Wisconsin Lawyer
Vol. 78, No. 10, October
Dealing Fairly With an Unrepresented Person
The author looks at issues of fairness and advocacy when lawyers deal
with unrepresented people and discusses the related Ethics 2000
Committee recommendations that are pending before the Wisconsin Supreme
by Ben Kempinen

qual justice under law may be the most fundamental maxim of our legal
system. It may also represent the aspiration that has proven most
difficult to attain, due in large part to the lack of access to legal
services for a growing number of people. In criminal matters,
notwithstanding a right to counsel grounded in the U.S. and Wisconsin
constitutions, many accused persons remain unrepresented because they
cannot afford to retain private counsel and do not meet prevailing
indigency standards.1 In civil matters,
reductions in legal services funding and the gap between available pro
bono services and the need for those services make the presence of
counsel in many types of cases the exception rather than the
The problem of unequal justice has spawned a variety of suggested
solutions from bench, bar, and academia, with most focusing on improving
access to counsel.3 Not surprisingly,
proposals that require individual lawyers to represent persons for no
fee or contribute funds to organizations that provide such services have
proven the most controversial.4 However,
there is another way that individual lawyers have an impact on equal
justice: how they treat an unrepresented opponent. While initiatives to
increase access to counsel are developed and debated, the system
continues to function, with increasing numbers of participants
unrepresented by counsel. Treating the unrepresented adversary fairly
does not cost anything nor does it require an attorney to accept new and
unwanted clients. At the same time, fair treatment can directly
contribute to equal justice.
Fair Treatment of Unrepresented Opponents
Ben Kempinen, U.W. 1976,
is a clinical associate professor at the U.W. Law School. He is a member
of the Wisconsin Ethics 2000 Committee. The opinions expressed in this
article are those of the author, not of the committee.
In broad terms, fair treatment of unrepresented opponents would seem
to mean not taking unfair advantage of the absence of counsel. But what
exactly does it mean to take unfair advantage? From one perspective,
vigorous advocacy for a client requires counsel to take advantage - of
the facts, of the law and, in many instances, of the lack of skill,
experience, or resources of opposing counsel.5 An arguable extension of this notion would require
counsel to take advantage of a pro se opponent in the same manner. From
another perspective, exploiting the ignorance of an unrepresented
opponent is difficult to reconcile with the notion that all lawyers have
a duty to support a just system.6
To be sure, most lawyers are sensitive to these concerns and seek to
be fair to an opponent, whether represented or not. But it is not always
easy. Suggesting that lawyers have a heightened duty of fairness when
faced with a pro se adversary raises a host of issues. Should counsel be
sure to clarify his or her interests in the matter? Explain how the
process works? Provide advice on the merits? Recommend that the person
obtain counsel or assist the person with doing so? And, at what point
does fairness to an unrepresented opponent compromise the lawyer's duty
to the lawyer's client?
If it is true that we may never achieve the ideal of adequate legal
assistance for each person, it may be that striving for fairness when
only one party is represented is a more realistic and important
objective. Interestingly, this aspect of the equal justice puzzle has
received much less attention than strategies to increase access to
counsel, even though attention to the problem could go far to guide
lawyers and protect those who must navigate the legal system without
Ethics rule treatment of the unrepresented person was among the
issues considered by the Wisconsin Ethics 2000 Committee. Four of the
proposed rules address this particular concern.8
It would be presumptuous and premature to assume the supreme court
will adopt these proposals. Nonetheless, there is value in considering
the problems they address and how the proposals balance the competing
interests. All practicing lawyers have confronted or will confront an
unrepresented person. Reflecting on the dynamics of such encounters can
encourage lawyers to engage in practices that are fair to the opponent
without compromising the client's legitimate interests. This discussion
will note typical situations involving unrepresented persons and compare
the guidance provided by the existing and proposed ethics rules.
Common Situations
For most lay persons involvement in a legal dispute is a passageway
into a strange and unfamiliar world. The stakes may be high: a criminal
conviction, termination of employment, loss of custody of one's
children, or a substantial financial burden. To nonlawyers, the language
of the law is foreign, the procedures unknown, and the substantive
principles beyond their ken. When represented, the layperson can rely on
counsel as a guide through the procedural maze, as a protector to
caution against disclosing confidential information, and as a counselor
to help the layperson make informed choices among available alternative
courses of action.
