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Found 415 Relevant Results

There is one exception to this prohibition, in the instance when the lawyer-draftsman’s testimony relates to the formality of execution and not to the contested issues ...
Because such information is not germane to the information required on a lawyer letterhead and is a form of self-laudation, it should be excluded ...
Canon 27 specifically prohibits the listing of specialties except for the previously recognized areas of practice: admiralty law, patent and trademark law ...
A lawyer owes complete allegiance and fidelity to his client and cannot divide such responsibility by accepting financial inducement from an outside source ...
Obviously a lawyer from the firm not admitted in a particular jurisdiction will have to associate with local counsel if he makes appearances in court or consults with clients in ...
In this case, there would be a conflict of interest between his duty as a public official and the duty to his prospective private client ...
Upon examination of the document herein it appears to be much like court process ... The use of such documents which simulate court process is illegal, misleading and borders on the ...
This announcement must be in a form which does not constitute a statement or representation of special experience or expertise ...

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