How to find filings on EDGAR, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's database.
If you donated 50 or more hours of qualifying pro bono legal services to benefit low-income Wisconsin residents in 2024, you qualify as a member of the Wisconsin Pro Bono Honor Society – certify your service by March 1, 2025.
Put your leadership skills into action and gain valuable experience. Lawyers of all experience levels and backgrounds are welcome. Sign up to run for a 2025-26 State Bar Board of Governors' position – petitions are due March 3, 2025.
On May 20, 2024, a rule petition was filed asking the court to establish a right to a qualified court interpreter for certain individuals in municipal court proceedings with limited English proficiency, without regard to indigency, at municipal expense.
Attorney Lindsey Draper shares his journey through the legal profession, emphasizing the importance of lawyer wellness and mental health, on this episode of the Listening to Lawyers podcast.
Estate planning is not a one-and-done event. Attorneys who advise clients on their future wishes need to consider the long term – what could change as life goes on.
What is the best business entity structure for your client’s specific needs? Prof. Nathan Hammons overviews the new "Wisconsin Business Entity Handbook."
Petitions to bypass have increased in use in the past three years, but the end run around the Wisconsin Court of Appeals succeeds rarely, and not everyone on the supreme court agrees when the court should grant bypass.
Looking for CLE? On topics from business litigation trends and tax law developments to speaking and writing effectively, State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE offers programs to keep you on top of your practice.
Do you seek opportunities that will put you in contact with the leaders of your profession? Submit your petition to represent Wisconsin's legal community through the American Bar Association House of Delegates.
Consider stepping forward to accept the challenge of volunteering your time to help the State Bar and those it serves.
A selection of recent Wisconsin case verdicts are shared below.
On July 3, 2024, a rule petition was filed asking the court to amend Supreme Court Rule 13.045(1) to increase the annual assessment of attorneys for the Public Interest Legal Services Fund (PILSF), which supports legal services for people of limited means in non-criminal matters.
On Dec. 30, 2024, Joan M. Boyd filed a petition for reinstatement of her Wisconsin law license.
Your State Bar representatives on the Wisconsin Judicial Council ask for your help to secure proper funding for the Council's important work to improve Wisconsin's rules of court practice and procedure.
The following court rules have been updated recently: Bayfield, Marathon, Milwaukee, Portage, and Taylor counties.
Johanna Kirk of Thorp and Stephen Sawyer of Stevens Point are candidates for State Bar president-elect. Both have experience as lawyers in Wisconsin's rural areas – and these experiences inform their views on important issues facing the legal profession and the State Bar.
Individuals who are not licensed to practice law in Wisconsin are offering and providing immigration legal advice or immigration legal services they are not authorized to provide, according to recent reports the State Bar of Wisconsin has received from bar members.
The unemployment tax exemption requested by Catholic Charities Bureau, Inc. of Superior, which a Wisconsin Supreme Court majority denied, invites the U.S. Supreme Court to evaluate First Amendment protections.
But indicating more data is needed, the court will refer the matter to the Wisconsin Judicial Council for further consideration.
Court rules for the following jurisdictions have been updated recently: U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and Washburn, Outagamie, Langlade, Kenosha, Lincoln, Milwaukee, and Vilas counties.
On June 19, 2024, The Director of State Courts filed this rule petition asking the court to amend, create, and repeal parts of Supreme Court Rule Chapter 70, pertaining to the rules of judicial administration.
The 2025 Wisconsin High School Mock Trial season has begun – the program needs attorneys and judges to help make the tournaments happen. No experience is necessary to help these students compete.
Two new podcasts are joining our rotation: Listening to Lawyers and Practice Pulse.
Starting today, InsideTrack will be delivered to your inbox weekly.
Failure to understand when a FinCEN report is required could subject the lawyer (and potentially the lawyer's firm) to civil penalties of up to $108,489 for a pattern of negligent activity. For willful violations, the lawyer could be subject to imprisonment up to 5 years, a fine of up to $250,000, or both.
The challenge to the Corporate Transparency Act moved rapidly through the federal system in December, resulting in a nationwide injunction that was briefly vacated then reinstated. Now, the U.S. Supreme Court may decide.
Were you admitted to practice law in an even-numbered year? To avoid a late filing fee or other penalties, 2023-24 courses must be completed by Jan. 31, 2025, and CLE reports must be submitted electronically to the Board of Bar Examiners (BBE) on or before Feb. 1, 2025.
Keep your practice up to date with books from State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE, including the new "Wisconsin Business Entity Handbook."
Serving in a leadership position in a State Bar of Wisconsin division helps lawyers lead the profession and make connections with Wisconsin lawyers and offers valuable leadership experience. Learn how to run for a 2025-26 leadership position in your division.
Accurate and reliable forensic science plays a critical role in the pursuit of justice. The Forensic Justice Institute, held online on Jan. 24, 2025, helps lawyers understand scientific evidence and its application in the courtroom.
Dive deep into the importance of intentionally building and fostering your law firm culture – a key ingredient for productivity, retention, and firm success.
A rule petition asking the court to repeal and recreate Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 31.02(5) and create SCR 31.02(6) to "recognize for [continuing legal education] credit education courses regarding cultural competency and the reduction of bias" and to allow attorneys to use up to six hours of such courses each reporting cycle to satisfy their continuing legal education obligation under SCR 31.02(1).
Through the prepayment plan, members can pay FY26 Supreme Court assessments and State Bar dues in installments over six months: Just sign up by early January.
In this season of giving, we ask for your support for the mission and work of the Wisconsin Law Foundation. Our efforts are ambitious, but we cannot do it without your support.
From selling flowers to the Milwaukee Bucks: Chief Legal Officer Mike Sneathern shares lessons from his path in sports law on the Bottom Up podcast.
Civil litigation in Wisconsin is a complex field that requires thorough knowledge of the law. Law librarian Diane Duffey offers a primer on resources essential to civil litigation and procedure as well as tools to help your research.
What are the fundamentals of working with an expert witness and how can attorneys ensure the addition strengthens their case? Nick Watt, a partner with Kramer, Elkins & Watt LLC, shares strategies for selecting, vetting, and preparing expert witnesses for litigation.
On June 19, 2024, the Director of State Courts filed a rule petition asking the court to amend, create, and repeal parts of Supreme Court Rule (SCR) Chapter 70, pertaining to the rules of judicial administration.
On May 20, 2024, Wisconsin Justice Initiative Inc. filed a rule petition asking the court to create Wis. Stat. § 885.375 and amend Wis. Stat. § 885.37 and Supreme Court Rule 63.002 to establish a right to a qualified court interpreter at public expense for certain individuals with limited English proficiency in municipal court proceedings, without regard to indigency.
Keep your practice up to date with books from State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE, including the recently revised Business Litigation & Dispute Resolution in Wisconsin and newly supplement Wisconsin Law of Easements and Restrictive Covenants.
Now is the time to review your CLE credits. From topics on business litigation trends, tax law developments, and speaking and writing effectively, State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE offers programs to keep you on top of your practice.
Late last week a federal district court in Texas struck down the Dept. of Labor rule that was set to increase the salary thresholds again for exempt white-collar executive, professional and administrative employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Do you know someone deserving of recognition for their work in the profession or their community? The State Bar of Wisconsin seeks to honor them for their hard work. Award nominations are due Jan. 31, 2025.
Finding the right group health plan for your firm can be a challenge. One option to consider is the State Bar of Wisconsin Group Health Plan for law firms. Here’s more about it.
The 2025 High School Mock Trial season has begun! Attorneys and judges – we need you to help make the tournaments happen as high school mock trial teams tackle a challenging homicide case set in the context of a video game competition.
People expect your law firm to be available digitally. Stacey Schlemmer, a partner with Peterson, Berk & Cross SC in Green Bay, discusses the critical role of digital marketing for law firms, emphasizing the need for a strong online presence.
State Bar members know Fastcase as a legal research tool, accessible as a member benefit. Now Fastcase users have access to enhanced artificial intelligence through a merger with a global leader in legal intelligence, vLex Group.
There are a lot of scams out there to induce the lawyer to deposit a payment and quickly send funds out by wire transfer from a trust account. Will a lawyer who falls for one face disciplinary action?
Find out more about the 2024 recipient of the John Lederer Distinguished Service Award from the State Bar of Wisconsin's Solo, Small Firm & General Practice Section.
To enhance judicial security and privacy, the Wisconsin Supreme Court and Director of State Courts Office recently implemented new protections for current and former judicial officers.
Wisconsin's attorney shortage in rural parts of the state can leave clients without legal help. The State Bar's summer Rural Clerkship Program highlights the benefits of rural practice.
The Association of Reserve Judges filed a rule petition asking the court to amend Supreme Court Rule 32.08(2) to provide that reserve judges are entitled to a per diem payment (as well as reimbursement of expenses) for attending up to four credits per calendar year of required judicial education seminars.
Administrative law offers a variety of hot topics suited to the blog format. Law librarian and attorney Deborah Darin provides a list of free and credible regulatory sites to help you stay up-to-date in this practice area.
In a night of celebration, the Wisconsin Law Foundation awarded the Goldberg Award to Hon. Mary Triggiano and honored 31 new Fellows.
Getting reliable support can be a game-changer for solo and small firm attorneys. Jody Cooper, a solo practitioner, discusses how to find support that works for you.
Pro Bono Week is Oct. 21-25. Join us as we celebrate a Wisconsin lawyer whose pro bono efforts are lauded by the State Bar of Wisconsin: Philomena Kebec of Odanah.
Open enrollment begins Nov. 1, 2024. Is the State Bar of Wisconsin's Group Health Plan for Law Firms the answer to your health care coverage? Here's more information to help you find out.
Proof, a leading provider of online notarization services, is now an affinity program of the State Bar of Wisconsin. Learn more about Proof and its services for State Bar members.
Election law is an exciting area for those interested in the ways state and federal laws interact. Law librarian Elizabeth Manrique outlines resources to help you boost your research into this rapidly changing area of law.
Keep your practice up to date with books from State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE, including the brand-new Wisconsin Business Entity Handbook and the recently revised Termination of Parental Rights and Adoption.
Now is the time to review your CLE credits. From topics on ethics, negotiation skills, legacy planning for vacation properties, and what you need to boost your solo to medium-size practice, State Bar PINNACLE offers programs to keep you on top of your practice.
On May 30, 2024, the Business Court Advisory Committee filed Rule Petition 16-05E, seeking an amendment to the interim rules governing the pilot project to extend the pilot project until July 1, 2026.
Larry J. Martin, who has served as Executive Director for the State Bar of Wisconsin since 2017, recently announced that he will retire effective Sept. 2, 2025.
Will AI replace lawyers? That's one of the questions explored in the latest episode of the Bottom Up podcast. Hiriam Bradley, an attorney specializing in privacy and technology law, shares his insights.
Young lawyers wanting to better serve their clients should become familiar with mediation, says Randy Westgate, Director of Mediation at Judicare Legal Aid.
The Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Conference returns to the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells in October. Learn answers to questions about running your small, medium, or solo-sized firm.
High School Mock Trial is one of the Wisconsin Law Foundation's signature programs, teaching teenagers about the law and our justice system. Volunteers are needed to coordinate regional tournaments on Feb. 1, 2025.
Whether you are a prosecutor or defense attorney, your argument needs to be compelling. Here is a list of resources that can help you build a strong case, including appropriate caselaw, background, and statistics.
Being concise, clear, and conversational are hallmarks of excellent appellate writing. The State Bar of Wisconsin's Appellate Practice Section recognizes outstanding briefs with its biennial brief-writing competition. On Oct. 17, it will celebrate the two winners of the 2024 competition with a reception open to all State Bar members.
A petition before the Wisconsin Supreme Court – filed by eight organizations, including the Wisconsin Access to Justice Commission – asks the court to increase the $50 fee that lawyers pay towards the public interest legal services fund, to $75, then $100.
Mentors, mentees, and law students are invited to sign up for the State Bar's Ready. Set. Practice. program. Sign up by Oct. 15 for the 2025 program.
Judge Mary Triggiano is the recipient of the Wisconsin Law Foundation's 2024 Charles L. Goldberg Distinguished Service Award. Find out more about her career and accomplishments, and why she is passionate about restorative justice.
Every lawyer wants happy clients. Rebecca DeMarb, a partner at Swanson Sweet LLP, discusses her experiences as a lawyer and consultant, focusing on the expectations clients have, the importance of responsiveness, and effective billing practices.
On Aug. 30, 2024, Kevin R. Rosin filed a petition for reinstatement of his license to practice law in Wisconsin. The Office of Lawyer Regulation will investigate the eligibility of Rosin for reinstatement of his license.
Keep your practice up to date with books from State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE. Here is a list of recently revised or supplemented books.
Now is the time to review your CLE credits. From topics on ethics, negotiation skills, legacy planning for vacation properties, and more, State Bar PINNACLE offers CLE programs to keep you on top of your practice.
Impactful and rewarding: Now is the time to run for a position on the State Bar Board of Governors for next year.
Questions on e-signatures, online notarizations, using AI in legal research, and cybersecurity? Get answers at the Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Conference in October. Reserve your spot now for the best rates.
To better protect privacy and give members more control over personal information, the State Bar is introducing enhanced security protocols.
Get to know the State Bar president-elect candidates as they discuss how they would address the challenges facing Wisconsin attorneys. The election takes place in October to fill a vacancy in the position.
How have recent changes in marijuana laws impacted family court proceedings? Elizabeth Pfeuffer, a Kenosha County Court Commissioner, shares strategies for attorneys working to effectively advocate for their clients where marijuana use is a factor.
Nextpoint, which offers secure e-discovery and transcript management software, is now in partnership with the State Bar of Wisconsin. Learn more about Nextpoint and the discount offered for users who are State Bar members.
The State Bar of Wisconsin G. Lane Ware Leadership Academy will boost your skills – and your confidence. Applications are accepted through Sept. 16, 2024.
When your legal research includes investigating a business or company, it isn't always easy to know where to start. Law Librarian Genevieve Zook outlines resources that are available to the public and are free or inexpensive to use.
This article examines two recent U.S. Court of Appeals opinions that reached different conclusions on whether the use of geofencing data to identify suspects violates the Fourth Amendment's warrant requirement.
A new state appellate procedure rule, Wis. Stat. Rule 809.109, went into effect July 1, 2024.
The Wisconsin Solo and Small Firm Conference returns to the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells in October. Reserve your spot now for the best rates.
For solo and small-firm attorneys litigating against big firms, discovery is often a David vs. Goliath scenario. Kevin Palmersheim shares tips to prioritize essential elements for case preparation and trial, ensuring a streamlined discovery process.
Fall is arriving shortly – and that means now is the time to review your CLE credits. From topics on public records to employee benefits to torts and more, State Bar PINNACLE offers CLE programs to keep you on top of your practice.
Bill Gleisner's career has been marked by landmark victories for disabled clients and leadership on the Wisconsin Judicial Council.
On May 15, 2024, the Association of Reserve Judges filed a rule petition asking the court to amend SCR 32.08(2) to provide that reserve judge are entitled to a per diem payment (as well as reimbursement of expenses) for attending required judicial education programs, for up to four judicial education credits per calendar year.
What are the most common mistakes young lawyers make when taking their case to appellate court? Wisconsin Court of Appeals Judge Thomas Hruz shares tips.
On March 29, 2022, Legal Action of Wisconsin filed a rule petition asking the court to amend Supreme Court Rules 72.01(8), 72.01(9), and 72.01(10) to shorten the record retention period for eviction cases in which no money judgment is entered to one year.
Young lawyers can face several challenges finding desired employment and navigating their early years of practice. Anthony Procaccio, president of the State Bar's Young Lawyers Division, shares lessons from his own journey to discover his legal niche.
Want to hone your leadership skills? Learn how at the State Bar of Wisconsin G. Lane Ware Leadership Academy. Applications are accepted through Sept. 16, 2024.
The State Bar's Diversity Clerkship Program offers law students the opportunity to experience what it is like to work as an attorney in the summer after their 1L year – and to expand their legal skills.
The Wisconsin Client Protection Fund helps clients who have suffered a financial loss due to the dishonest conduct of their attorney. Here's more information about the fund and how you can help your clients and your practice.
This article offers research tips for jump-starting legal research and provides insights on the use of artificial intelligence in legal research and drafting as well as related ethical considerations.
This article examines statistics on the death penalty and looks at two recent stays of execution granted by the U.S. Supreme Court.
The special election for State Bar of Wisconsin president-elect features two candidates familiar with the challenges faced by solo practitioners and small firm attorneys. Learn more about the candidates.
On Jan. 23, 2023, attorneys Caleb R. Gerbitz and James M. Sosnoski filed a rule petition asking the court to amend Wis. Stat. § (Rule) 809.12 to clarify the standard of review for a decision on a motion for stay pending appeal.
What makes for a great mentor? Nicholas Cerwin, the West Allis Deputy City Attorney, was recently named Mentor of the Year by the State Bar of Wisconsin’s Young Lawyers Division. He shares his perspective.