Absent counsel, the layperson must either proceed in ignorance or
seek answers to questions from others, including clerks, judges and,
more often than not, from opposing counsel. When the proceeding is in
court, it is at least possible that the judge or court personnel could
provide direction. This is not possible when counsel has contact with
the unrepresented person away from the courthouse, where most
interactions occur. In these settings the unrepresented person often
looks to opposing counsel for guidance. The following are prototypical
- A family law practitioner is retained by a woman seeking to divorce
her husband. The husband is unrepresented. After the action has been
filed, the husband phones the wife's lawyer and asks if and how he must
respond to the petition. It is clear the husband wants to talk about the
merits, and he discloses information that, unknown to him, could be used
to his detriment.
- The district attorney has charged a person with several minor
criminal offenses. At the scheduled pretrial conference the defendant
appears without counsel, explaining that he was found ineligible for a
public defender but cannot afford a private lawyer. He says he has never
been in trouble before and asks the DA what will happen to him. The
defendant begins to explain his version of what happened, providing
information that is probative of guilt.
- In-house counsel for a large company is investigating possible
employee misconduct. Counsel suspects one individual in particular and
wants to interview her. The attorney knows that the employee will be
terminated if the suspicions are borne out. In contrast, the employee
assumes the interview will be confidential; after all, she and the
attorney know each other and work for the same company. The employee is
summoned to the attorney's office. The attorney knows that if the
employee realizes the true nature of the meeting the employee is less
likely to be forthcoming.
- Appellate counsel for a convicted offender contacts a witness who is
said to have recanted her trial testimony. If the witness appears
reluctant to speak with counsel, may the lawyer encourage her to
cooperate by suggesting the witness can be subpoenaed to court
regardless of her wishes? And, how should counsel respond if the witness
asks if she could get in trouble if she changes her testimony?
These scenarios demonstrate several common threads when a lawyer
confronts an unrepresented person:
- the unrepresented person often does not clearly understand that the
attorney's role is or may be adverse to the person's own interests;
- the unrepresented person is unsure what to do and asks the attorney
for help;
- the unrepresented person is eager to explain her side of the story,
often disclosing confidential information that could work to her
- the attorney is positioned to take advantage of the unrepresented
person in ways that would not be possible if the person were
- helping the unrepresented person could frustrate legitimate
interests of the lawyer's client; and
- contacts between the lawyer and the unrepresented person most often
occur outside of the courthouse.
Current Ethics Rule Treatment of the Unrepresented
Existing ethics rules presuppose a system in which all parties are
represented. Duties to adversaries are limited because it is assumed
that opposing lawyers have the responsibility and ability to effectively
research, prepare, and present their clients' cases. Of the more than 50
ethics rules in the current Chapter 20 only three expressly address
contact with the unrepresented person. These three rules include basic
assumptions about the allocation of responsibilities between represented
parties in an adversary setting that often are inapplicable in contacts
with unrepresented people. The rules address these interactions in
varied ways.
Rule 20:4.3. This rule applies to all lawyer
contacts with unrepresented persons regardless of the setting or
practice area. It is identical to the original ABA Model Rule 4.3 and
"Rule 20:4.3. Dealing with Unrepresented Person. In dealing on behalf
of a client with a person who is not represented by counsel, a lawyer
shall not state or imply that the lawyer is disinterested. When the
lawyer knows or reasonably should know that the unrepresented person
misunderstands the lawyer's role in the matter, the lawyer shall make
reasonable efforts to correct the misunderstanding."
The rule prohibits deception about the lawyer's interests but does
not automatically require that the interests be explained. Instead, a
duty to clarify is triggered when circumstances suggest confusion over
the lawyer's role. The duty to clarify is clear when the unrepresented
person makes a direct inquiry to the lawyer. Less clear are the lawyer's
responsibilities in ambiguous situations, where confusion may exist but
is not expressly raised.
