Ready. Set. Practice.

Mentoring Program is a voluntary program that matches new lawyers with experienced mentors in order to assist with law practice management, effective client representation, and career development. If you are a new lawyer looking for guidance from the study of law to the practice of law, this program is for you! Likewise, if you are an experienced lawyer interested in sharing your knowledge with new lawyers, this program is for you!​

If you are interested in signing up as a mentor or mentee, applications are open beginning September 15th. Any questions can be directed to Karen Beall,

Write or Speak for the State Bar

Raise your profile, advance your career, and share your expertise with other legal professionals by writing or speaking for the State Bar. Whether your interest is in public speaking or writing, there's a way for you to share your knowledge and help shape the profession. You may even be able to earn CLE credit for your contribution. To learn more, visit our Pinnacle Contributions page.

If you have questions, you can either email us at or call (800) 444-9404 (ext. 6110) for speaking or or call (800)444-9494, (ext. 6113) for books.

​​Government Relations

The State​ Bar's Government Relations program connects State Bar members with state government officials--including legislators, executive and judicial branch agencies and their staff--to improve the administration of justice and the delivery of legal services in Wisconsin. The Government Relations team is the lobbying arm of the State Bar and some of its practice sections. It is also responsible for tracking Supreme Court Rules and fostering effective communication and relations with the judicial branch.

To learn how to get involved, visit the Government Relations web page​.

If you are interested in learning more about what lawyers around the country are doing to further D&I efforts, visit the ABA DEI Portal and find out how you can get involved!​​​