A recent court ruling calls into question longstanding principles underlying the right of boaters and others to use the state's navigable waterways in certain situations.
State Bar members are invited to attend the Executive Committee meeting conducted annually to evaluate the amount of dues members may deduct for activities that are not reasonably related to regulating the legal profession or improving the quality of legal services.
Thanks to donations from State Bar members, the Wisconsin Law Foundation annually provides high-impact grants to programs that promote public understanding of the law and improve the administration of justice. Learn more about the grants and recipients.
Are you a new lawyer who works with underserved people in Wisconsin? The Wisconsin Law Foundation provides financial awards to those who represent underserved populations. Apply by Aug. 30.
Honor a leader in solo and small-firm practice: The State Bar of Wisconsin Solo/Small Firm & General Practice Section is seeking nominations for their 2024 John Lederer Service Award. Nominations are due Sept. 6.
A hypothetical involving a child who finds lost treasure becomes reality after two teenagers find silver dollars valued at over $10,000.
The U.S. Supreme Court issued its final decision this week, totaling 59 opinions for the October 2023 Term. Of those, 25 decisions were decided by a 6-3 or 5-4 majority.
How can law students make the most of a summer clerkship opportunity? Advice for law students and young lawyers.
The State Bar's Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) helps you expand your practice. Join now to gain experience and clients.
On June 18, 2024, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2071, issued proposed modifications to Circuit Rules 46 and 51, and the creation of Circuit Rule 46.1.
On June 25, 2024, Michael D. Petersen filed a petition to reinstate his Wisconsin law license. The Office of Lawyer Regulation (OLR) will investigate the eligibility of Petersen for reinstatement of his license andhas assigned OLR Matter No. 2024MA902 to its investigation.
On May 30, 2024, the committee filed Rule Petition 16-05E, seeking an amendment to the interim rules governing the pilot project to extend the pilot project until July 1, 2026.
On March 29, 2022, Legal Action of Wisconsin filed a rule petition asking the court to amend Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 72.01(8), 72.01(9), and 72.01(10) to shorten the record retention period for eviction cases in which no money judgment is entered to one year.
Wisconsin law balances enjoying the outdoors while preserving the state's natural resources and beauty for all. Attorneys should be aware of the law so their clients can continue to enjoy the Wisconsin outdoors responsibly.
A petition filed with the Wisconsin Supreme Court would ensure that Wisconsin attorneys can get credit for continuing legal education programs related to "cultural competency" and "reduction of bias within the legal system."
Louisiana Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal Judge Scott Schlegel has some advice for his colleagues who are nervous about using AI in their courthouses.
It wasn't just the Bench and Bar Bash at Lambeau Field that sparked conversation and enthusiasm at the State Bar's recent Annual Meeting & Conference.
Morphic, which helps lawyers create a professional online presence, is now in partnership with the State Bar of Wisconsin. Learn more about this platform and the discount offered for users who are State Bar members.
The State Public Defender Board has appointed Jennifer Bias the State Public Defender.
August is a great time for CLE events, networking, and relaxation – now is the time to save your seat for these CLE workshops: the Family Law Workshop and Indian Law CLE.
An afternoon program will explore Wisconsin election issues and how they affect democracy and civic engagement. Register today for this free half-day event on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, which is available via live webcast and in person.
Young lawyers often have blind spots for things they didn’t learn in law school, like trial prep, says Atty. Kristin Slonski. She shares tips.
AI's rapid advance has big implications for the legal system. State bar associations are beginning to take notice.
The number of civil jury trials in Wisconsin has dropped sharply over the last 30 years. In this article, two civil litigators discuss the reasons why.
A discussion on lawyer wellness, stress, and sleep deprivation, focusing on the unique stressors legal professionals face.
As academic years end and summer arrives, many families may explore what the educational future holds for their children and grandchildren. As with anything else, proper planning is key.
Milwaukee attorney Abrielle Newman is recipient of the 2024 Outstanding Young Lawyer award. Find out why she is driven to help her home community of Milwaukee thrive.
The Wisconsin Legislature made numerous changes to the criminal code in the recently concluded session. This article examines six of them.
The 17th annual Intellectual Property Academy is July 11-12 in Sturgeon Bay. Register soon for the best price – the early-bird discount expires Friday, Jun 9, 2023.
When researching the law relating to tribal nations, it is important to distinguish between federal Indian law and tribal law. This article provides guidance on researching tribal law.
The State Bar is celebrating the lawyers admitted in 1974, reaching their 50-year milestone in the legal profession. Together, we honor your years of practice and your many achievements.
Each year, the State Bar honors volunteers who stepped forward to address the legal needs of Wisconsin's most vulnerable residents. Find out more about Odanah lawyer Philomena Kebec, recipient of this year’s Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award.
On April 15, 2024, Sean D. Cooper filed a petition to reinstatehis Wisconsin law license. The Office of Lawyer Regulation (OLR) will investigate the eligibility of Cooper for reinstatement of his license and has assigned OLR Matter No. 2024MA571 to its investigation.
On June 27, 2023, the State Bar of Wisconsin filed a rule petition to amend Supreme Court Rule 10.05(1). The State Bar seeks to add a voting representative to its Board of Governors from its Section Leaders Council.
On Oct. 12, 2023, the Wisconsin Judicial Council and its Appellate Procedure Committee filed a rule petition to create Wis. Stat. § (Rule) 809.109 and amend Wis. Stat. §§ (Rules) 809.10(1)(d) and 809.801(5)(c) to establish an expedited appeals procedure from orders entered pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 971.14, which governs competency proceedings in criminal cases.
Beaver Dam attorney Cassel Villarreal is the recipient of the Wisconsin Law Foundation's Gordon Sinykin Award of Excellence. Find out why she believes volunteering for the Wisconsin High School Mock Trial program is worth 22 years of dedication.
Preparation and specificity are two things young attorneys should keep uppermost in mind when arguing to judges and juries, according to two circuit court judges.
Service to the State Bar of Wisconsin helped Jim Johnson build a successful litigation practice in northern Wisconsin. Learn about this 50-year member.
May 1 is Law Day. State Bar President Dean Dietrich talks about what this day means and why democracy and the rule of law are vitally important to the U.S. and its citizens.
Tom Watson, CEO and president of Wisconsin Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company, knows what it means to reinvent yourself. From radio to family law attorney to insurance executive, Watson talks about his multi-phased career path and shares a deep dive into the parade of horribles that can be legal malpractice insurance.
State Bar of Wisconsin President Dean Dietrich said that volunteering with the State Bar helped him find his "passion."
Iris Christenson is the 2024 recipient of the Diversity & Inclusion Trailblazer Award from the State Bar of Wisconsin Diversity & Inclusion Oversight Committee. Find out why she feels this is not the time to slow down.
On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission issued its long-awaited Non-Compete Clause Rule. The rule prohibits non-compete clauses as an unfair method of restraining competition under the Federal Trade Commission Act.
A hot buyers' market and the settlement of a lawsuit over buyer agent commissions are keeping real estate lawyers busy.
Notice is hereby given that the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2071, proposes modifications to Circuit Rules 34, 47, 60, 31, and 40.
Members should have received their FY 2025 statements for Wisconsin Supreme Court assessments and State Bar of Wisconsin membership dues. Be sure to take advantage of your member benefits.
Register by May 10 for the best rate at the State Bar of Wisconsin Annual Meeting and Conference, June 19-21, in Green Bay. Reserve your spot today.
May is National Treatment Court Month. Brush up on your knowledge of treatment court programs. Law librarian Carol Hassler outlines the resources that answer your questions about Wisconsin's various treatment court programs.
Mindfulness and other well-being practices offer evidence-based relief for lawyers dedicated to the maintenance of a healthy mind, according to Prof. Richard Davidson, founder and director of the Center for Healthy Minds at U.W. Madison.
The State Bar of Wisconsin's Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) connects people seeking lawyers with lawyers seeking clients. Join now and get April, May, and June free in 2024.
Attorneys can boost their emotional IQ and learn to better handle clients' mental health issues, says Jennifer Mohamed, a practicing attorney, yoga teacher, and wellness retreat leader.
This article examines three cases involving constitutional issues related to the searches of digital devices – issues that might soon be taken up by Wisconsin courts.
Judge James P. Daley (retired) of Rock County Circuit Court is the 2024 recipient of the Lifetime Jurist Award. Find out more about Judge Daley, who is being honored for his long career on the bench.
Ever heard of imposter syndrome? In this episode of the Bottom Up podcast, Samantha Huddleston Baker, a partner at OVB Law and Consulting SC in Milwaukee, shares her story of carving out a path in the early years of her legal career.
The Director of State Courts has approved a $15 increase to the circuit court filing fee (eFiling fee), pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 758.19(4m) and § 801.18(7), effective May 1, 2024.
On March 11, 2024, Steven D. Johnson filed a petition for reinstatementof his Wisconsin law license. The Office of Lawyer Regulation (OLR) will investigate the eligibility of Steven D. Johnson for reinstatement of his license and has assigned OLR Matter No. 2024MA401 to its investigation.
Gov. Tony Evers on March 27 signed 2023 Wisconsin Act 245 into law. Known as the Uniform Unsworn Declarations Act, the law eliminates the need to find a notary before filing court documents that must be signed under oath.
Law librarian Wendy Smith offers resources concerning the law of judicial conduct and the judicial rules, constitutional provisions, statutes, regulations, and administrative proceedings governing allegations of judicial misconduct and disability.
In recognition of Healthcare Decisions Day on April 16, the State Bar of Wisconsin is offering a free download of its healthcare decisions guide for a limited time.
Help set the direction and policies of the State Bar of Wisconsin by voting in the upcoming elections. Look for your email ballot. Here's more about the candidates and what you need to know to cast your vote.
They are members of the legal community who make a difference – by living a lifetime of service, mentoring others, offering their pro bono services, and going the extra mile. Congratulations to these 15 award recipients, all leaders in the law.
Louisiana Appeals Court Judge Scott Schlegel and Rutgers Law Professor David Kemp are using artificial intelligence to blaze new trails in the legal industry.
Attend the upcoming webcast, “Healthy Minds in the Legal Profession 2024,” with Dr. Richard Davidson, an internationally recognized neuroscientist from the University of Wisconsin.
How is AI being incorporated into the legal profession? Brent Hoeft, State Bar practice management advisor, reports what he found at ABA TECHSHOW.
Congratulations to Madison West and Shorewood mock trial teams, taking first and second place in the Wisconsin High School Mock Trial finals tournament. Find out why Whitefish Bay’s team won this year’s Spirit of Mock Trial Award.
With the April elections approaching, now is the time to learn about those candidates who are asking for your vote to lead the State Bar of Wisconsin as governors.
Attorneys are generally skilled at high-level, analytical communication because of their training and legal experience. But sometimes, says communications strategist Meg Bucaro, attorneys find their interpersonal communication skills in need of a tune-up.
Linda Roberson helped change the face of the University of Wisconsin Law School and built the largest family law firm in the state.
Litigation over disputes arising from high school sporting events is common in Wisconsin and other states.
Registration is open for the State Bar of Wisconsin Annual Meeting and Conference, June 19-21, in Green Bay. Reserve your spot today.
Like other relatively minor traffic infractions such as rolling a stop sign or driving with a burnt-out tail lamp that might warrant just an oral warning, failing to use a turn signal could open the door to much more grave legal consequences.
Medical malpractice in Wisconsin is a complex and challenging area of litigation. Law librarian Genevieve Zook lists resources to help you with researching your case.
The candidates, who practice in the Milwaukee area, discuss how they would address the challenges facing Wisconsin attorneys.
Congratulations to the teams headed to Madison to compete in the semifinals of the Wisconsin High School Mock Trial Tournament. Volunteers are needed – here’s how to sign up.
"Diversity is something we want to be able to retain in our firms and our companies" says Melissa Caulum Williams, senior counsel at Husch Blackwell LLP.
What’s it like to practice local government law? Michael Morse reflects on his career representing and advising local governments and working as a village attorney, and why he enjoys this area of practice.
Put your leadership skills into action and gain valuable experience. Lawyers of all experience levels and backgrounds are welcome. Sign up to run for a 2024-25 State Bar Board of Governors' position – petitions are due March 1.
Grants of up to $2,600 are available for programs that help public understanding of the legal system. Past recipients include teen court programs across the state and programs that increase access to justice. Apply by April 5, 2024.
The Attorneys for Black Excellence Initiative seeks to raise awareness about the importance of Black professional representation within the legal community and beyond.
Are you a young lawyer looking to learn from judges, network with peers, and pick up tuition-free CLE credits? The 14th annual State Bar of Wisconsin's Young Lawyers Conference is the perfect place for you.
Small businesses – including solo and small law firms – are a very important part of Wisconsin's economy. When it is time to close a business, here's where to start. Law librarian Carol Hassler discusses resources to help with selling a business or firm.
Important changes have arrived to the State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE® CLE seminar attendee Book Bonus discount program. Here’s what you need to know.
The State Bar of Wisconsin High School Mock Trial tournament brings the court system to life for students. Here's how to get involved.
Young lawyers, you're invited: Meet in Madison on Friday, March 8, for CLE sessions and a great way to boost your network and invest in your practice. Reserve your spot today – there is no cost for members of the State Bar of Wisconsin Young Lawyers Division to attend.
Serving on a State Bar committee reconnects you with the profession and gives you the opportunity to get to know lawyers from across the state and practice areas, says State Bar President-elect Jane Bucher.
If you donated 50 or more hours of qualifying pro bono legal services to benefit low-income Wisconsin residents in 2023, you qualify as a member of the Wisconsin Pro Bono Honor Society – certify your service by March 1, 2024.
Practical and ethical considerations are paramount when using artificial intelligence to help draft transactional documents.
The State Bar’s 2024 president-elect race features two candidates with diverse experiences: Ryan Billings and Jennifer Johnson of Milwaukee. Learn about each candidate's background and views on the important issues facing the legal profession and the State Bar.
On June 27, 2023, the State Bar of Wisconsin filed a rule petition seeking to amend Supreme Court Rule 10.05(1) to add a designated voting representative from the Section Leaders Council to the State Bar of Wisconsin Board of Governors.
People seeking legal counsel often need help with mental health as well. State Bar WisLAP Manager Amber Ault offers tips and details for lawyers to help their clients and themselves for mental health services.
What's it like to work at the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI)? Lindsay Fedler discusses what her tasks are as a staff attorney – and has some advice for business and corporate attorneys.
The Computer Center, offering IT services and security for solo and small firms and businesses, is now in partnership with the State Bar of Wisconsin. Learn more about their services and the discount program offered for State Bar members.
Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul discusses the annual State Crime Lab Report and a multistate lawsuit against Meta, the parent company of Facebook.
Have you found something of value recently? The laws surrounding found property in Wisconsin have a deep history. Douglas Frazer explores the history and whether it is truly "finders keepers" in Wisconsin.
This article previews six of the 11 criminal cases due to be decided during the U.S. Supreme Court's 2023-24 term.
Wisconsin residents are struggling to access justice. The Wisconsin Law Foundation is responding. But we need your help. Please consider donating.
The state's legal community turned its to attention to pressing post-pandemic issues this year. Here are the top articles of 2023.
Have you heard of the Bottom Up podcast from the State Bar of Wisconsin? After a year and a half, lawyers are saying this podcast has made a big impact on their profession and practice.
The issues surrounding searches for digital evidence are changing as rapidly as the underlying technology. Jennifer Granick, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union, shares insights from the upcoming Forensic Justice Institute.
Serving in a leadership position in a State Bar of Wisconsin division helps lawyers lead the profession and make connections throughout the state, and offers valuable leadership experience. Learn how to run for a leadership position in your division.
Kraft Kennedy, a legal IT management and consulting firm, is now in partnership with the State Bar of Wisconsin. Learn more about the firm and the discount offered for users who are State Bar members.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a professional hazard of working in the legal profession. Over time it exacts its costs. Here is more about it, and where to look for help.
The holiday season is a time of celebration – but can also be a time of additional sadness for many. You’re not alone in feeling this way – and here are some ideas for finding help.
The legal system is struggling to keep up with advances in genetic genealogy, says Bicka Barlow, an attorney and forensic consultant scheduled to speak at the Forensic Justice Institute on Jan. 19, 2024.
Each year, millions of American workers face a largely unseen yet widespread injustice: wage theft.
Recent amendments to Federal Rule of Evidence 702 mean subtle changes for admitting expert witness testimony.
Boost your brand as a legal leader in 2024 by writing a State Bar of Wisconsin "Know Your Legal Rights" newspaper column on a selected topic.
It's good time of year to check up on your health insurance plans. Find out how the State Bar can help you find the best plan for your situation.
Through the prepayment plan, members can pay FY25 Supreme Court assessments and State Bar dues in installments over six months: Just sign up by early January.
A life-long champion of access to justice, Marsha Mansfield is the recipient of the Wisconsin Law Foundation's 2023 Charles L. Goldberg Distinguished Service Award. Find out more about her career and accomplishments.