SCR 20:4.3 permits giving information and does not prohibit advising
an unrepresented opponent, notwithstanding the adversity of
interests.9 The lack of a uniform duty to
clarify the lawyer's role combined with the lack of control over giving
advice allows an attorney to exploit an unrepresented person's ignorance
without fear of discipline. In its current form the text of SCR 20:4.3
provides minimal protection to the unrepresented person.
Rule 20:1.13. This provision concerns lawyers who
represent organizations. It first appeared in the 1983 ABA Model Rules.
Wisconsin adopted the ABA version in 1987 as part of the state's last
ethics rules revision. Subsection (d) states:
"In dealing with an organization's directors, officers, employees,
members, shareholders or other constituents, a lawyer shall explain the
identity of the client when it is apparent that the organization's
interests are adverse to those of the constituents with whom the lawyer
is dealing."
The duty to clarify the lawyer's interest under SCR 20:1.13(d),
unlike the similar duty under SCR 20:4.3, arises when the attorney
realizes the organization's interests conflict with those of the
constituent, regardless of whether the constituent is confused or not.
The duty to clarify may serve the lawyer's interests as well as those of
the unrepresented constituent.10
Like SCR 20:4.3, SCR 20:1.13 allows the lawyer to give information to
and even advise the unrepresented constituent notwithstanding the
existence of adverse interests. The risk of overreaching in this
situation may be less likely due both to the expanded duty to clarify
and the likelihood that members of an organization are more likely than
the average layperson to have a sophisticated knowledge of legal
Rule 20:3.8. This rule also addresses contact with
the unrepresented person. Like SCR 20:1.13(d), SCR 20:3.8 has a specific
focus - here the prosecutor faced with a pro se defendant in a criminal
case. The prosecutor's responsibilities are described in subsections (b)
and (c). Subsection (b) provides:
"The prosecutor in a criminal case shall ...
"(b) make reasonable efforts to assure that the accused has been
advised of the right to, and the procedure for obtaining, counsel and
has been given reasonable opportunity to obtain counsel; ..."
The purpose of subsection (b) is self-evident - to make sure the
unrepresented criminal defendant is aware of the right to counsel. The
rule implements this policy by imposing three separate requirements.
First, the prosecutor must "make reasonable efforts to assure that the
accused has been advised of the right to counsel." Second, the
prosecutor must "make reasonable efforts to assure that the accused has
been advised of ... the procedures for obtaining counsel." Third, the
prosecutor must "make reasonable efforts to assure that the accused ...
has been given [a] reasonable opportunity to obtain counsel."
Presumably, this third element requires that scheduling be sufficiently
flexible to permit the accused to contact and obtain counsel before
important case decisions need be made. Interestingly, the prosecutor
does not necessarily have to personally inform the unrepresented
defendant of the right to counsel and related protocol; rather the
prosecutor is responsible for making sure that someone has. Perhaps in
the courtroom setting it is appropriate to defer to the judge, whereas
outside of court the prosecutor should personally provide this
information. SCR 20:4.3 would also permit the prosecutor to recommend
that the unrepresented defendant seek counsel.
Subsection (c) continues:
"[T]he prosecutor in a criminal case shall ...
"(c) not seek to obtain from an unrepresented accused a waiver of
important pretrial rights, such as the right to a preliminary hearing
On a superficial level SCR 20:3.8(c) makes sense: it is unseemly to
exploit a defendant's ignorance to get the defendant to waive procedural
rights. However, the manner in which the rule purports to protect the
pro se defendant is at best confusing and at worst more harmful than
First, the only procedural right explicitly mentioned is the
preliminary hearing. SCR 3.8(c) makes no mention of the right to
counsel, the right to a jury trial, the right against
self-incrimination, or the right to confront one's accusers, all
constitutionally mandated protections of greater significance than a
statutory preliminary hearing.11 A literal
interpretation of the rule's text suggests that only seeking waivers of
insignificant protections is prohibited; inducing the unrepresented
person to unwittingly forfeit constitutional protections is not. A more
sensible interpretation is that mention of the preliminary hearing is
illustrative rather than exclusive and that the rule protects other,
more important trial-related protections as well as the preliminary
However, if the rule is read to prohibit seeking waivers of any
procedural right - however important - the rule appears to flatly
prohibit plea negotiations with unrepresented defendants. By definition,
seeking a guilty plea is seeking to obtain waivers of important rights.
Consequently, an unstrained reading of SCR 20:3.8(c) suggests that any
plea negotiation with an unrepresented party is unethical, however
fairly conducted. Nor does the rule's text except cases in which the
defendant has chosen self-representation and has validly waived counsel
before a judge.12 Ironically, in an effort
to protect the pro se defendant from unfair negotiation practices, the
rule seems to exclude pro se defendants altogether from the potential
benefits of the negotiation process as well. If subsection (c) means
what it says, it is violated whenever prosecutors negotiate with pro se
defendants, regardless of how fair and principled their discussions
SCR 20:3.8 imposes no independent duty to clarify the prosecutor's
interest in the case, although SCR 20:4.3 would require clarification of
interest if confusion is apparent. Like Rules 20:1.13(d) and 20:4.3,
Rule 20:3.8 permits giving information to and does not expressly
prohibit advising the pro se defendant, although subsection (c) suggests
the prosecutor could not advise the person to plead guilty because such
a course of action would result in the waiver of procedural rights.
Applying the existing rules to the four scenarios described provides
a glimpse of the Wisconsin lawyer's current options.
In the first situation, a family law matter, the lawyer's choices are
controlled by SCR 20:4.3. Absent any clear indication that the husband
is confused, counsel would not have to clarify that he or she represents
only the wife's interests. Counsel would be free to inform the husband
about the process but would not be required to do so. Counsel could
even, without violating the rule, encourage a course of action that
might be inconsistent with the husband's interests. Counsel need not
warn the husband of the risks of speaking about the merits nor would
counsel be prohibited from using information gained to further his or
her client's interests. On the other hand, if motivated by sympathy or
fairness, counsel could seek to help the husband, although, at some
point, such efforts might conflict with counsel's responsibilities to
the client, the wife.14
The second example, involving a prosecutor in a criminal case, is
controlled by SCR 20:3.8 and SCR 20:4.3. By his own statement the pro se
defendant has shown awareness of the right to counsel; thus, this
information need not be repeated. However, the prosecutor should tell
the defendant of the right to petition the judge for the appointment of
counsel at county expense because it is not clear the defendant is aware
of this option.15 And, if the defendant
wishes to seek court appointment of counsel, the prosecutor must give
the defendant a reasonable opportunity to obtain counsel.
As in the first example, the prosecutor is not automatically required
to explain his or her interest in the case nor must the prosecutor warn
the defendant that disclosures could be used against the defendant. And,
even if dismissal or reduction of charges is the most common response to
such a case, the safest approach for prosecutors would be to avoid
discussion of plea negotiations because it could be viewed as
"seek[ing]" the waiver of "important pretrial rights" in violation of
subsection (c).
In the third example, in-house counsel would be guided by SCR
20:1.13(d) and SCR 20:4.3. SCR 20:1.13(d) would require that the lawyer
clarify his or her interest given his or her knowledge that the
constituent's interests conflict with those of the organization. At the
same time, in-house counsel could give information or advice and "spin"
the clarification to encourage the constituent to cooperate even if the
constituent is not required to do so.
Each of the first three examples involves clear adversity of
interests. The first two involve matters in litigation and the third
involves adversity outside of litigation. The fourth is different,
involving a witness rather than a party, albeit a witness with interests
potentially adverse to the attorney's client. The witness's recantation
of her trial testimony could help the client but could expose the
witness to prosecution for perjury. SCR 20:4.3, referring to
"person[s]," would still apply. Absent apparent confusion the lawyer
need not explain his or her role and could encourage the witness to
cooperate notwithstanding the potential risks. At the same time, advice
of a more balanced nature would be permissible but could undercut
counsel's duty to the client if the advice resulted in the loss of
favorable testimony.