Legal blogging is increasingly becoming essential for attorneys looking to broaden their reach and make their mark. Wisconsin lawyers share their perspective on blogging as a career development tool.
Being a lawyer is stressful and isolating. It can be hard to be vulnerable in our profession and very easy to be overwhelmed. Knowing there is a safe place to have difficult conversations with someone who 'gets it' is such a valuable resource.
Impostor syndrome can actually be a good thing, says Maria Serbus, a stress management consult. How to rethink a lack of confidence.
Winning team seeks to tap the paraprofessional pipeline to promote diversity in the legal profession.
Medicare open enrollment runs through Dec. 7. Now is the time to compare your 2024 coverage options. Learn about Medicare and tips for choosing the best options for you, whether you are new to Medicare or continuing your enrollment.
Do you know someone deserving of recognition for their work in the profession or their community? The State Bar of Wisconsin is seeking nominations for jurist, lawyer, legal worker, and other awards – nomination deadline is Jan. 31, 2024.
High School Mock Trial is one of the Wisconsin Law Foundation's signature programs, teaching teenagers about the law and our justice system. Volunteers are needed for regional and semi-regional competitions in February and March – sign up today.
Land use, short-term rentals, and sign ordinances are three issues on municipal attorneys' minds.
The key to marketing yourself by blogging is answering would-be client questions without using too much legalese, says Anthony Murdock, a Milwaukee-based construction attorney. He shares tips for how lawyers can find their legal niche.
On Jan. 23, 2023, attorneys Caleb R. Gerbitz and James M. Sosnoski filed a rule petition asking the court to amend Wis. Stat. § (Rule) 809.12 to clarify the standard of review for a decision on a motion for a stay pending appeal.
Unfortunately, violence against members of the legal profession and wider legal community has only been growing. Newly published, the State Bar's "Reduce Your Risk: A Guide to Personal Safety and Security for the Legal Community," helps you navigate this complex landscape.
Municipal law research can be challenging. Law librarian Deborah Darin gives an overview for gathering relevant primary law sources and useful secondary sources for Wisconsin – and some resources for other states.
Have you or a colleague recently written an exceptional appellate brief? Enter the State Bar's Appellate Practice Section competition to recognize outstanding appellate briefs – entries are due Jan. 31, 2024.
Meet Katie York, Wisconsin's new Acting State Public Defender. Learn more about York and her journey from a dairy farm to the Public Defender's Office in Madison.
William Callahan capped a civil litigation career with a seat on the federal bench.
In this article, two experienced estate planning attorneys share transactional tips.
It was a night of celebration as the Wisconsin Law Foundation awarded the Goldberg Award to Madison attorney Marsha Mansfield and honored 43 new Fellows.
Smokeball, a cloud-based legal practice management software, is now in partnership with the State Bar of Wisconsin. Learn more about this platform and the discount offered for users who are State Bar members.
It's good time of year check up on your health insurance plans. The State Bar can help you find the best plan for your situation – here’s how.
Madison attorney Emily Feinstein includes pro bono work in her practice – and helped create a network of attorneys taking on domestic violence injunctions in Madison. Find out more about Feinstein and how you can get involved.
The need for flexible payment options and pro bono services is great throughout Wisconsin. Robert Forseth, executive director of Rural Access to Justice Inc, shares observations about why and how attorneys should take on pro bono cases.
How can attorneys make time for pro bono work? Jennifer Binkley, director of the Family Court Clinic at U.W. Law School and recipient of the 2023 Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award, shares tips for lawyers considering taking on pro bono cases.
A federal law that goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2024, promises big changes for attorneys who represent businesses, according to Kent Schlienger.
Milwaukee attorney Emil Ovbiagele has dedicated his career to helping lawyers as entrepreneurs. Find out more about the 2023 recipient of the John Lederer Distinguished Service Award from the State Bar of Wisconsin's Solo, Small Firm & General Practice Section.
This month, Kelli Thompson left her position after more than a decade as the State Public Defender. Learn more about Thompson and why she feels the Public Defender's Office is the most critical part of the justice system, and what's next for her.
Attorneys practicing in the rural areas of Wisconsin face significant challenges today. Yet, opportunities also abound for those willing to look beyond the urban centers. Karina O'Brien of Arcadia, Wis., joins the Bottom Up podcast to share her perspective on the challenges and opportunities of rural practice.
Accurately assessing a case at the outset of representation is critical to both client satisfaction and your bottom line.
Find answers to your practice questions at the Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Conference, returning to Wisconsin Dells on Oct. 19-21. Here's where to find the information you need.
A recent case involving arbitration provides lessons for litigators in Wisconsin.
Researching public contracts is a big task. Law librarian Carol Hassler gives an overview of research sources on the formation of public contracts and suggests research strategies.
On Sept. 18, 2023, Jason S. Jankowski filed a petition for reinstatement of his Wisconsin law license.
Lauren Raupp, a 2013 graduate of Marquette University Law School, is a partner at MacGillis Wiemer LLC, based in Wauwatosa. The Wisconsin Association for Justice named her the top young trial lawyer of 2022. Raupp discusses her path to the courtroom, and the keys to her success over the last decade.
It's not easy for small businesses to succeed. You can set your clients' businesses up for success from the start by drafting operating agreements to help them weather potential breakups and more.
The annual Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Conference, Oct. 19-21 in Wisconsin Dells, is a great opportunity for lawyers to discuss the challenges and opportunities they face.
The standard issued by the National Labor Relations Board last month shifts the focus on work rules from employer to employee.
The benefits you gain will be substantial, says State Bar President-elect Jane Bucher, who encourages members to run for a State Bar officer or Board of Governors position.
In addition to boosting your practice, being a mentor or mentee with the State Bar's Ready. Set. Practice. program helps forge long-lasting relationships among colleagues. Sign up by Oct. 15 for the 2024 program.
A competition inspired by the tech sector aims to spark ideas to boost diversity at Wisconsin law firms.
Gain and share your practice insights with colleagues at the Wisconsin Solo and Small Firm Conference. Reserve your spot now for the best rates, and join us in Wisconsin Dells in October.
How can attorneys know if their digital presence online and on social media is performing? Lindsay Marty, a legal marketing expert, shares what lawyers and law firms need to know about business analytics.
To commemorate Constitution Day and Citizenship Day on Sept. 17, this article examines the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark First Amendment case, New York Times Co. v. Sullivan.
This article discusses recent caselaw developments related to the Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law.
Insurance law is a vast and complex field. Find out the essential resources from law librarian Jenny Zook.
The Wisconsin Bar Stewardship Trust has been created to protect certain assets of the State Bar of Wisconsin by placing these assets in a Trust subject to control by selected Trustees and Trust Protectors.
Interested in finding out how AI can boost your practice? Attend Artificial Intelligence for Senior Lawyers, a webcast seminar from State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE and the State Bar Senior Lawyers Division.
How do you make sure your practice management is working well for your law firm? Get answers at the Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Conference, returning to the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells in October. Reserve your spot now for the best rates.
Free speech and transgender rights are only two of the issues that keep school law practitioners busy these days.
As of July 1, 2023, lawyers can now accept credit card and electronic payments. A free CLE program from the Office of Lawyer Regulation helps you learn more about the trust account amendments to SCR 20:1.15 and trust account management generally. Register by Sept. 18, 2023.
Joining the American Bar Association can significantly boost your career. James Casey talks about why he maintains his membership.
One of the biggest differences between clients from different generations is their communications preferences, says Alexis Gaurz, a young lawyer. Garuz shares lessons learned. She will present on the topic at the upcoming State Bar of Wisconsin Solo & Small-firm Conference (WSSFC).
Improperly classifying workers exposes an employer to significant fines and penalties. When the National Labor Relations Board's (NLRB) standards for classifying workers changes frequently, how can you keep on top of the latest rulings?
The Wisconsin Client Protection Fund helps victims of lawyer theft and misconduct. In 2022-23, the Wisconsin Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection Committee reimbursed more than $286K to eight victims of lawyer theft over the past year.
"Systemic change begins with relationships," says Dr. Alexander Gee, president and founder of The Center for Black Excellence and Culture and The Nehemiah Center for Urban Leadership Development in Madison.
Legal Action of Wisconsin filed a rule petition asking the court to amend SCR 72.01(8), 72.01(9), and 72.01(10) to shorten the record retention period for eviction cases in which no money judgment is entered to one year.
The Digital Publication of Tribal Laws Pilot Project addresses a vital need for improved public access to tribal laws. Find out more about the project and the need for greater access to American Indian tribal laws.
A probate case can be confusing and intimidating to those encountering the court system for the first time. Law librarian Carol Hassler discusses the resources that can help you guide your client through the probate process.
Want to boost your skills and become a leader? Learn how at the State Bar of Wisconsin G. Lane Ware Leadership Academy. Applications are accepted through Sept. 11, 2023.
The State Bar's Diversity Clerkship Program offers law students the opportunity to experience what it is like to work as an attorney. Join us in congratulating the employers and clerks who participated this year.
A recent Wisconsin Supreme Court decision highlights the hurdles wrongfully imprisoned persons face in obtaining meaningful compensation in Wisconsin.
Many of our members have had questions and comments about the wisdom of creating a Special Purpose Trust. I want to take this opportunity to address and answer some of those questions in the hope that you will better understand why creating a Special Purpose Trust is a positive step to protect the future financial security of the State Bar as a member organization.
A ban on non-compete agreements would mean big changes for employment law attorneys and their clients.
On June 9, 2021, the State Bar Board of Governors approved bylaw amendments to Article VI Section Organization and Activities.
On March 22, 2022, the State Bar of Wisconsin filed a rule petition asking the court to amend SCR 31.02(5) & (6) to create a new specialty continuing legal education credit that would be called the "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access" (DEIA) credit.
On March 23, 2022, the State Bar Standing Committee on Professional Ethics filed a rule petition asking the court to amend SCR 20:8.4(i) and replace the existing language with ABA Model Rule 8.4(g).
Take 10 minutes to let the Wisconsin Supreme Court's Planning and Policy Advisory Committee (PPAC) know what you think about critical issues within the court system.
A former client made false claims about my representation in a critical review online. I'm worried about what it may do to my reputation. How can I respond?
Five years after her death in 2018, a jury settled a family dispute over the estate of renowned singer Aretha Franklin. It's another reminder that adding estate planning to your practice can help families avoid conflicts following the death of a loved one.
Are you a new lawyer who works with underserved people in Wisconsin? The Wisconsin Law Foundation provides financial awards to those who represent underserved populations – people who have difficulty affording legal services and those in rural areas with access to legal services. Apply by Sept. 8.
Honor a leader in solo and small-firm practice: The State Bar of Wisconsin Solo/Small Firm & General Practice Section is seeking nominations for their 2023 John Lederer Service Award. Nominations are due Sept. 8.
The Wisconsin Solo and Small Firm Conference is returning to the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells in October. Reserve your spot now for the best rates.
To give your client the best chance to win on appeal, attorneys must work to ensure that the court record is clear, says Wisconsin Appeals Court Judge Mary Lazar.
Jeunesse Rutledge is president of the Association for Women Lawyers, an organization that boosts the careers of women lawyers in Wisconsin.
When you practice in two separate jurisdictions that have different trust account rules, do you need to use separate trust accounts to comply with the different rules?
AI-generated deepfake content is already being used in political campaigns, and is starting to have an impact on various areas of law – and potentially on your client’s case. How can you find out how to recognize its use?
Digital recording has become essential to one of the judicial branch’s core functions: producing accurate court records.
This order addresses the requirements for the filing and service of documents in "judicial/attorney proceedings," defined infra, before the Wisconsin Supreme Court, following the implementation of mandatory eFiling for all other cases, as set forth in S. Ct. Order 19-02C & 20-07C, 2023 WI 10 (issued Feb. 21, 2023, eff. Apr. 1, 2023), and the corresponding Second Amended Revised Interim Rule.
Overwhelmed with anxiety and depression, Peter J. Carman for a time considered quitting legal practice. A call to the State Bar's Wisconsin Lawyers Assistance Program (WisLAP) changed that.
Rocket Matter, practice management software built for legal professionals, is now in partnership with the State Bar of Wisconsin. Learn more about this software and the discount offered for users who are State Bar members.
The 17th annual Intellectual Property Academy is July 20-21 in the Lake Geneva area. Register soon for the best price – the early-bird discount expires Friday, Jun 9, 2023.
The U.S. Supreme Court has decided 34 cases this term, but the Court has not yet issued decisions in 25 cases heard in oral argument.
On April 26, 2023, James C. Ritland filed a petition to reinstate his Wisconsin law license.
Employment discrimination complaints may be covered under state and federal law, and potentially even local provisions. Law librarian Elana Olson discusses the resources that serve as a guide when researching the law of employment discrimination.
Thanks to donations from State Bar of Wisconsin members, the Wisconsin Law Foundation annually provides high-impact grants to programs that promote public understanding of the law and improve the administration of justice. Learn more about the grants and recipients.
What types of ethical pitfalls should young lawyers know as they begin their legal career? Stacie Rosenzweig shares tips for new attorneys.
Judge Patricia Curley served on the Milwaukee County bench with her father before moving up to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals.
Does a lawyer serving as a testifying expert witness have a client? And if not, what kinds of conflicts arise from serving as an expert?
TimeSolv, a time and billing platform built for legal professionals, is now in partnership with the State Bar of Wisconsin. Learn more about this platform and the discount offered for users who are State Bar members.
CosmoLex, part of the ProfitSolv suite of products, is now in partnership with the State Bar of Wisconsin, and offers one platform for your law firm’s legal and business accounting needs. State Bar members receive a discount when working with Cosmolex.
The State Bar is celebrating the lawyers admitted in 1973, reaching their 50-year milestone in the legal profession. Together, we honor your years of practice and your many achievements.
Judge Ramona Gonzalez of La Crosse County Circuit Court is the 2023 recipient of the Lifetime Jurist Award. Find out more about why Judge Gonzalez, who is being honored for her long career on the bench, said ‘no’ to retirement in 2022.
Cancel culture is aimed at speech that, while subjectively harmful, is properly beyond the reach of government regulation, says Prof. Franciska Coleman. She will present at the upcoming State Bar of Wisconsin Annual Meeting & Conference.
This article explores law student debt and the downstream impact on the legal profession, with analyses from Jim Leipold of the Law School Admissions Counsel.
In 2019, the Wisconsin Legislature raised the rate paid to private attorneys taking overflow cases from the State Public Defender’s Office, from $40 per hour to $70 per hour. But inflation quickly eroded attorneys’ financial ability to take those cases.
Lawyers who handle appellate cases must stay on top of decisions of the higher courts, especially as they apply to their current cases. Analyzing court decisions is a key part of the practice – as is finding the resources that can help their clients' cases. Here's an example and a list of resources to help you stay up to date.
Your donations to the Wisconsin Law Foundation support its mission to promote access to justice, leadership in the profession, and law-related public service through funding of innovative and creative programs. Here’s how you can help support its mission.
As a lawyer, you have the skills to be a leader. Here are more tips on cultivating leadership skills from State Bar of Wisconsin President Margaret Hickey.
Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Carl Ashley has been named the State Bar of Wisconsin’s 2023 Diversity and Inclusion Trailblazer.
Racially restrictive covenants segregated Wisconsin communities in the early 20th century and these covenants remain embedded in historical deed contracts. Law librarian Wendy Smith discusses researching historical deeds for racial covenant language and the organizations dedicated to identifying and digitizing these records.
In December 2022, CCAP (Consolidated Court Automation Programs) released an exhibits function that allows eFiling parties to pre-file hearing exhibits through the eFiling system. The function also enables clerks of circuit court, juvenile clerks, and registers in probate to more easily manage electronic exhibits.
Members should have received FY 2024 statements for Wisconsin Supreme Court assessments and State Bar of Wisconsin membership dues. Be sure to take advantage of your member benefits.
May 5 is the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. A task force convened by Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul is working on the issues at the heart of the crisis.
May 1-5 is Lawyer Well-being Week. Four attorneys who volunteer with the State Bar of Wisconsin's Lawyer Assistance Program (WisLAP) share their tips for staying well.
Homebuyers purchasing property in a planned development are sometimes required to join a homeowners association. HOA boards are entrusted with the power to enforce association rules – and can face a balancing act among property owners.
See Dr. Alexander Gee of Madison at the 2023 Annual Meeting & Conference – where he will talk about what it takes to be an agent of change in the legal profession.
Do you practice health password hygiene? Most people don't – but a password manager can help you protect the security of your clients' information. Learn more about choosing and using a password manager.
On March 29, 2023, Amoun Vang Sayaovong filed a petition to reinstate his Wisconsin law license.
When determining whether adverse authority must be disclosed to the tribunal, is it really adverse if I can distinguish the case? Turns out, you should bring to the court's attention any authority in the controlling jurisdiction that could reasonably be interpreted as adverse, whether you can distinguish it or not.
Monroe County Circuit Court Judge Rick Radcliffe is the recipient of the State Bar of Wisconsin's 2023 Judge of the Year award. Find out why he's made a significant impact on his community since becoming a judge in 2017.
Judge Brown, a natural rights scholar, will be one of three panelists to bring perspectives on what is termed "cancel culture."
Lisa Procaccio, assistant corporation counsel for Milwaukee County, is the 2023 Young Lawyers Division’s Outstanding Young Lawyer of the Year. She shares tips for new lawyers wanting to make an impact in their profession.
Criminal defense lawyer Brian Dimmer says that two recently enacted changes to the state constitutional provision on cash bail will likely add to the pressures pushing on the underfunded criminal justice system.
Milwaukee attorney Larry Whitley went straight from law school to an in-house counsel position, working on billion dollar deals in real estate right out the gate. In the latest episode of the Bottom Up Podcast, Whitley shares more about his journey.
The law of defamation – and its related law of damages – is an area of practice renowned for its complexity. Finding resources to help clarify the definitions is just the first step in crafting a lawsuit or defense for your client.
On July 15, 2022, the Office of Lawyer Regulation (OLR) filed a rule petition asking the court to amend SCR 20:1.0 and SCR 20:1.15 to permit electronic transactions in lawyer trust accounts.
Shifts in workforce demographics, inflation, and disruptive technologies require attorneys and law firms to be more resilient and adaptable than ever, according to Courtney Clark, the closing plenary speaker at the State Bar's 2023 Annual Meeting and Conference, June 14-16 in Milwaukee.
The legal community is looking forward to welcoming this year’s 3Ls as colleagues when they graduate, and to helping 1Ls and 2Ls with their summer positions. Law librarian Elizabeth Manriquez lists 5 tips to help both law students and new lawyers in their first professional positions.
The ABA TECHSHOW returned to in-person in March this year. Michael Eichacker talks about the latest in technology of interest to legal professionals.
The State Bar of Wisconsin's Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) connects people seeking lawyers with lawyers seeking clients. Join now and get April, May, and June free in 2023.
A newly expanded partnership between the State Bar of Wisconsin and Johnson Financial Group offers personalized financial solutions to help you manage your day-to-day finances, including cash flow management and customized lending options for your firm. Find out more about how this new partnership can also help you with your personal financial needs.
They are members of the legal community who make a difference – by mentoring others, offering their pro bono services, and going the extra mile. Congratulations to these 15 award recipients.
In recognition of Healthcare Decisions Day on April 16, the State Bar is offering a free download – April 12 through April 24 – of its health care decisions guide, "A Gift to Your Family: Planning Ahead for Future Health Needs."
Help set the direction and policies of the State Bar of Wisconsin by voting in the upcoming elections. Look for your email ballot. Here's what you need to know to cast your vote.
Accepting electronic payments is now easier for Wisconsin lawyers. Find out more about the new rule on accepting electronic payments to your trust account.
The Brewers' Marti Wronski, one of a handful of women executives in Major League Baseball, moves from general counsel to chief operating officer.
Water law is a complex area of law, touching on the areas of property law, environmental law, and public health and welfare. Here are several resources for attorneys who need to learn more about the challenges of water law in Wisconsin.
Serving on a State Bar of Wisconsin committee is a way to make a difference quickly in the legal profession and in the justice system, says T.R. Williams, who previously served on the State Bar's Leadership Development Committee.
On February 21, 2023, the Wisconsin Supreme Court adopted the Second Amended Revised Interim Rule governing eFiling. The order and interim rule set forth a timeline for a phased transition to mandatory eFiling in the Supreme Court in the next several months.
Solo criminal defense lawyer Bill Jones is a criminal defense lawyer by day. Outside of work, he plays hurling, an Irish sport billed as the fastest game on grass. In this article, Jones discusses the law, and hurling.
U.W. Law School is among a number of U.S. law schools that will no longer provide data to the U.S. News & World Report Law School Survey Rankings. In this article, U.W. Law School Dean Daniel Tokaji, as well as Marquette University Law School Dean Joseph Kearney, provide perspectives on the survey rankings.
Congratulations to Waukesha South and Shorewood High School teams as finalists in the Wisconsin High School Mock Trial Tournament, the first in-person finals competition since 2019.
Find out more about Tracey Schwalbe and the impact she has made on Wisconsin’s Indigenous people and those involved in unemployment insurance issues.
On Jan. 21, 2022, the Planning and Policy Advisory Committee (PPAC) Videoconferencing Subcommittee filed this amended rule petition asking the court to amend Wis. Stat. sections 885.50, 885.52, 885.54, 885.56, 885.58, 885.60, relating to the Use of Videoconferencing Technology.
A recently issued ABA Formal Ethics Opinion provides further guidance for Wisconsin on whether replying to an email from opposing counsel that includes opposing counsel's client could violate ethics rules.
This order expands the eFiling pilot project for the Wisconsin Supreme Court and sets forth a timeline for a phased transition to voluntary and then mandatory eFiling for most cases and proceedings in the supreme court.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court, on its own motion, has determined that it is appropriate to amend Supreme Court Rule 22.19, which governs petitions for consensual license revocation.
Resources that help you to research a comprehensive estate plan for your clients.
Grants of up to $2,500 are available for programs that help public understanding of the legal system. Past recipients include ABC for Health, Inc., and teen court programs across the state. Apply by April 7, 2023.
Ideas for helping your clients avoid homebuyer’s regret.
The candidates, who practice in the Madison area, discuss how they would address the challenges facing Wisconsin attorneys.
Registration is open for the State Bar of Wisconsin Annual Meeting & Conference, June 14-16 at The Pfister Hotel in downtown Milwaukee.
New lawyers, you're invited: Meet in Oshkosh on March 31 for free CLE sessions and networking. Reserve your spot today.
Attorneys should be aware of a new real estate scam: cybercriminals who con realtors into selling property they don't actually own. Cheri Hipenbecker, general counsel for Milwaukee’s Knight Barry Title Group, explains.
Judge Gary Sherman, a native Chicagoan, built a practice in rural northern Wisconsin and served as State Bar of Wisconsin president.
Congratulations to the teams who competed in 2023 Wisconsin High School Mock Trial regional tournament! The top 20 teams will compete in the semifinals tournament in early March in Madison.
Under the right circumstances, the conversion and domestication provisions of the Revised Act can be powerful tools for practitioners to efficiently and expeditiously position a client's business entity for a significant transaction, more favorable tax treatment, or to strengthen management's position.
Much has changed in the past two decades in Wisconsin courts involving business litigation, yet there's no "manual for complex litigation" specific to Wisconsin. Here are resources for attorneys who need to to learn more about the challenges in complex litigation in Wisconsin state courts.
Joint representation cases can cause a dilemma when one of the clients withdraws from representation. When can you keep representing the other clients and when must you withdraw completely?
The State Bar is launching a new cookie management tool that provides a clear and accessible way for you to control your data settings when visiting the organization's websites.
State Bar service opportunities allow attorneys to give back to the legal profession while bettering their practices. Felicia Owen talks about her experience as member of the State Bar's Board of Governors.
Find out why two Foley & Lardner attorneys are committed to organizing Wills for Heroes, which helps first responders receive basic estate-planning documents at no cost.
The court battle over Lisa Marie Presley's estate should remind attorneys to tend to estate planning basics.
What does it take to make partner at a law firm? Rebeca Lopez, a shareholder at Godfrey & Kahn SC, shares insights on the secret to her success.
Ashley A. Smith is president of the Wisconsin Association of African-American Lawyers (WAAL). Find out more about Smith and her thoughts on being a new lawyer and improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in the profession.
Among the state legislature's 132 members, only 10 are lawyers, a decline that continues in Wisconsin and other states.
Business and contract law are both incredibly broad areas of law. Law librarian Carol Hassler provides an overview of some popular sources and offers tips on narrowing your search.
Do you seek opportunities that will put you in contact with the leaders of your profession? Submit your petition to represent Wisconsin's legal community through the American Bar Association House of Delegates. This year, one of the delegates must be a young lawyer.
The death of Lisa Marie Presley brings to light issues such probate issues as determination of heirs, the power and duties of personal representatives, and the role of a guardian ad litem.
If you donated 50 or more hours of qualifying pro bono legal services to benefit low-income Wisconsin residents in 2022, you qualify as a member of the Wisconsin Pro Bono Honor Society – certify your service by Feb. 28.
Volunteering to serve on a State Bar of Wisconsin committee benefits your profession and the justice system – while boosting your leadership skills. Volunteers are needed for the 2023-24 fiscal year. Apply by April 15.
Lawyers have a duty to protect their client's confidential information. Here are ways to implement security measures to safeguard data from unauthorized disclosure.
Service to the legal profession through the State Bar provides opportunities for attorneys. Joe Cardamone shares how it's impacted his career.
What are the central issues facing the legal profession? The candidates for president-elect share their backgrounds and how they plan to meet the challenges ahead.
Are You Taking Advantage of Your Member Benefits?
"You have to start thinking like a business owner not just as an attorney, that is a turning point," says Erin Ogden, managing attorney at Ogden Glazer + Schaefer in Madison.
As part of an ongoing series related to transactional law in both Wisconsin Lawyer magazine and InsideTrack, we highlight the work of in-house counsel. In this issue, we talk with Angela Arrington of Alliant Energy Corp.
Lawyers admitted in an even-numbered year: Your continuing legal education (CLE) reporting deadline is Feb. 1. Here is a quick guide to answer your reporting questions.
The State Bar of Wisconsin's Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) connects people seeking lawyers with lawyers seeking clients. Now's the time to save on your 2023 membership – allowing you the opportunity to expand your practice.
Petition seeking to amend SCR 20:1.15 (Safekeeping property; trust accounts and fiduciary accounts) and SCR 20:1.0 (Terminology) to permit electronic transactions in lawyer trust accounts and to make other related changes to the rules governing lawyer trust accounts.
This column, which answers a question about communicating with an opposing party who receives limited scope representation, also highlights an important point: always start your research with Wisconsin's rules of professional conduct for attorneys.
Prosecutor situation in Dodge County isn't an isolated event. A Criminal Justice Coalition is seeking to change a systemwide problem.
High school students will tackle the difficult issues presented in a homicide case – as the State Bar High School Mock Trial tournament resumes in-person competitions for 2023. Volunteer-referees are needed for the regional and state tournament competitions in February and March.
Law students and young lawyers: what do you want out of your legal career? Developing an entrepreneurial mindset may help you get there.
Contrary to popular belief, our memories are fragmentary, says Craig Stark, professor of neurobiology at U.C.-Irvine. He will present at the Forensic Justice Institute, a virtual event, Jan. 19-20, 2023.
Is this a familiar scenario? A family member, friend, or client asks a legal question in an area of practice not familiar to you. Here are insider practice tips for 10 areas of practice in the Wisconsin Attorney's Desk Reference from State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE.
Wisconsin has over 1,600 jury instructions, and all are now available online at no cost. Law librarian Carol Hassler discusses the basics of Wisconsin jury instructions, and how to stay on top of the latest updates.
Put your leadership skills into action and gain valuable experience. Lawyers of all experience levels and backgrounds are welcome. Sign up to run for a 2023 State Bar Board of Governors' position – petitions are due March 1.
At the State Bar of Wisconsin's most recent Board of Governors meeting, President-elect Dean R. Dietrich addressed concerns about the challenges the Board will face when looking at the State Bar budget for the next fiscal year.
Threats against the legal community are rising, an unfortunate reality. Here are three tips to help you make your home more secure, according to ADT Custom Home Services. As a new affinity partner with the State Bar of Wisconsin, ADT now offers discounts on home security systems for State Bar members.
Blogging and practice-management software are two trends you can't afford to ignore.
Become a mentor and do well by doing good.
Are you a member of the State Bar of Wisconsin's Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS)? Here's your chance to write for the legal column, Know Your Legal Rights, with publication in newspapers across Wisconsin.
PPAC Court Security Subcommittee filed a rule petition asking the court to update SCR Chapter 68 to reflect updated standards for courthouse construction, renovation, technology, and to better define county-level and facility committee's responsibilities.
Firearm identification evidence is undergoing heightened scrutiny, according to Kristen McGowan, Ph.D.
Criminal defense attorney Jessa Nicholson Goetz makes it a habit to discuss the important issues in a case during jury selection, long before she gives her closing argument.
The Great Lakes Compact is the binational agreement signed by the eight U.S. states and two Canadian provinces that border the Great Lakes. Law librarian Jenny Zook introduces resources helpful when researching the Compact, including guidance documents and legislative materials.
From finding out if your information has been in a data breach to helping manage your phone systems, the State Bar of Wisconsin Practice411 elist gives lawyers tips on managing their practice. Here are its top tips from 2022.
In a case with a client who does not dispute the fee yet and there's no written fee agreement, can the client refuse to pay me for being "unethical"?
Wisconsin's legal community continued to produce top-notch content. Here are the top articles of 2022.
How has the pandemic changed the way judges conduct court proceedings? Dodge County Circuit Court Judge Kristine Snow shares some views from the bench.
Speakers at the second annual Forensic Justice Institute will discuss the emerging science of criminal forensics.
An temporary order that increased from 15 to 30 the number of on-demand CLE credits Wisconsin lawyers may claim in a reporting period will expire on Jan. 31, 2023, under an order issued by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Interested in making the most of your access to Books UnBound, the digital online library of legal books from State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE? Check out these tutorials.
As you consider year-end giving, please think about supporting the Wisconsin Law Foundation. Your support, now more than ever, is critical to the foundation's ability to fund important programs and services across Wisconsin.
Pay your FY 24 Supreme Court assessments and State Bar dues over six months: Sign up by early January.
In 2021, more than 16,600 divorce cases were opened in Wisconsin, according to circuit court statistics. The lawyers who handle them know that divorces involve complex decisions and a lot of paperwork. Here are a few time-saving tips for efficiently working with a new divorce client.
High school students will tackle the difficult issues presented in a homicide case as the 2023 Wisconsin High School Mock Trial finals competition returns to the first in-person competitions since 2019.
The Office of Lawyer Regulation Procedure Review Committee filed a rule petition seeking to modify the Supreme Court Rules to afford referees more authority to rule on certain attorney disciplinary matters.
When a lawyer leaves a firm, is it permissible for the firm to impose a fee on that lawyer for each client that follows the lawyer to the new firm?
Do you know someone deserving of recognition for their work in the profession or their community? The State Bar of Wisconsin is seeking nominations for jurist, lawyer, legal worker, and other awards – nomination deadline is Jan. 31, 2023.
The key to maintaining a flexible schedule is managing client expectations, says solo practitioner and single parent JoAnn Gromowski.
In a new iteration of a common trust account scam, the criminal poses as a business representative seeking to collect on a settlement relating to software copyright infringement. Find out how to avoid becoming a victim of this scam.
What does work-life balance mean to you? Four attorneys dive deep into answering questions surrounding this hot topic in the latest episode of Bottom Up,” a WisLawNOW Podcast produced by the State Bar of Wisconsin.
Are you making the most of your State Bar membership benefits and discounts? In addition to programs that help you boost your practice, there's a new discount partner that can help you boost your wellness.
For the first time since 2019, lawyers gathered in-person in Wisconsin Dells for the State Bar’s annual Wisconsin Solo and Small Firm Conference.
As the number of people age 65 or older continues to rise in the U.S., more lawyers are needed to assist older Americans on issues of health care.
Accepting electronic payments would become easier for Wisconsin lawyers under the terms of a rule petition filed with the state supreme court by the Office of Lawyer Regulation.
How to defuse tense situations with clients and others you encounter in your practice.
Judge Tim Samuelson is working to demystify the lawyer regulation process in Wisconsin.
National Paralegal Day is Oct. 23, 2022. More than 260 paralegals in Wisconsin have completed the State Bar of Wisconsin Certified Paralegal™ program since 2018. Meet two of them: Jennifer Wiechec and Stephanie Mackey.
Gavel Marketing, now in partnership with the State Bar of Wisconsin, offers professional marketing and branding services for your law firm. State Bar members receive a discount when working with Gavel Marketing.
It's good time of year to run a checkup on your health insurance plans. Open Enrollment for the State Bar of Wisconsin Group Health Plan for law firms is Nov. 1 through Dec. 15, 2022. Here's how the State Bar can help you find the best plan for your situation.
Wauwatosa attorney Kate Knowlton has dedicated many years to championing Wisconsin's solo and small-firm lawyers. This year, Knowlton is the recipient of the John Lederer Distinguished Service Award from the State Bar of Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Section.
When the opportunity opens up to run for district attorney, what conflicts arise for an established criminal defense attorney interested in running?
With Election Day just around the corner, now is a good time to review the latest in election law. Law Librarian Elizabeth Manriquez provides resources for research in the area of federal and state election laws.
An annual tradition for the Racine County Bar Association creates a sense of community for its new members, while connecting the past with the future.
While publicly traded companies have a wealth of information easily available, private businesses are more difficult to research. Law librarian Carol Hassler offers tips and websites that will aid in your legal research.
Whether you want to grow your practice with new clients, add a new area of practice, or expand into another market, the State Bar of Wisconsin's Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) can help – now at a discounted price through June 2023.