It seems evident that our current rules are not as helpful as they
could be, either to lawyers or to unrepresented persons. Attorneys
sympathetic to the plight of the unrepresented person risk doing a
disservice to their own clients' interests or even being forced to
withdraw if found to have unintentionally created a de facto
attorney-client relationship by helping the pro se adversary. Nor do the
rules effectively protect against overreaching by the occasional
unscrupulous attorney. Against this background, the Wisconsin Ethics
2000 Committee considered possible modifications to the rules.
Proposed Changes to the Ethics Rules
The proposed Chapter 20 revisions concerning unrepresented persons
reflect a conscientious effort to balance the interests of represented
clients with those of unrepresented persons and to craft a policy
grounded in both principle and pragmatism. Although there are slight
distinctions in language and coverage among the four rules that address
contact with unrepresented people, all reflect three basic
1) lawyers should always explain their interests when faced with an
unrepresented person;
2) lawyers should be permitted to provide general legal information
to an unrepresented person; but
3) partisan lawyers should never, regardless of their motivation,
give legal advice to an unrepresented person with actual or potential
conflicting interests other than to suggest that the person obtain a
Requiring lawyers to clarify their role is central to a system
committed to fairness to the unrepresented person.16 Such notice can alert the person to the risks of
seeking advice from opposing counsel without limiting any legitimate
advocacy interest of the lawyer. It also would reduce the likelihood of
unwitting disclosures.
At the same time, allowing but not requiring the attorney to provide
general information acknowledges the reality that the pro se party is in
need of help and often looks first to opposing counsel to provide it.
Drawing the line at giving advice represents an effort to accommodate
the realities of practice while reducing the risks inherent in a
dialogue with opposing counsel. Without question, distinguishing
information from advice can be difficult. However, if lawyers can adhere
to the general principle that they may explain the process and
alternative choices but should not, directly or indirectly, seek to
influence what choice the unrepresented person makes, the distinction is
one worth making. Without doubt, a prohibition against giving advice may
require a change in practice for those lawyers accustomed to trying to
help the unrepresented person. However, such a rule has value that
outweighs any short-term inconveniences. First, it would reduce the risk
that sympathetic lawyers would be forced from a case due to the conflict
caused by being "too helpful" and, as a consequence, fail to vigorously
serve their own clients' interests. Second, it could discourage the
unprincipled lawyer from exploiting the lack of counsel under the
pretense of giving advice. And, perhaps most importantly, it would
encourage looking elsewhere than to a lawyer with partisan interests to
provide the guidance pro se litigants need and deserve.
Changes to Rule 20:4.3. Current SCR 20:4.3 does not
require counsel to always clarify his or her role nor does it prohibit
advising an unrepresented adversary. The wisdom of the rule was a topic
of debate among the ABA Ethics 2000 Commission members. The dialogue
culminated in modification of the rule, including:
"The lawyer shall not give legal advice to an unrepresented person,
other than the advice to secure counsel, if the lawyer knows or
reasonably should know that the interests of such a person are or have a
reasonable possibility of being in conflict with the interests of the
The Reporter's Explanation of Changes noted "[t]he reason for the
initial decision to delete the Model Code prohibition [against advising
unrepresented adversaries] was the difficulty of determining what
constitutes impermissible advice-giving. ... Although the line may be
difficult to draw, it is important to discourage lawyers from
overreaching in their negotiations with unrepresented persons." The
commentary to ABA Rule 4.3 was modified as well. As explained by the
Commission's reporter:
"The Commission is proposing three changes in this paragraph. First,
a sentence has been added to indicate that, in order to avoid
misunderstandings, a lawyer will typically need to identify the lawyer's
client and, where necessary, explain that the client has interests
opposed to those of the unrepresented person. The second is the deletion
of the general statement on advicengiving, in recognition that a similar
statement now appears in the text. Finally, a crossnreference to Rule
1.13(d) has been added."
The Wisconsin Ethics 2000 Committee proposal incorporates the recent
ABA changes and, in addition, would require clarification of the
lawyer's interest in all cases involving an unrepresented person rather
than only in those cases in which confusion is apparent. Thus the duty
to clarify would go beyond what the current ABA rules require. Sharing
information would be permissible, but advice other than to seek counsel
would not.
Rule 20:1.13 - Organization as Client. The ABA
adopted several changes to Rule 1.13 in its recent rules revision.
Subsection (d), requiring clarification of the lawyer's interest when
adverse to that of a constituent, was renumbered as subsection (f) but
was otherwise unchanged. The Wisconsin committee recommended adopting
the ABA changes in the interest of uniformity. Given the applicability
of proposed Rule 20:4.3 to all attorneys, the Wisconsin draft would
require the organization lawyer to clarify the lawyer's interest in all
cases and would prohibit giving legal advice to an unrepresented
constituent with adverse interests, other than advice to obtain his or
her own attorney.
New Rule 20:2.4. Prior ethics codes did not address
the lawyer acting as a third party neutral. SCR 20:4.3 would not apply
to lawyers in this role because that rule's text limits its application
to actions "on behalf of a client." In 2002 the ABA added Rule 2.4 to
fill this gap in coverage. Subsection (b) of the ABA rule provides:
"[A] lawyer serving as a third-party neutral shall inform
unrepresented parties that the lawyer is not representing them. When the
lawyer knows or reasonably should know that a party does not understand
the lawyer's role in the matter, the lawyer shall explain the difference
between the lawyer's role as a third-party neutral and a lawyer's role
as one who represents a client."
The Wisconsin Ethics 2000 Committee recommended adopting ABA Rule
2.4. Its purpose and requirements complement the other proposals that
seek to minimize the risk of confusion and unfairness to the
Changes to Rule 20:3.8. The most sweeping proposed
rule changes concerning contact with unrepresented opponents can be
found in proposed Rule 20:3.8. First, the committee has recommended
expanding the definition of "prosecutor" to include "a government
attorney or special prosecutor (i) in a criminal case or delinquency
action or (ii) acting in connection with the protection of a child or
(iii) acting as a municipal prosecutor."17
Subsection (b), which addresses the responsibility to inform the accused
of the right to counsel, would be relettered as subsection (c) but
otherwise be unchanged. Current subsection (c) would be repealed. As
proposed, the new subsections (b) through (d) would provide:
"(b) When communicating with an unrepresented person, a prosecutor
shall inform the person of his or her role and interest in the
"(c) When communicating after the commencement of litigation with an
unrepresented person who has a constitutional or statutory right to
counsel, the prosecutor shall inform the person of the right to counsel
and the procedures to obtain counsel and shall ensure that the person
has been given a reasonable opportunity to obtain counsel.
"(d) When communicating with an unrepresented person after the
commencement of litigation, a prosecutor may discuss the matter, provide
information regarding settlement, and negotiate a resolution which may
include a waiver of constitutional and statutory rights, but a
prosecutor shall not:
"(1) otherwise provide legal advice to the person, including, but not
limited to whether to obtain counsel, whether to accept or reject a
settlement offer, whether to waive important procedural rights or how
the tribunal is likely to rule in the case, or
"(2) assist the person in the completion of (i) guilty plea forms
(ii) forms for the waiver of a preliminary hearing or (iii) forms for
the waiver of a jury trial."
Although proposed subsections (b) through (d) provide substantially
more detail than proposed Rule 20:4.3, the two rules are consistent in
their basic approach and in what behaviors are permitted or prohibited.
The special rule for prosecutors provides more detail than proposed Rule
20:4.3 given the existence of common recurring issues unique to criminal
If adopted, the Wisconsin Ethics 2000 Committee proposed changes
would modify the lawyers' options in the scenarios described earlier. In
each scenario, the lawyers would have to explain that they represent
adverse interests. This would reduce the likelihood that unrepresented
opponents would compromise their interests by disclosing harmful
information. In all cases, lawyers could provide general information but
could not give any legal advice other than to obtain counsel. The
expanded breadth and scope of proposed Rule 20:4.3 would ensure a
baseline of consistent fair treatment for all cases involving
unrepresented persons, supplemented by Rules 20:1.13(d), 20:2.4, and
20:3.8, which apply to specific practice situations.
Lawyer input during the Ethics 2000 process suggested the proposed
changes reflect what many, if not most, lawyers already do. No matter
how the supreme court may ultimately respond to the proposed changes,
incorporating these principles into Wisconsin's ethics rules would
reaffirm the value of a fairness-oriented approach and provide helpful
guidance to attorneys struggling with the need to balance their clients'
interests while also treating opponents with fairness and dignity.