Insurance law in Wisconsin is constantly in motion. Staying on top of developments in case law and evolving interpretations of policy terms is an important part of the art of practicing insurance law.
In addition to boosting your practice, being a mentor or mentee with the State Bar of Wisconsin's mentoring program, Ready.Set.Practice., helps to forge long-lasting relationships among colleagues in the legal profession.
Expand your community by making connections with other small-firm and solo lawyers at the 2022 Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Conference. Choose to attend in person on Oct. 27-29 in Wisconsin Dells or online Nov. 14-16 – or both.
“Legal ethics is cool,” says Stuart Teicher, a legal educator and adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law School and self-proclaimed "ethics geek." He will present at the upcoming Wisconsin Solo and Small-firm Conference.
Lawyers with student loan debt often make mistakes when approaching their debt says Stanley Tate, a lawyer who specializes in student loan debt relief. He will provide a plenary address at the upcoming Wisconsin Solo and Small-Firm Conference.
Understanding Wisconsin's election laws with Madison City Attorney Mike Haas.
The Wisconsin Law Foundation honors 19 new Fellows and the 2022 Goldberg Award recipient, Michelle Behnke.
Recent decisions by state and federal courts will affect the administration of the upcoming November election. In this article, panelists from an upcoming State Bar of Wisconsin elections law seminar discuss the decisions.
Many lawyers begin their careers burdened with six-figure debts. A recent presidential executive order and a federal loan forgiveness program offer some relief.
Solo and small-firm lawyers looking to take their practices to the next level should attend the annual Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Conference, says Brent Hoeft, chair of the conference’s organizing committee.
Animal law is a broad topic that intersects with many other areas of law, making research a challenge. Law librarian Elizabeth Manriquez lists resources and offers tips to boost your research skills.
Lawyers involved in creating business entities work with those involved with the entity. But, when potential conflicts arise, who actually is the client – the entity, or the entity's owners?
The e-reader platform used by State Bar members to access the legal books offered by PINNACLE has just gotten an upgrade. Here's what's new.
Service to the profession is part of our responsibilities as a professional, says State Bar President-elect Dean R. Dietrich, who encourages members to run for a State Bar officer or Board of Governors position.
Nancy Phelps rose from humble beginnings to travel the world and file trailblazing lawsuits during her 50-year career, handling more than 10,000 family law cases.
Claude Covelli looks back on a career that saw him try more than 200 cases and argue a case before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Decisions on legislative maps, the authority to adopt pandemic control measures, and public records were among the cases decided this term by a 4-3 margin. This article includes insights from a legal historian, as well as a civil litigator and a former public defender, and lists the holding and vote in each case.
Constitution Day is Sept. 17. Here's how teachers in Lodi and Brookfield teach the Constitution – and apply it to their mock trial training programs.
When you are tasked with helping your clients plan for their future, the details of their plan require investigative effort on the part of the attorney.
The Planning and Policy Advisory Committee Court Security Subcommittee filed a rule petition asking the court to update SCR Chapter 68 to incorporate updated standards for courthouse construction, renovation, technology, and to better define county-level security and facility committee responsibilities.
There are opportunities for attorneys throughout greater Wisconsin, says Dena Welden, a lawyer with the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.
A new WisLawNOW podcast called "Bottom Up," produced by the State Bar, features frank discussions and relatable stories that highlight the interests, challenges, and opportunities for attorneys in their first decade of practice.
A nontrivial number of attorneys are failing to take the necessary steps to “opt in” to the mandatory court of appeals eFiling system. This issue and others are addressed by the Judicial Council’s Appellate Practice Committee through proposed rules and outreach to the bar.
If you're looking to grow your network, hone your skills, and become a leader in the legal profession, apply for a spot in the G. Lane Ware Leadership Academy, says Kristen Hardy, a 2016 graduate who is now a State Bar leader.
How can attorneys make their appeals be a bit more appealing? Judge Joseph Donald of the Wisconsin Court of Appeals shares tips.
Learn tips and tricks to enhance your solo or small-firm practice at the 2022 Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Conference. This year you can choose to attend in person on Oct. 27-29 in Wisconsin Dells or online Nov. 14-16 – or both.
Can you agree in advance to pay any award of attorney's fees assessed against your client?
Electronic bikes and scooters are more popular than ever. Though foolish and risky both to the driver and the public, riding an electric bike or scooter on a public road while under the influence does not appear to violate Wisconsin OWI laws.
Recent federal court decisions counsel caution when attempting to regulate student expression related to firearms.
Martina Gast, chair of the State Bar’s Indian Law section, says the upcoming annual CLE will touch on topics ranging from sports betting at tribal casinos to tribal judges.
With hundreds of municipalities in Wisconsin, where do you start your research? Law Librarian Emily Gellings provides a list of resources and how to stay current in this vast and varied area of law.
Interested in gaining more tools and skills to help you succeed, and a network of colleagues to support you? The G. Lane Ware Leadership Academy helps you do just that, say its graduates. Apply for the 2022-23 Leadership Academy by Sept. 12.
The Wisconsin Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection Committee reimbursed more than $130K to nine victims of lawyer theft over the past year.
Tom Shorter, a partner at Husch Blackwell, and David Cade, the CEO of the American Health Lawyers Association, will present on a range of state and federal health law developments, at the upcoming Health, Labor, and Employment Law Institute.
For the clerks of the 2022 State Bar of Wisconsin Diversity Clerkship Program, the summer offered confirmation of their decision to enter the legal profession.
WisLawNOW has grown to include close to 50 law blogs that provide timely updates across practice areas and drive people to lawyers' websites. Is your blog on the list?
The Waushara County Circuit Court will be destroying the exhibits in the following cases noted below by November 1, 2022.
An amended rule promulgated by the Wisconsin Supreme Court now allows lawyers to file paper copies of documents with the supreme court instead of original paper documents, as along as the original was physically signed by the lawyer.
Former U.S. Solicitor General and Wisconsin native Paul Clement shares a firsthand account of the decisions and judicial philosophies of the Roberts Court.
August is a great time for CLE events, networking, and relaxation – now's the time to sign up for events taking place in person for the first time since 2019: the Health, Labor, and Employment Law Institute, the Family Law Workshop, the Intellectual Property Academy, and Indian Law CLE.
This order amends the requirements applicable to signatures on documents filed in the supreme court until mandatory electronic filing begins in the supreme court.
The Wisconsin Business Court Advisory Committee filed a rule petition seeking to extend the court’s pilot project for commercial court dockets for large claims business and commercial cases for an additional two years, and to amend the existing interim rule to extend the pilot project and to clarify that local input is considered before judges are appointed to the pilot commercial court docket.
Victoria Schiller, a Wisconsin resident, filed an administrative rule petition asking the court to amend certain Wisconsin statutes "in order to shift the generally perceived responsibilities of a guardian ad litem to reflect the legal impacts of the 'Ending Qualified Immunity Act.'"
You accepted a case where an advanced fee is paid by a third party – then realize a conflict requires you to withdraw. Who should receive the refund?
Need a solution to grow your practice? Constant Contact professional email marketing services can help you attract new clients by providing industry-leading online marketing services and advice.
Are you a new lawyer who works with the underserved in Wisconsin? The Wisconsin Law Foundation provides financial awards to those who represent underserved populations – people who have difficulty affording legal services and those in rural areas with limited access to legal services. Apply by Aug. 19.
Honor a leader in solo and small-firm practice: The State Bar of Wisconsin Solo/Small Firm & General Practice Section is seeking nominations for their 2022 John Lederer Service Award. Nominations are due Aug. 31.
Expungement of a past criminal conviction may help open doors for your client in obtaining employment, housing, and other critical opportunities. Law librarian Wendy Smith helps you understand this important process in Wisconsin and the resources available for legal information.
Lawyers must abide by their client's wishes regarding settlement. But what if that settlement requires being hired by the opposing party?
Keep up with the evolving trends, technology, and political policies impacting health care and the workplace at the 2022 Health, Labor, and Employment Law Institute, Aug. 18-19, at Glacier Canyon Lodge in Wisconsin Dells.
Registration is open for the 41st Annual Family Law Workshop – back in person in beautiful Door County. This year's event is Aug. 4-6 and features the latest issues in family law.
Christopher Shattuck, State Bar of Wisconsin law practice assistance manager, shares tips for law school grads looking to maximize their experiences as new lawyers.
Thanks to the generous challenge pledge of attorney Kevin Lyons and his wife, Roseann, all donations to the Wisconsin Law Foundation up to $25,000 made since July 1, 2021, have been doubled. The challenge campaign ends on June 30, so there's still time to donate and double your gift.
He's followed in his father's footsteps, and readily admits to "coloring outside the lines." Find out more about Judge Christopher Foley, the 2022 State Bar of Wisconsin Lifetime Jurist.
Following Wisconsin boating laws and regulations is the best way to stay safe on the water this summer.
Members should have received FY 2023 statements for Wisconsin Supreme Court assessments and State Bar of Wisconsin membership dues. Be sure to take advantage of your member benefits.
Ambiguity in a state law regulating public utilities has stalled the advent of solar energy installations in Wisconsin.
"This is the best opportunity of the entire year to interact with judges and lawyers and learn about what’s new in Wisconsin law and Wisconsin courts,” says Judge Randy R. Koschnick, director of state courts, of the State Bar's upcoming Annual Meeting & Conference.
There is still time to double your donation in support of the Wisconsin Law Foundation. Your support, now more than ever, is critical to our ability to fund important programs and services across Wisconsin – your donations could be doubled through the end of June.
Legal books, websites, and databases contain a great amount of knowledge and practice tools for lawyers conducting legal research. Law librarian Carol Hassler discusses the don't-miss tools and knowledge sources that every new lawyer needs to know about.
The best briefs undergo a review process that is merciless, say attorneys honored in the Best Briefs Competition by the Appellate Practice Section. Learn more about the winners and their approach to powerful written advocacy.
To create an inclusive environment, there needs to be some intention in the language we use, says Alonzo Kelly, an executive coach, professor, best-selling author, and radio host. He is a featured presenter at the State Bar’s Annual Meeting and Conference on Thursday, June 16.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court has given its tentative approval to Rule Petition 21-05, which would authorize the remote administration of oaths during depositions.
Need a solution for your cybersecurity insurance needs? HSB Total Cyber offers comprehensive cyber insurance solutions that can help you and your firm prepare for a cyberattack or data breach. r of Wisconsin.
Book your getaway in June: Register by May 26 for this year's State Bar of Wisconsin Annual Meeting & Conference and save $25 off your tuition.
Marisol González Castillo was the first in her family to attend college and law school. Now a successful attorney, she is this year's Diversity & Inclusion Trailblazer, opening doors for future lawyers.
It can seem daunting when a client needs help in the area of securities law, if this area is new to you. Law Librarian Elizabeth Manriquez provides a list of resources and how to stay current in this rapidly changing area of law.
Do lawyers who represents themselves in a legal matter need to worry about the no contact rule?
The rise of short-term vacation rentals over the years, through websites like Airbnb and Vrbo, has created some legal friction between homeowners and municipalities.
Niebler-Brown will be recognized for her pro bono work at AMC on June 16.
Elon Musk's proposed acquisition of Twitter is one of the largest leveraged buyouts in history. The impact of Twitter going private – on both its users and the social media, communication and technology industries as a whole – is yet to be seen.
Members will soon receive FY 2023 statements for Wisconsin Supreme Court assessments and State Bar of Wisconsin membership dues. Be sure to take advantage of your member benefits.
The Wisconsin Law Foundation supports programs that enhance the public's knowledge of the justice system, encourages diversity in the profession, and assists young lawyers with taking up leadership roles. Now is the time to remember the Foundation on your dues statement – your donations can have double the impact.
Barron County Circuit Court Judge James C. Babler is the recipient of the State Bar of Wisconsin's 2022 Judge of the Year award. Find out why he's made a significant impact on the lives of children in his county.
After more than 30 years, we are saying goodbye to the print edition of the Wisconsin Lawyer Directory. However, our online directory remains the up-to-date place to find contact information for legal professionals across the state.
The State Bar of Wisconsin is seeking nominations for the 2022 Wisconsin Legal Innovator awards. The "That's a Fine Idea: Legal Innovation Wisconsin" initiative, now in its 9th year, has uncovered some of Wisconsin's greatest legal innovators.
On Nov. 2, 2021, the Board of Bar Examiners petitioned the court to amend SCR 40.02 to enable qualified individuals for admission to the practice of law in Wisconsin to appear remotely, via audio-visual communications technology, in order to take the Attorney’s Oath before a justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court. The court voted to grant the petition with a modified, uniform deadline as requested by the State Bar of Wisconsin.
On Oct. 8, 2021, the Wisconsin Association for Justice petitioned the court to amend Wis. Stat. section 804.03 to allow the remote administration of oaths at depositions as a temporary measure during the COVID-19 pandemic. The court extended the temporary order permitting remote depositions until July 1, 2022. The court now considers whether to formally amend the rule to continue this practice long-term.
On Aug. 31, 2021, the Director of State Courts petitioned the court to amend Wis. Stat. sections 753.24, 753.26, 757.12, 757.14, and 757.70 relating to the location of court. Following a public hearing on Feb. 15, the court discussed the petition at a closed administrative conference and voted to grant the petition.
On Dec. 29, 2021, the Hon. Robert J. Collins II, Oneida Judiciary, filed a rule petition to amend SCR 31.01(11) to allow tribal courts to appoint attorneys to provide pro bono legal services, and to permit the attorney to claim continuing legal education credits in lieu of monetary payments.
Wisconsin native Paul Clement has argued more cases before the U.S. Supreme Court than anyone in the modern era. In June, he will discuss recent changes undergone by the Roberts Court at the State Bar of Wisconsin's Annual Meeting & Conference.
Is it unauthorized practice of law if lawyers who live in one jurisdiction practice (virtually) in another via remote work?
Twenty-four young lawyers, nominated by legal professionals statewide, attended the State Bar of Wisconsin Leadership Development Summit.
The State Bar of Wisconsin's Annual Meeting & Conference returns in person this June in Lake Geneva. We hope to see you there – register by May 5 for the best rate.
They are members of the legal community who make a difference – by mentoring others, offering their pro bono services, and going the extra mile. Congratulations to these 14 award recipients.
It’s never too soon to start thinking about severe weather, even in the middle of a cold spring.
Are you prepared in case of a natural disaster? Christopher Shattuck, State Bar of Wisconsin law practice assistance manager, shares quick tips to help you recover when a disaster impacts your law practice.
At age 30, Charles Clevert became the first Black federal judge in Wisconsin history. He continues to help parties settle disputes as a mediator and arbitrator.
Gov. Tony Evers has announced an $8 million grant to the Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation Inc. to support low-income residents who need legal assistance as they recover from the pandemic.
Whether you are a music consumer, a musician, or a lawyer interested in music law, the music industry requires extensive legal expertise for protecting and managing rights to creative work. Law librarian Genevieve Zook provides a comprehensive list of online copyright and research resources for music law.
The State Bar's Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) helps you expand your practice. Join now and get April, May, and June free in 2022.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for remote authorization technology has been in demand. eNotaryLog, on the list of approved providers by the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions, now offers discounts to State Bar of Wisconsin members.
Help set the direction and policies of the State Bar of Wisconsin by voting in the upcoming elections. Here's what you need to know to cast your vote.
In April, we honor volunteers who stepped forward to address the legal needs of Wisconsin's most vulnerable residents. Each year, the Pro Bono Honor Society thanks the Wisconsin lawyers who donated at least 50 hours of pro bono service. In 2021, 294 lawyers made the list.
Meet the three leaders honored in March by the State Bar of Wisconsin Young Lawyers Division. All three are making a difference among their colleagues and in their communities.
After nine years of practicing estate planning and elder law, Appleton lawyer Jon Fischer has seen up close the effects of failing to plan for end-of-life care.
Building a diverse and inclusive practice leads to better decisions and potentially more business, says Dr. Sharon Meit Abrahams, an international legal talent expert.
Get tips to better manage your files and keep them secure. State Bar Law Practice Assistance Manager Christopher Shattuck shares helpful practice management tips and legal technology apps that can increase efficiencies in law firms.
The pandemic exacerbated problems with access-to-justice across Wisconsin – problems that legal agencies scrambled to meet with new service models.
On Oct. 8, 2021, The Wisconsin Association for Justice filed a rule petition seeding to amend the Wis. Stat. section 804.03 to allow remote administration of oaths at depositions, consistent with a series of temporary orders that permitted this practice during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Built with the legal professionals in mind, BobaGuard offers a simple way to protect your practice and your clients' sensitive data from dangerous hackers. You can protect your firm from cybercriminals and still have the time to build your practice.
In discussing cases with someone outside of the office, do government lawyers have different confidentiality obligations than other lawyers?
The recent approval of the Racial Justice Task Force Report by the State Bar’s Board of Governors was a big step for the legal profession, says President Cheryl Daniels.
Federal legislators and regulators are responding to restrictions on consumers' right to repair vehicles and other products.
It's nearly tax season. With so much information available, how do you know which resources to trust? Law librarian Carol Hassler guides you through resources to help you with your tax law research.