1Under the Wisconsin system,
eligibility for a public defender is determined by balancing the
defendant's estimated cost of living with the estimated cost of
retaining counsel. See Wis. Stat. §§ 49.19(11)(a)1,
977.07(2); Wis. Admin. Code § PD 3.02. The estimated costs of
living have not been legislatively revised since 1987. Nor have
estimates of the cost of private counsel been recently revised to
reflect current costs. As a consequence, a substantial number of
defendants are ineligible for public defenders even though the
defendants have no realistic possibility of retaining counsel.
2See Russell Engler,
And Justice For All - Including the Unrepresented Poor: Revisiting
the Roles of the Judges, Mediators, and Clerks, 67 Ford. L. Rev.
1987, 1987-88 nn.1-3 (1999); Hannah Dugan, Who's Providing Legal
Counsel to Wisconsin's Poor, 74 Wis. Law. 10 (May 2001). Statistics
from Dane County are consistent with the national trend toward
self-representation. A recent report noted that in 2004, 67 percent of
divorce litigants appeared without counsel compared with 45 percent in
1995. Similarly, 43 percent of litigants in large claim civil cases
appeared pro se in 2004 compared with only 31 percent in 1995. State
of the Judiciary Report - Dane County Circuit Court, April
3The proposed solutions include
increased funding for legal service programs; expanding the
responsibilities of clerks, mediators, and judges; and encouraging or
requiring greater attorney participation in pro bono programs, to name a
4The deep divisions within the bar
regarding the legal profession's responsibility to people who cannot
afford legal services are reflected in the opinions of members of the
Wisconsin Supreme Court in its consideration of the WisTAF petition to
impose a $50 assessment on all active State Bar members. In re
Petition of Wis. Trust Account Found. Inc. for Rule Assessing Members of
State Bar of Wis. for Annual Sum to Support Organizations that Provide
Civil Legal Services to Indigent of this State, Order No. 04-05,
March 24, 2005.
5Ethics rules require competent and
diligent pursuit of the client's objectives. SCR 20:1.1-1.3. In
providing vigorous representation counsel may not make affirmative
misrepresentations but is free to take advantage of an adversary's
mistakes or lack of skill or preparation. SCR 20:3.4, 4.1. Although the
current rules do not explicitly mention the duty of zealous advocacy, it
seems that the combination of rules noted essentially imposes the same
6Paragraph one to the Preamble of
the Wisconsin Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys provides, "[a]
lawyer, as a member of the legal profession, is a representative of
clients, an officer of the legal system, and a public citizen having
special responsibility for the quality of justice."
7For example, a recent Westlaw
search of law review articles, textbooks, and bar journals for the terms
"pro bono" and "unrepresented person" found 1,468 references to "pro
bono" compared with 433 references to "unrepresented person" - a ratio
of more than three to one.
8Proposed Rules 20:1.13, 20:2.4,
20:3.8, and 20:4.3 all address attorney contact with an unrepresented
person. Rule 20:4.3 broadly applies to all attorneys in all situations
whereas the other rules deal with specific situations in which the risk
of confusion may exist. The proposals are discussed in greater detail in
the last section of this article.
9The comment to the original ABA
Rule 4.3 did provide, "[d]uring the course of a lawyer's representation
of a client, the lawyer should not give advice to an unrepresented
person other than the advice to obtain counsel." The significance of
this language in Wisconsin is unclear given that when the current
version of chapter 20 was adopted, the Wisconsin Supreme Court expressly
declined to adopt the ABA commentary while ordering that it be "printed
for information purposes." Sup. Ct. Order, June 10, 1987.
10Some courts have held that a de
facto attorney-client relationship existed between an organization's
lawyer and a constituent in situations in which the latter formed an
erroneous but reasonable belief that the lawyer was representing the
constituent's interests. See Rosman v. Shapiro, 653 F.
Supp. 1441 (S.D.N.Y. 1987); Cook v. Laidlaw, Adams & Peck
Inc., 510 N.Y.S. 2d 597 (App. Div. 1987); Kansas Bar Association,
Professional Ethics Committee, Op. 91-3 (1991). The existence of an
attorney-client relationship in turn would require withdrawal from both
cases due to a conflict of interest. See SCR 20:1.7, articulating the
general rule of disqualification for a conflict of interest.