A new State Bar of Wisconsin member discount program now offers discounts for members on travel, hotel, car rentals, and entertainment. It's easy – and here's how to benefit.
To help thousands of Afghan allies start their new lives in Wisconsin, Chippewa Falls native Sahar Taman led a small army of volunteer lawyers to assist with their legal needs. Find out more about the legal clinic at Fort McCoy and the lawyer who led it.
The Wisconsin Equal Justice Conference returns Thursday, March 10. Find out more about this 6.5 CLE credit event, which is happening both on Zoom and in person.
Register now: The State Bar of Wisconsin's Annual Meeting & Conference returns in person this June in Lake Geneva.
It's all happening: The Young Lawyers Conference, held by the State Bar of Wisconsin's Young Lawyers Division (YLD), is coming to Wisconsin Dells on March 11. Get CLE and see your colleagues: Sign up today. Tuition is complimentary for YLD members.
Three new flow charts can help you determine which trust accounts should be used to process the varying forms and types of payments from clients.
The candidates, both of whom practice in Greater Wisconsin, discuss how they would address the challenges facing the legal profession.
Congratulations to the teams who competed in the 2022 Wisconsin High School Mock Trial regional tournament! The top 12 teams will compete in the finals tournament in March.
Under new Wisconsin laws, all businesses, organizations and governmental units holding unclaimed property in Wisconsin are given the opportunity to apply for an Unclaimed Property Voluntary Disclosure Agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.
Can we host a link for an outside business on our website and permit the outside business to link to our firm?
Grants of up to $2,400 are available for programs that help public understanding of the legal system. Past recipients include ABC for Health, Inc., and teen court programs across the state. Apply by April 1, 2022.
The State Bar is celebrating the lawyers admitted in 1972, reaching their 50-year milestone in the legal profession. Together, we honor your years of practice and your many achievements.
There's so many ways to get involved in your State Bar, says State Bar President-elect Margaret Hickey. "Whatever your interest, my expectation is that there's a committee that would fit your interests."
When a grievance is filed, there's an opportunity for both sides to present their perspectives – and possibly resolve the dispute without the need for formal discipline.
The shift to virtual practice has forced Wisconsin lawyers to confront novel ethics issues.
Young lawyers: Expand your network of colleagues while exploring topics of interest to young lawyers in Wisconsin at the Young Lawyer Conference on March 11. Register today – it's free for members of the Young Lawyers Division.
When drafting a commercial lease agreement, entering into a new lease, or challenging provisions of a lease, you need access to authoritative sources. Law librarian Amy Crowder lists some of the best resources for putting together the best commercial lease for your client.
If you donated 50 or more hours of qualifying pro bono legal services to benefit low-income Wisconsin residents in 2021, you qualify as a member of the Wisconsin Pro Bono Honor Society – certify your service by Feb. 28.
The amendments begin a new chapter in the history of legalized gambling in the Badger State.
Economic and demographic forces have combined to erect barriers to legal access for rural populations. According to Dr. Michele Statz, those barriers have a significant effect on public health.
A work two years in the making, the Wisconsin Association of African-American Lawyers has published the histories of 11 pioneering Black Wisconsin lawyers. Find out more about these lawyers, and why it is important to keep their history alive.
Presenters discussed flaws in commonly accepted areas of forensic science and, explored the differences between law and science, and spoke movingly from personal experience about the costs of wrongful convictions.
When you receive an email from opposing counsel that includes several recipients, do you need to know who those recipients are before choosing "reply all?
A rule petition asking the court to amend SCR 31.06 relating to CLE requirements for the transfer from inactive to active membership status.
On Aug. 31, 2021, the Director of State Courts filed a rule petition asking the court to amend the Wisconsin statutes pertaining to the location of court.
This rule petition asks the court to create a new Wis. Stat. §§ 48.299 (2m) and 938.299 (2m) to create a uniform court procedure regarding the use of restraints on children in juvenile court.
High school students will tackle the difficult issues presented in a disability rights case – as the High School Mock Trial tournament again moves online for 2022. Volunteers are needed as referees for the online regional and state tournament competitions.
As you begin 2022, please consider supporting the Wisconsin Law Foundation. Your support, now more than ever, is critical to our ability to fund important programs and services across Wisconsin – and now, your donations could be doubled.
The State Bar of Wisconsin's Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) connects people seeking lawyers with lawyers seeking clients. And right now, those who register through June 2022 receive 50 percent off the cost of registration.
It's a new year. Are you making the most of your State Bar membership benefits and discounts?
The State Bar of Wisconsin's 2022 president-elect race features two candidates with a keen understanding of what it means to practice law outside Madison and Milwaukee.
On a blustery November day, members of the State Bar of Wisconsin Construction & Public Contract Law Section volunteered for a different sort of pro bono work: to build a fence for a family in need in Milwaukee. It was great way to take a break from the computer to do hands-on work, writes section advisor Mark Schmidt.
The science behind forensic evidence is only one front in the battle against wrongful convictions. Another is the relationship between technology and civil liberties, says Elizabeth Daniel Vasquez, special forensic science counsel at Brooklyn Defender Services.
The current term of office of United States Magistrate Judge William E. Duffin in the Eastern District of Wisconsin is due to expire on March 27, 2022. The United States District Court is required by law to establish a panel of citizens to consider the reappointment of the magistrate judge to a new eight-year term.
Is it a violation of ethical rules for a prosecutor to only listen to a represented defendant who wants to discuss the charges against him?
From providing tips to protect your firm from ransomware to answers to substantive law questions, the State Bar of Wisconsin's Practice411 elist offered useful practice information to its members in 2021.
As you determine your year-end giving, please consider supporting the Wisconsin Law Foundation. Your support, now more than ever, is critical to our ability to fund important programs and services across Wisconsin – and now, your donations could be doubled.
The new Ultimate Pass Bronze option from the State Bar of Wisconsin gives you access to unlimited PINNACLE webcast and audio seminars for one low cost. See the benefits of each Ultimate Pass plan below, and find out more about this new option.
Serving in a leadership position in a State Bar of Wisconsin division helps lawyers lead the profession and make connections throughout the state. Learn how to run for a leadership position in your division.
Marshall Gratz spent his entire legal career practicing labor law, working as both a lawyer and an arbitrator. He looks back at some of the changes in the field.
When Janis Puracal's brother was convicted on bogus drug trafficking charges, she was a newbie lawyer with no criminal law experience and didn't know much about forensic evidence. She shares her experience at the upcoming Forensic Justice Institute, Jan. 20-21, 2022.
A rule petition filed with the Wisconsin Supreme Court would allow juveniles to be shackled only where a court finds that shackles are necessary because the juvenile presents a threat of harm, has a history of disruptive courtroom behavior, or presents a flight risk.
As Wisconsin's legal community pressed on through the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, they continued to produce top-notch content. Here's the top articles of 2021.
Forensic Justice Institute presenter Dave Thompson discusses best practices for criminal interviews.
Pay your FY 23 Supreme Court assessments and State Bar dues over six months: Sign up by early January.
The State Bar of Wisconsin offers a health care insurance option for law firms with two or more employees. Learn how this option for law firms might cut costs of your 2022 coverage. To have coverage by Jan. 1, file your paperwork by Dec. 15.
Here's your chance to put your leadership skills into action – and gain valuable experience. Lawyers of all experience levels and backgrounds are welcome. Sign up to run for a 2022 State Bar Board of Governors' position – petitions are due March 1.
The State Bar of Wisconsin has received reports of a Business Email Compromise scam in which scammers impersonate members of the State Bar’s leadership team and request help in making financial transactions.
Neenah attorney Steve R. Sorenson is recipient of the Wisconsin Law Foundation's 2021 Charles L. Goldberg Distinguished Service Award, which recognizes a lifetime of service to the profession and the community. Find out more about Sorenson's legacy of service.
Lawyers encounter ethical issues every day in their practice. But what do you need to know about using electronic transactions? Don't miss Ethical Requirements for Processing ACH, Wire Transfers and Credit Card Payments from State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE® on Dec. 17, 2021.
Law librarian Carol Hassler guides you through some of the best resources for beginning your research into privacy laws.
False and contaminated confessions, memory distrust and coercive police interviewing tactics can lead to false confessions and miscarriages of justice, according to speakers at the upcoming Forensic Justice Institute.
As you determine your year-end giving, please consider supporting the Wisconsin Law Foundation.
At its Dec. 3 meeting, the State Bar of Wisconsin's Board of Governors may take action on two petitions currently pending before the Wisconsin Supreme Court, one related to the "location of courts" and another on juvenile shackling.
Do you know someone deserving of recognition for their work in the profession or their community? The State Bar of Wisconsin is seeking nominations for jurist, lawyer, legal worker, and other awards – nomination deadline is Jan. 31, 2022.
Three members of the Business Court Advisory Committee – Marinette County Circuit Court Judge James Morrison, Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Michael Aprahamian, and Laura Brenner, a business litigator at Reinhart Boerner Van Dueren S.C. – provided an update about the Commercial Docket Pilot Project.
A petition filed with the Wisconsin Supreme Court would create a permanent rule for remote depositions.
Your client has a warrant, and doesn’t want to surrender. You are in communication with the client and know their location - what are your responsibilities?
High school students will tackle the difficult issues presented in a disability rights case during the 2022 Wisconsin High School Mock Trial competition.
From Africa to prisons to the U.W. Athletic Office, Walter Dickey discusses his wild ride.
Ronald Westgate has run Wisconsin Judicare' s mediation program since its inception. The program offers services to people facing small-claims actions and evictions actions, as well as those subject to court-ordered mediations.
Have you written a song, or do you know a neighborhood band, or are you interested in getting to know copyright law? Here's how to gain a clear, comprehensive understanding of music copyright law (while you listen to some great Fab Four songs!).
A federal judge in California last week gave preliminary approval to a national $85 million agreement to settle lawsuits filed against Zoom Video Communications.
Rebeca M. López is vice president of the Wisconsin Hispanic Lawyers Association, an organization that boosts the careers of Latinx lawyers across Wisconsin. Find out more about López and the WHLA.
Next week, Oct. 24-30, is National Pro Bono Week. Help celebrate by learning how lawyers are providing pro bono assistance in rural Wisconsin.
Legal research can be hard. Fastcase aims to make it easier. Christina Steinbrecker-Jack, Chief Product Officer at Fastcase, shares how this State Bar of Wisconsin member benefit can help you refine your search and find the right case law, statute, and more.
National Paralegal Day is Oct. 23, 2021. More than 260 paralegals in Wisconsin have completed the State Bar of Wisconsin Certified Paralegal program since 2018.
On May 25, 2021, the State Bar of Wisconsin Standing Committee on Professional Ethics and the Wisconsin State Public Defender filed a rule petition seeking to amend Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 20:1.0 and SCR 20:1.10 to clarify that conflicts of interest involving public defenders should be controlled by SCR 20:1.10 rather than SCR 20:1.11.
New rules recently temporarily expanded who qualifies for loan forgiveness under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program. Kail Decker discusses the recent history and his experience with the loan program, the new rules, and their potential effect on law school graduates who carry loan debt.
It's October – so now's the time to get in the mood to celebrate fall and Halloween. But where can you find tips on whether your costume violates copyright, or how to keep your party legal?
New conflicts rules regarding public defenders take effect Jan. 1, 2022. Just what are they, and do they apply to all government lawyers?
Madison attorney J. David Krekeler stepped up and helped many solo and small-firm lawyers survive the pandemic. He is recipient of the John Lederer Distinguished Service Award.
A national de-listing of the gray wolf from the Endangered Species list triggered a statutory wolf hunting season in Wisconsin. The lawsuits followed.
'We have a Responsibility:' Draper Receives Client Protection Award.
If you are transitioning to remote work or want to give your law firm's remote technology a checkup, you'll want to attend the upcoming session, "Upping your Remote Office Game: Prepping Your Firm to Be Flexible," taking place at the virtual Wisconsin Solo and Small Firm Conference, Oct. 28-30.
Research into the legislative drafting files can show a wealth of information, such as the legislative intent behind a statute. Law librarian Carol Hassler gives tips to help you find what you're looking for.
The Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Conference is fast-approaching. Presenters share why lawyers should attend their sessions, which will be held virtually on Oct. 28-30..
Milwaukee attorney Alyssa Johnson signed up as a mentee in 2016 for the inaugural year of the State Bar of Wisconsin's mentoring program, Ready.Set.Practice. She talks about why she is still participating in the program, now as a mentor.
It's good time of year to run a check-up on your health insurance plans. Open Enrollment for the State Bar of Wisconsin Group Health Plan for law firms is Nov. 1 through Dec. 15, 2021. Find out how the State Bar can help you find the best plan for your situation.
Moria Krueger became the first woman judge in Dane County, in 1977, when she defeated an incumbent in a recall election. She stayed on the bench for nearly three decades, but her fate might have been much different.
In this video, Amy Koltz, executive director of Mediate Wisconsin – which specializes in housing mediation – talks about the eviction moratorium, how the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision impacts Wisconsinites moving forward, and the resources available.
Wisconsin's Commercial Court Pilot Project has expanded to 26 counties. Are you properly designating your case for the commercial/business court docket?
Enter the State Bar of Wisconsin Appellate Practice Section's competition to identify and recognize outstanding appellate briefs – entries are due Jan. 31.
"My volunteer work for the State Bar makes me a more well-informed lawyer and a better-connected professional," says State Bar President-elect Margaret Hickey, who encourages her colleagues to run for a State Bar position.
Sign up as a mentor or mentee for the State Bar of Wisconsin's mentoring program, Ready.Set.Practice. Mentee sign-up deadline is Oct. 15.
May a law firm accept a new matter in which the opposing party is insured by a client the firm represents on other unrelated matters?
Lawyers should have a business plan and contingency financing in place to weather uncertain financial times that cannot be addressed with conventional strategic planning. State Bar of Wisconsin Law Practice Assistance Manager Christopher C. Shattuck and Courtney Searles, senior vice president and private banking regional manager for Johnson Financial Group, discuss best practices for business planning.
Almost three decades ago, in 1992, Tom Sleik became president of the State Bar of Wisconsin during a tumultuous time. As an organization itself, the State Bar was grappling with its own identity. As a society, tensions were high.
Interested in gaining more tools and skills to help you succeed, and a network of colleagues to support you? The G. Lane Ware Leadership Academy helps you do just that, says its graduates. Apply for the 2021-22 Leadership Academy by Sept. 13.
You may know Joe Forward as the State Bar's legal writer. Join us in welcoming him as the State Bar of Wisconsin's new communications director.
To remain diligent, lawyers should understand the Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules regarding lawyer succession, sale of a law firm, and client communications. State Bar of Wisconsin Law Practice Assistance Manager Christopher C. Shattuck and Dean R. Dietrich
For lawyers who take on public defender cases, getting paid in a timely fashion is important. Christopher Shattuck offers tips on ensuring your invoice isn’t rejected due to common errors – so you can get paid more quickly.
There are effective and low-cost apps available that assist practitioners in finding every billable minute of their day.
Everyone needs an occasional tune-up. The Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Conference, Oct. 28-30, will help you get the updates, tips, and legal information to keep the practice running smoothly, while earning up to 16.5 CLE credits.
Challenges to the executive branch's authority to act during COVID-19 continued this term, and other high-profile cases were election-related. This article includes insights from a civil litigator and former public defender, with holdings and votes on every case.
All the circuit courts in Wisconsin have been open for in-person proceedings since June, including jury trials, according to the Wisconsin Director of State Courts, Judge Randy Koschnick, who provides an update in this interview.
On May 25, 2021, the State Bar Professional Ethics Committee and the State Public Defender filed a rule petition seeking to clarify that conflict of interests involving public defenders should be controlled by SCR 20:1.10 rather than SCR 20:1.11.
Wisconsin has the highest percentage of women justices of any state supreme court in the nation at nearly 86 percent.
Pondering accepting bitcoin or other cryptocurrency for payment of client fees? Disciplinary rules do not prohibit a lawyer from accepting cryptocurrency as payment for legal fees, but the rules do impose certain requirements.
Tatiana Shirasaki has been a lawyer in two countries – in her native Brazil, and now, in the U.S. As the 2021 Young Lawyers Division's Outstanding Young Lawyer of the Year, Shirasaki is dedicated to paying it forward.
For the clerks of the 2021 State Bar of Wisconsin Diversity Clerkship Program, the summer offered opportunity and experience that will shape their legal careers while benefitting employers. Find out more about this year's program participants.
Unfortunately, the latest scams targeting law firms aren't always obvious. Here are some real-world stories about scams that targeted Wisconsin lawyers – and the lessons we all can learn from them.
More than 40 blogs are now on WisLawNOW, creating content in different practice areas and providing timely information on legal developments. Are you on the list?
James Spella of West Bend, recognized as an outstanding mentor by the State Bar of Wisconsin Young Lawyers Division, talks about why mentoring is so important to the legal profession: "Mentoring allows us to 'raise the Bar.'"
They used to call him "Hector the Protector" during his days as a Milwaukee County prosecutor. Hector de la Mora, who began his career in the district attorney's office, remembers his first jury trial in the early 1970s.
Now through June 2022, new donor contributions to the Wisconsin Law Foundation will be doubled, thanks to a generous pledge from the Kevin & Roseann Lyons Fund with the Greater Milwaukee Foundation.
In this video interview, Stacie Rosenzweig – an attorney with Halling & Cayo S.C. – discusses legal blogging, how she got started, and what keeps her going.
After a client's divorce, can I represent that client in an estate planning matter if I previously represented both former spouses together on an estate plan?
The 2021 Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Conference (WSSFC) features a hybrid model, giving you the flexibility to choose the type of attendance that best fits your professional and personal needs.
Honor a leader in solo and small-firm practice: The State Bar of Wisconsin Solo/Small Firm & General Practice Section is seeking nominations for their 2021 John Lederer Service Award. Nominations are due Sept. 10.
Registration is open for the 40th Annual Family Law Workshop. This year's event on Aug. 5 and 6 will be held virtually, and features the latest issues in the family law.
Are you a new lawyer who works with the underserved in Wisconsin? The Wisconsin Law Foundation provides grants to those who represent underserved populations – people who have difficulty affording legal services and those in rural areas with limited access to legal services. Apply by Aug. 20.
Thanks to a team of Wisconsin lawyers, you can now take a walking tour in Janesville that follows in the footsteps of Lavinia Goodell, Wisconsin's first woman lawyer.
State Bar members are invited to attend Executive Committee meeting conducted annually to evaluate the amount of dues members may deduct for activities that are not reasonably related to regulating the legal profession or improving the quality of legal services.
Marquette University History Professor Alan Ball has a hobby that helps lawyers and the public better understand the Wisconsin Supreme Court: he researches the court’s decisions each term and publishes statistics at
The Wisconsin Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection Committee reimbursed more than $46K to 14 victims of lawyer theft over the past year. Committee Chair Amy Wochos makes a request: Seek help when you can't properly represent your client.
Marty Greenberg brought sports law to Wisconsin and made Marquette University Law School's National Sports Law Institute one of the nation's top programs.
Searching for liens is a necessary and important step in financial legal research. Learn more about the best ways to seek out information on these types of claims.
Thanks to donations from State Bar members, the Wisconsin Law Foundation annually provides high-impact grants to programs that promote public understanding of the law and improve the administration of justice.
The popular Annual Indian Law CLE returns in August as a virtual webcast seminar. Reserve your spot today to learn more about the broad field of Indian Law.
Interested in gaining more tools and skills to help you succeed, and a network of colleagues to support you? The G. Lane Ware Leadership Academy helps you do just that, say its graduates. Apply for the 2021-22 Leadership Academy by Sept. 13.
The state supreme court issued three 4-3 decisions in Fourth Amendment cases, providing insights on how the new court will approach these issues moving forward.
Now through June 2022, certain donor contributions to the Wisconsin Law Foundation will be doubled, thanks to a generous pledge from the Kevin & Roseann Lyons Fund with the Greater Milwaukee Foundation.
On June 21, 2021, Joseph R. Laumann filed a petition for reinstatement of his Wisconsin law license. The Office of Lawyer Regulation (OLR) will investigate Laumann’s eligibility for reinstatement of his license and assigned OLR Matter No. 2021MA702 to its investigation.
On June 9, 2021, the State Bar Board of Governors approved bylaw amendments to Article I Membership: Section 1 Membership Register and Article II Officers Section 3 Election of Chairperson of the Board of Governors.
As a new lawyer, you face the challenges of transitioning from law school to practice. Where do you turn? Riley Leonard shares four resources he used to succeed at his first tasks as a young lawyer.
Receiving a notification of a trust accounting error is a truly unpleasant experience. Common mistakes can be avoided by understanding the practical and ethical requirements of the Supreme Court Rules concerning trust accounting. Travis Stieren, Office of Lawyer Regulation Trust Account Program Administrator, discuss strategies for addressing common violations.
Concurrences and dissents leave clues on where a decision might fall if the Wisconsin Supreme Court was deciding the merits of the case.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court invites you to help identify the critical issues within Wisconsin’s court system. The deadline to complete survey the survey is July 20, 2021.
From the Americans with Disabilities Act to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and a variety of Wisconsin statutes, there are many resources that define and outline the rights of those with disabilities. This is a guide to online resources for those researching disability cases.
On the board of directors of the LGBT Bar Association of Wisconsin, Angela Harden has a passion for the law and its ability to shape cultures, communities, and lives for the better. Find out more about Harden and the association.
Wisconsin Supreme Court says state's implied consent law is unconstitutional, cannot be used on its own as a basis to draw blood from suspected drunk drivers who become incapacitated.
Mental health law crosses many practices areas, according to Amanda Pirt Meyer, co-author of a new book, Mental Health Law in Wisconsin: A Guide for Legal and Healthcare Professionals, published by State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE®.
At age 17, Jarett Adams – now a lawyer – was wrongfully convicted of a crime. He recently told his story at the State Bar of Wisconsin's Annual Meeting & Conference.
It happens: You spot an error made by the court in your client's case. Whether or not that error helps your client, must you inform the court of the error?
On Dec. 11, 2020, the Director of State Courts filed a rule petition seeding to amend Supreme Court Rule 70.19 and various statutes pertaining to the location of court and to the use of videoconferencing technology.
Retiring Sheboygan County Circuit Court Judge L. Edward Stengel is a recipient of the State Bar's Lifetime Jurist award. Find out more about this former Illinois farm boy whose grandmother taught him the value of education.
Celebrating a 50-year member: Reforming juvenile justice, saving the State Public Defender System, and creating a vision for Dane County are just a few of Rick Phelps' accomplishments.
Take advantage of the biggest educational and motivational event of the year: The State Bar of Wisconsin Annual Meeting & Conference (AMC) next week, June 10-11. Reserve your spot today for this virtual event.
Don't miss the 40th Annual Family Law Section Workshop, which will take place virtually, August 5-6, 2021.
The Court no longer requires that personal masking, social distancing, and sanitizing court facilities be part of any plan for circuit court and municipal court proceedings approved by the chief judge of the applicable judicial district.
Congratulations, new lawyers! There's still a lot to learn – so here are resources that law librarians say every new lawyer should know about.
Members should have received FY 2022 statements for Wisconsin Supreme Court assessments and State Bar of Wisconsin membership dues. Be sure to take advantage of your member benefits.
Retiring Dunn County Circuit Court Judge Rod Smeltzer is a recipient of the State Bar's Lifetime Jurist award. How did this former dairy farmer end up serving on the bench for 24 years?
The Vietnam War continued overseas and protests mounted here in the states as the classes of 1970 and 1971 entered the legal profession. Now, they celebrate 50 years.
A public hearing will be held before Referee Joseph D. Jacobson on the petition of Donald J. Peterson of Fitchburg, to reinstate his Wisconsin law license.
Upon the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s own motion, the court amended the comment to SCR 10.03(4) reallocating distribution of the $250 application fee for admission pro hac vice.
Join the celebration on June 9, 2021, as Cheryl Daniels is sworn in as the State Bar's 66th president. Daniels, who will take office July 1, will be sworn in via video conferencing.
Because of the sensitive information that law firms hold, they are often targets for data breaches. That's why it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest scams, says State Bar Law Practice Assistance Manager Christopher Shattuck.
From religious freedom and freedom of speech to the Fourth Amendment and eminent domain, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to release all decisions by next month.
Renee Nawrocki is president of the Association for Women Lawyers (AWL), an organization that boosts the careers of women lawyers in Wisconsin.
Does signing a noncompete agreement violate ethics rules? If I am forced to sign one to keep my job, what should I do?
They are members of the legal community who make a difference – by mentoring others, offering their services in pro bono work, leading the way in bettering the practice of law in Wisconsin – in 2020 and over the length of their careers. We congratulate these 18 award recipients, offer them a round of applause, and look forward to celebrating with them.
Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Ralph Ramirez is the State Bar of Wisconsin's recipient of the 2021 Judge of the Year Award. As a grandson of migrant workers and the first lawyer in his family, Judge Ramirez says there is both an art and a science of the bench.
"The focus for lawyers has really changed from what we do in terms of our legal expertise, to how we do it," says Prof. Michele DeStefano, a featured speaker at the State Bar of Wisconsin’s 2021 (Virtual) Annual Meeting and Conference (AMC), June 9-11.
Take advantage of the biggest educational and motivational event of the year: The State Bar of Wisconsin Annual Meeting & Conference (AMC), June 10-11. Reserve your spot today for this virtual event.
Members will soon receive FY 2022 statements for Wisconsin Supreme Court assessments and State Bar of Wisconsin membership dues. Be sure to take advantage of your member benefits.
Wellness is more than an occasional spa treatment or that much-needed vacation. In recognition of Well-Being Week in Law this week, here are some ways your colleagues make their health a priority.
The Wisconsin Law Foundation supports programs that enhance the public's knowledge of the justice system, encourage diversity in the profession, and assist young lawyers with taking up leadership roles. Remember the Foundation on your dues statement.
On Nov. 11, 2020, Sheila T. Reiff, Clerk of Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, on behalf of the Appellate eFiling Committee, filed a rule petition asking the court to approve the use of an expanded electronic filing system for the appellate courts and to amend the rules of appellate procedure in order to implement the system, along with certain amendments related to the circuit court electronic filing rule.
As a lifetime commitment, adopting a child in the U.S. requires an attorney experienced in adoption law to guide a client through the lengthy adoption process. This guide is a quick introduction to available online adoption resources.
Justice Ziegler takes over May 1 for Chief Justice Patience Roggensack, who did not seek reelection as chief justice but will remain on the court.
What's in a firm name? Can a solo attorney use "firm" in their business name? What about "and associates"? Can two lawyers sharing office space use the same firm name?
Atty. Ellen "Ellie" Krug discusses how changing genders affected her ability to fit in and gave her new perspective on the obstacles that women face in social interactions and in the workplace.
n April 2, 2021, Daniel Parks filed a petition to reinstate his Wisconsin law license.
On March 24, 2021, Jean M. Robinson filed a petition for reinstatement of her Wisconsin law license.
On Dec. 10, 2020, the Director of State Courts' Records Management Retention Subcommittee filed this rule petition, asking the court to amend sections of SCR 72.01 and SCR 72.03 to alter certain retention periods for various types of records.
Who is embracing current challenges, looking for opportunities to do it better? Tell us about the people and ideas that are changing Wisconsin's legal landscape.
It doesn't take much to effect real, positive changes in your personal and professional life. Find out more with tips, resources, and other helpful items during Well-Being Week In Law, May 3-7, 2021.
U.S. Supreme Court may decide whether the NCAA's eligibility and compensation restrictions violate antitrust laws.
Keith Findley is a law professor at U.W. Law School and senior advisor to the Wisconsin Innocence Project. He was also co-chair of the Madison Police Body-Worn Camera Feasibility Review Committee, which recently released a final report with recommendations for the City of Madison.
Bryant Park is president of the Wisconsin Asian American Bar Association (WAABA). Find out more about Park and the association that supports Asian American lawyers in the state.
As vaccines increase and COVID-19 cases trend down, "normalcy" comes into focus. But lawyers will continue to use the tools that helped them through this pandemic.
You need to survey multiple states and jurisdictions on a particular topic of law, but the task seems daunting. Law librarian Laura Olsen provides tips on where to begin and where to go next – and lists the resources that can save you time and provide a comprehensive result.
State Bar Practice Management Advisor Christopher Shattuck shares insights from the 2021 annual ABA TECHSHOW, with practical tips on law firm technology.
Voting in the State Bar of Wisconsin elections gives you a say in setting the direction and policies of the State Bar. Look for your ballots to come via email this year. Here's what you need to know to cast your vote.
Amidst a global pandemic, 265 Wisconsin lawyers stepped up and performed at least 50 hours of pro bono legal services in 2020. The Access to Justice Commission and the State Bar of Wisconsin give them a hearty "thank you!"
The State Bar's Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) helps you expand your practice and bring new clients to your practice. Join now and get April, May, and June 2021 free.
In recognition of Healthcare Decisions Day on April 16, the State Bar is offering a free download – through April 23 – of its health care decisions guide, "A Gift to Your Family: Planning Ahead for Future Health Needs."
The State Bar of Wisconsin Annual Meeting & Conference (AMC), June 10-11. Reserve your spot today for this virtual event – and register by April 28 to get the best rate.
A year ago, Wisconsin High School Mock Trial students faced the sudden cancellation of the end of the tournament. In 2021, they returned to compete via Zoom. For two teams – Shorewood and Waukesha South – the end of the season meant a new experience competing in the state finals.
The pandemic forced the court system to quickly adapt to videoconferencing technology to keep the system running. Now, the Wisconsin Supreme Court is considering a petition to clarify the continued use of videoconferencing, even after COVID-19.
On Oct. 19, 202, the State Bar of Wisconsin filed a rule petition asking the court to modify SCR 10.03 to clarify who is an active or inactive emeritus lawyer and to clarify the scope of permitted practice for the various members.
On Oct. 14, 2020, the Wisconsin Judicial Council filed a rule petition asking the court to amend Wis. Stat. Section (Rule) 809.85 to establish a procedure to govern pro hac vice admission, substitution, and withdrawal of retained counsel in appellate court proceedings.
On July 28, 2020, the Wisconsin Access to Justice Commission filed a rule petition asking the court to repeal and recreate SCR Chapter 50 relating to the practical training of law students.
On Dec. 23, 2019, the Wisconsin Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection filed a rule petition asking the court to amend SCR 12.07(2)(a) to increase the annual assessment of attorneys for the fund to provide sufficient income for payment of eligible claims.
On Nov. 25, 2019, the Judicial Conduct Advisory Committee filed a rule petition proposing changes to the Wisconsin Code of Judicial Conduct, SCR 60.04.
As the COVID-19 backlog arose in the wake of the preceding government shutdown backlog, it is likely that IRS operations will not return to normal for a long time.
When a long-time partner retires, when is it OK to continue to use their name in the firm's name?
Take advantage of the biggest educational and motivational event of the year: The State Bar of Wisconsin Annual Meeting & Conference (AMC), June 10-11. Reserve your spot today for this virtual event – and register by April 28 to get the best rate.
The candidates, both Milwaukee lawyers, discuss the important issues currently facing the legal profession and how they will lead efforts to address them.
A public hearing will be held at the Waukesha County Courthouse on the petition of Robert B. Moodie, Brookfield, to reinstate his Wisconsin law license. Any interested person may appear at the hearing and be heard in support of or in opposition to the petition.
On Dec. 11, 2020, the Director of State Courts filed a rule petition asking the court to amend Supreme Court Rules and Wisconsin statutes pertaining to the location of court and to the use of videoconferencing technology.
On Dec. 10, 2020, the Director of State Courts’ Records Management Retention Subcommittee filed a rule petition asking the court to amend sections of Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 72.01 and 72.03 to alter certain retention periods for various types of records.
Attorneys could play a crucial role in assisting claimants with the forms that must be filed to obtain unemployment benefits.
Volunteer to serve on a State Bar of Wisconsin committee – you will accomplish work that benefits the Wisconsin legal community and the justice system, while making connections with colleagues in this challenging year. Apply by April 15.
Elder law attorneys work to protect the rights of the elderly and individuals with disabilities, providing advice, information, and advocacy for clients to support their financial well-being and health care decision-making. Here are resources to support your elder law practice.
On April 16, 2021, a public hearing will be held before referee Joseph D. Jacobson in Madison, on the petition of Donald J. Peterson, Fitchburg, to reinstate his Wisconsin law license.
You can't find a former client after receiving a settlement in the case. What do you do with that money?
Grants of up to $2,350 are available for programs that help public understanding of the legal system. Past recipients include ABC for Health, Inc., and teen court programs across the state. Apply by April 2, 2021.
Are you a leader? Or do you wish to be one? Now's your chance to put your skills into action – and gain valuable leadership experience. Run for a 2021 State Bar Board of Governors' position – petitions are due March 1.
Congratulations to the teams who competed in the 2021 Wisconsin High School Mock Trial regional tournament! The top 10 teams will compete in the finals tournament in March.
Breanne L. Snapp is president of the Legal Association for Women (LAW). Find out more about Snapp and the association that advances the interests of women in the legal profession.
A new ethics opinion from the State Bar's Professional Ethics Committee provides guidance on the ethical implications of working remotely, and provides useful technical recommendations to stay compliant.
The nationwide opioid litigation has and will reap billions of dollars in settlements funds, much like the tobacco litigation settlements of the 1990s.
When working remotely, remember the big three: the duties of competence, communication, and confidentiality. A new ethics opinion provides guidance.
In this video, Trish Lane and Nadelle Grossman discuss the Business Law Section's Small Business Assistance Project to help struggling small businesses in Wisconsin.
A Tennessee lawyer said he was just being sarcastic when he explained to a Facebook "friend" how the "castle doctrine" could be a solution to her ex-boyfriend problem.