Clarification avoids this possibility.
11The preliminary hearing
requires a showing of probable cause that a felony occurred as a
precondition to requiring a defendant to stand trial. Recent cases have
diminished its significance. See State v. Burke, 153
Wis. 2d 445, 451 N.W.2d 739 (1990); State v. Williams, 198 Wis.
2d 479, 544 N.W.2d 400 (1996); State v. Williams, 198 Wis. 2d
516, 544 N.W.2d 406 (1996); State v. Akins, 198 Wis. 2d 495,
544 N.W.2d 392 (1996).
12The ABA commentary to Rule 3.8
suggests subsection (c) does not apply when a defendant has waived
counsel before a judge. However, as noted, the significance of the
commentary in Wisconsin is unclear. See supra note 9.
13The absence of disciplinary
actions against prosecutors for negotiating with unrepresented
defendants suggests that lawyer regulatory agencies in Wisconsin and
elsewhere have not applied Rule 3.8(c) literally. On the other hand, the
author is aware of several Wisconsin prosecutors who are reluctant to
negotiate with pro se defendants given the rule's text. Clarifying the
boundaries of appropriate lawyer conduct in the rules seems more
desirable than relying on regulators to interpret a poorly drafted rule
in a sensible manner.
14In contrast to the flexibility
provided by application of the Wisconsin rules, Section 3.2 of the
Standards of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers provides, "[a]n
attorney should not advise an unrepresented party." The drafter's
comments to Section 3.2 further state:
"Once it becomes apparent that another party intends to proceed
without a lawyer, the attorney should, at the earliest opportunity,
inform the other party in writing as follows:
- I am your spouse's lawyer.
- I do not and will not represent you.
- I will at all times look out for your spouse's interests, not
- Any statements I make to you about this case should be taken by you
as negotiation or argument on behalf of your spouse and not as advice to
you as to your best interest.
- I urge you to obtain your own lawyer."
15Wisconsin circuit courts have
inherent authority to appoint counsel at county expense. Carpenter
v. County of Dane, 9 Wis. 274 (1859); State v. Sparkman,
27 Wis. 2d 92, 98-99, 133 N.W.2d 776 (1965); State v. Dean, 163
Wis. 2d 503, 471 N.W.2d 310 (Ct. App. 1991). Shrinking public resources
make this an unattractive solution.
16The Ethics 2000 Committee has
proposed changes in two related areas to assist lawyers in understanding
their responsibilities while protecting affected laypersons. The first
is proposed Rule 20:1.18, which articulates duties to prospective
clients. The second is Rule 20:6.5, which deals with lawyers who provide
short-term limited representation to persons.
17Under the current proposal the
definition of a "prosecutor" would be included in Rule 1.0(j), which
provides, "A `prosecutor' includes a government attorney or special
prosecutor (i) in a criminal case, delinquency action or proceeding that
could result in a deprivation of liberty, or (ii) acting in connection
with the protection of a child or (iii) acting as a municipal
prosecutor." Some municipal attorneys have objected to being included as
"prosecutors" under the proposed revisions to Rule 20:3.8. In the view
of one Wisconsin municipal attorney who also served as president of the
State Bar of Wisconsin Government Lawyers section, the rule would
prevent the common practice of advising "pro se defendants of the way a
judge customarily rules in certain common situations..." and would also
prohibit giving advice regarding "the possible impact of a settlement or
adverse judgment on a pro se defendant's automobile insurance." Such
limits on municipal prosecutors were thought to "ignore the reality of
this particular court's environment." Letter from Linda U. Burke to Dean
Dietrich (member of the Wisconsin Ethics 2000 Committee), May 24, 2004.
Proposed Rule 20:4.3 would impose similar limits on all lawyers,
including municipal attorneys, regardless of whether they are considered
"prosecutors." Consequently, the only practical significance of being
included in the definition of "prosecutor" is whether the deception
exception - a new provision allowing prosecutors to advise law
enforcement regarding deceptive investigative strategies - would apply.
See proposed Rule 20:4.1(b).