On Jan. 4, 2021, Michael D. Mandelman filed a petition for reinstatement of his Wisconsin law license.
On Jan. 20, 2021, the Board of Bar Examiners (Board), with the State Bar's support, filed a request asking the court to retroactively extend, with minor modifications, the terms of Order 20-01 through the 2021 CLE reporting period.
Wisconsin Jury Instructions, previously available for purchase, are now available free online through the Wisconsin State Law Library. Lawyers and the public now have open access to the criminal, civil, and children's jury instructions.
The merger of Fastcase and Casemaker is good news for attorneys who use their platforms. Learn more about the practical implications of the merger, what's new in Fastcase, and where to find the publicly available Wisconsin Jury Instructions.
If you donated 50 or more hours of qualifying pro bono legal services to benefit low-income Wisconsin residents in 2020, you qualify as a member of the Wisconsin Pro Bono Honor Society – certify your service by Feb. 28.
State Bar President-elect Cheryl Daniels is seeking volunteers to serve on a committee for the 2021-22 fiscal year – apply by April 15.
The State Bar of Wisconsin's Pro Bono Portal makes it easy for you to find opportunities for volunteer work that fits your situation. Take a video tour of the portal's website, and learn more about pro bono opportunities in Wisconsin.
The State Bar of Wisconsin Business Law Section has launched Small Business Assistance, a project offering free legal advice to Wisconsin small-business owners.
On Nov. 25, 2019, the Judicial Conduct Advisory Committee (JCAC) filed a rule petition seeding to amend the Wisconsin Code of Judicial Conduct, SCR Chapter 60, pertaining to performing the duties of judicial office.
On Oct. 19, 2020, the State Bar president filed a rule petition seeking to amend SCR 10.03(6m) to clarify who is an active or inactive emeritus lawyer and to clarify the scope of permitted practice for the various members.
On July 28, 2020, the Wisconsin Judicial Council filed a rule petition seeking to amend the Rules of Appellate Procedure to establish procedures for pro hac vice admission, substitution, and withdrawal of retained counsel in appellate court proceedings.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court appoints lawyers and non-lawyers to a number of committees and boards that serve the legal profession.
Videos often show people refusing to wear masks in grocery stores or other businesses despite policies – and/or government orders – that require face coverings amid COVID-19. This article discusses whether businesses can refuse entry, under the law.
Can you threaten criminal prosecution to gain an advantage in a civil matter? The newly released Wisconsin Formal Ethics Opinion EF-21-01 provides insights into this ethical dilemma.
Find out more about the State Bar of Wisconsin Lawyer Referral and Information Service – which connects clients seeking help with lawyers who can help them.
Amber Raffeet August is president-elect of the Wisconsin Association of African-American Lawyers. Find out more about Raffeet August and the association, which helps attorneys of color grow in leadership roles.
Two landlord-tenant lawyers discuss where eviction moratoriums stand today.
Get to know Margaret Hickey and Odalo Ohiku as they discuss where and how the State Bar of Wisconsin should focus its efforts moving forward.
With tax season in full swing, help employers and employees understand how working remotely in 2020 will impact tax returns.
A public hearing will be held on the petition of Christopher A. Mutschler, Sheboygan, to reinstate his Wisconsin law license. Any interested person may appear at the hearing and be heard in support of or in opposition to the petition.
Dennis Puzz Jr. is leading the State Bar of Wisconsin Indian Law Section during a year of pandemic. Find out more about Puzz and the section.
Expanding the law student practice rule also increases access to justice in Wisconsin while promoting greater diversity in the legal profession, according to a petition recently filed with the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Lawyers have raised the question on whether a lawyer's participation in Local Services Ads on Google is consistent with the lawyer's duty of confidentiality.
High School students will argue the case of a murder under quarantine – as the High School Mock Trial tournament moves online for 2021. Volunteers are needed as referees for the online regional and state tournament competitions.
At the Lawyer Marketing and Networking Expo on Jan. 13, panelists will offer insights to boost your presence in your community and manage client expectations. Here are five tips from five of our panelists offering advice on marketing diverse law firms.
Law firms, corporate legal departments, and government agencies are needed to participate in the 2021 Diversity Clerkship Program. Employers provide students with the opportunity to build legal practice skills and knowledge.
Stymied by a broken link, or need to look at older copies of local ordinances or a website that has disappeared? With records going back to 1996, the Wayback Machine is the first place to look for old website content.
President Donald Trump on Dec. 27 signed into law a government funding and appropriations bill that includes several coronavirus response and relief provisions, including another round of Paycheck Protection Program funding.
In a decision addressing President Donald Trump’s bid to overturn election results by invalidating more than 200,000 votes in Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled (4-3) that the Trump campaign is not entitled to that relief.
COVID-19 vaccines are on their way. This article addresses whether employers can and should require employees to get the vaccine once available.
Learn law firm marketing tips from practice management experts from across the country – who are panelists on the upcoming virtual Lawyer Marketing & Networking Expo on Jan. 13.
Inspired by his daughter's work as an immigration lawyer and a desire to honor the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, a Milwaukee attorney is finding a way will help minority female graduates of Milwaukee Public Schools go to law school.
What conflicts may arise when lawyers in the same firm represent a municipality as a client and practice in local criminal defense?
History will certainly remember 2020, a year of COVID-19, as well as social and racial unrest. We reflect by highlighting some of the State Bar's top articles of 2020.
Now is the time to make health care coverage decisions for 2021. The State Bar's Group Health Plan may help you gain coverage and save money. Here's where to find out more.
The following procedures will apply to Supreme Court public administrative rules hearings conducted while the Supreme Court Hearing Room is closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Launched in 2000, HeinOnline is now the world's largest image-based legal research database. Wisconsin State Law Librarian Amy Crowder discusses what's new, gives a tour of some of its collections, and outlines where to find tips for using the database.
Looking for law firm marketing tips and strategies? Here are a few considerations to help you reach your client revenue goals for 2021, just a preview of what's to come at the Lawyer Marketing and Networking Expo, Jan. 13, 2021, from State Bar of Wisconsin Practice411.
Mentors are needed for the State Bar's mentoring program, Ready.Set.Practice. All it takes is a modest investment in time to help boost the career of a colleague. Mentors should sign up by Jan. 15.
Do you know someone deserving of recognition for their work in the profession or their community? The State Bar of Wisconsin is seeking nominations for jurist, lawyer, legal worker, and other awards – deadlines are approaching soon.
As you determine your year-end giving, please consider supporting the Wisconsin Law Foundation. Your support, now more than ever, is critical to our ability to fund important programs and services across Wisconsin.
Opt in to pay your FY 22 Supreme Court assessments and State Bar dues over six months: Sign up by early January.
Madison attorney Joseph W. Boucher is recipient of the Wisconsin Law Foundation’s 2020 Charles L. Goldberg Distinguished Service Award, which recognizes a lifetime of service to the profession and the community.
Learn about the State Bar's new Pro Bono Portal and get a tutorial on how to use it from State Bar Pro Bono Coordinator Jeff Brown.
Businesses nationwide, including Wisconsin, have filed nearly 2,000 lawsuits that seek coverage for business losses based on COVID-19 and government shutdown orders.
Marketing your law firm requires a strong message that gets "out there" in multiple areas. Here are considerations for marketing your firm from Tyler Roberts, NOMOS Marketing – a new member benefit partner with the State Bar of Wisconsin.
Without good meeting management, your meetings can go off the rails. Stacy Devlin, director of client success at Affinity Consulting, shares some tips.
Elderly and sick federal inmates, with the help of pro bono lawyers, are directly petitioning federal district courts for a compassionate release based on a vulnerability to COVID-19. But state prisoners, subject to Wisconsin law, have a steeper hill to climb.
When you agree to serve on a board of directors of an organization outside your firm, and the organization has never been a client, can conflicts arise?
Interested in pro bono work? The new State Bar Pro Bono Portal is an online, centralized portal that makes it easy to find opportunities in your particular area of law. Check it out beginning Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020.
While usually we celebrate our award recipients with a Member Recognition Celebration in June at the State Bar Annual Meeting & Conference, amid pandemic we have found a new way to celebrate our leaders: via video. Join us in thanking them for their greatcontributions to the legal profession and their communities.
Voluntary electronic filing is now open in all Wisconsin Court of Appeals districts. The program, which began in August in District III, is has expanded to all districts in anticipation of a mandatory program that begins July 1, 2021.
With a modest investment in time, experienced lawyers can benefit not just a young lawyer, but the profession. The State Bar's Ready.Set.Practice. mentoring program needs mentors and mentees for 2021. Those seeking a mentor should sign up by Dec. 1.
With the COVID-19 pandemic causing many challenges for employees and employers, it is a good idea to review or get to know worker's compensation issues. Here are some resources to help you answer questions about worker's compensation.
The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a massive move to remote work, creating challenges for managers to keep staff on task and prioritize. Dan Truehl of Lift Consulting LLC shares insights on managing remote workers.
Final Order: CDC Eviction Moratorium Compliance for Eviction Filings
A public hearing will be held before referee Kim Marie Peterson on the petition of John Hotvedt, Burlington, to reinstate his Wisconsin law license. Any interested person may appear at the hearing and be heard in support of or in opposition to the petition.
Creating opportunities for solo and small firm attorneys to discuss common themes and challenges is as important as ever. The Wisconsin Solo and Small Firm Conference is where lawyers can do just that and learn about evolving tools to help them succeed. Learn why you should attend this year's event from the lawyers who make attendance a priority.
The U.W. Law Library recently received a grant that will provide greater access to tribal laws across the state.
When using an "Alternative to E-Banking Trust Account," can a lawyer hold a client responsible for electronic payment charges?
The legal profession is stressful. But there are stigmas attached to seeking assistance. The Task Force on Wisconsin Lawyer Well-Being was formed to address this issue. Judge Todd Bjerke is the chair of that task force. He sheds light on the issue and the work ahead to improve the health and well-being of all those in the legal profession.
Open Enrollment runs Nov. 1 to Dec. 15, 2020. Initiated Jan. 1, 2020, the State Bar of Wisconsin Association Health Plan for members might be an answer for your health care needs.
Wisconsin has one of the most active Wills for Heroes programs in the U.S., thanks to Milwaukee attorney Kris Havlik, who has coordinated the program for the past 10 years. Find out more about Havlik and the program, which offers free basic estate planning documents to our first responders, via lawyers doing pro bono work.
They're commitment to pro bono work is remarkable – join us in congratulating the law firm of Godfrey & Kahn, the recipient of the Pro Bono Firm/Organization of the Year for 2020. Find out what this means for their attorneys.
Congratulations to the 340 lawyers who are recognized as part of the Wisconsin Pro Bono Honor Society, which honors lawyers who provide pro bono legal services in excess of 50 hours each year.
Court system and community collaboration keep courthouses running safely in Wisconsin, and innovation shines amid COVID-19.
Voluntary electronic filing is now open in Wisconsin Court of Appeals, District IV. The program, which began in August in District III, is expanding in anticipation of a mandatory program that begins July 1, 2021.
A public hearing will be held before referee Michael Tobin on the petition of Scott E. Selmer, Minneapolis, to reinstate his Wisconsin law license.
Wisconsinites remain actively buying and selling homes, and many will need the advice of an attorney. How can you be sure you have the necessary information to look out for your client's best interests?
Cheryl Daniels, State Bar president-elect and chair of the State Bar's Nominating Committee, asks you to nominate yourself by Oct. 16 to run for a State Bar officer position. This is an opportunity to help shape what lawyers need to do to continue coping with a pandemic and change the dynamic so that justice really works for all, she says.
With a modest investment in time, experienced lawyers can benefit not just a young lawyer, but the profession. And young lawyers can get a boost in the areas where they need it. Sign up as a mentor or mentee for the State Bar of Wisconsin's mentoring program, Ready.Set.Practice.
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a major challenge to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act just days after the 2020 presidential election.
The clock is ticking. Learn why you should attend this year's Wisconsin Solo and Small Firm Conference from the lawyers who make attendance a priority.
In fees involving family law cases, a lawyer may request that the court grant a judgment for fees. How does this judgment intersect with the requirement to participate in fee arbitration on a client's request?
Solo attorney and law firm technology consultant Brent Hoeft says cybersecurity threats such as phishing scams and ransomeware have something in common: they look for human vulnerability to find their gateway of opportunity.
Meet four Wisconsin lawyers who are dedicated volunteers on Election Days. The ABA says lawyers are needed as poll workers – find out why they are particularly good at it. Also, here are resources to help you answer clients' questions about voting.
On Dec. 23, 2019, the Wisconsin Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection filed a rule petition seeking amendment to SCR 12.07(2)(a) to increase the annual assessment of attorneys for the fund from $20 to $25 to provide sufficient income for payment of eligible claims.
Two cases before the Wisconsin Supreme Court this month have the potential to impact the Nov. 3 election if the court decides the cases before then.
Getting involved with the State Bar is a great way to gain opportunities and get to know your colleagues following the challenges of this 2020 pandemic year, says State Bar President-elect Cheryl Daniels. Nominate yourself by Oct. 16 to run for a State Bar officer position.
How is your marketing strategy during COVID-19? Learn how to leverage the internet to market your practice to the clients you want to attract.
On Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2020, commencing at 9 a.m., a public hearing will be held before referee Robert E. Kinney at the Milwaukee Bar Association,747 N. Broadway, Milwaukee, on the petition of Daniel Morse, Milwaukee, to reinstate his Wisconsin law license.
A public hearing will be held before referee David A. Piehler at the Price County Courthouse, 126 Cherry St. # 201, Phillips, on the petition of Beth M. Bant of Ogema to reinstate her Wisconsin law license.
The State Bar Professional Ethics Committee has issued a formal opinion that deals with a lawyer’s responsibilities and potential conflicts when examining a current or former client as an adverse witness in trials or depositions.
Voluntary electronic filing is now open in Wisconsin Court of Appeals District II. The program, which began in August in District III, is expanding in anticipation of a mandatory program that begins July 1, 2021.
For many people, a will is just a starting point. Planning for the management and disposal of an estate during life or after death requires examining family, financial, and personal details to create the best plan tailored for the individual.
In October, the Wisconsin Law Foundation – the charitable arm of the State Bar of Wisconsin – will honor Justice Jon P. Wilcox and Justice Louis B. Butler Jr. for their longtime service to the Foundation and the Fellows of the Wisconsin Law Foundation. Join us for this online event Oct. 13, 2020.
Join the celebration on Sept. 16, 2020, as Kathleen Brost is sworn in as the State Bar's 65th president. Brost, who took office July 1, will be sworn in via video conferencing.
This year has had its share of ups and downs. If you've lost your passion for practicing law, find out how to reignite your practice at the Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Conference. Reserve your spot and join the conversation on Oct. 28-30, 2020.
If you are a solo or small firm attorney, you understand how technology can create efficiencies in your law practice. But do you understand how to implement the technology? Is there technology you could be using that you don't know about?
The employers and clerks of the 2020 State Bar of Wisconsin Diversity Clerkship Program overcame challenges of the pandemic to connect with each other at a distance and give the clerks valuable experience with the practice of law.
Law school graduates may begin careers with massive student debt. A state-level task force recently made recommendations to attract and retain talented professionals with student debt solutions beyond the federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.
The President and the Chair of the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Wisconsin requested the court extend the temporary waiver of State Bar of Wisconsin Bylaw Article III, Section 11(b) due to circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, through Fiscal Year 2021, ending on June 30, 2021.
If you're a solo or small firm lawyer, you are the business. Clients don't see a big firm machine – they are connecting with you as a person.
Your online reviews may help bring in new clients. Is it OK to ask for, or even encourage, online reviews? Turns out – it depends on how you ask.
Each year, the Wisconsin Law Foundation uses member donations to fund programs that directly impact Wisconsin residents – especially children. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the Foundation's McNulty grants helped these programs continue with their missions.
Alexander Lodge, a patent attorney at Foley & Lardner LLP in Madison, is a leader in pro bono work who is making it easier for clients to raise themselves out of poverty. Learn more about Lodge, the 2020 Pro Bono Attorney of the Year.
Several high-profile cases involved clashes between the executive and legislative branches during the Wisconsin Supreme Court's 2019-20 term.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court has adopted a number of changes to Wisconsin's attorney disciplinary process involving the Office of Lawyer Regulation (OLR).
A survey of judges provides some insight on the mediation landscape in Wisconsin.
Attorneys can now participate in voluntary eFiling pilot program in the Wisconsin Court of Appeals. District III. The program begins in Districts II and I in the coming weeks, in anticipation of a mandatory program starting July 1, 2021.
The new law, which took effect May 1, 2020, allows a party requiring a notarial act to appear by audio-visual technology before the notary, while in a remote location.
Amy Buchmeyer distinguishes procedures and authority for rules, guidance documents and agency publications under recent legislation, and a recent supreme court decision.
Clients may turn to you for help and advice on the pros and cons of filing for bankruptcy, so bankruptcy might appear to be an attractive addition to your practice. However, to actually help your clients by offering competent advice, there are several factors to consider.
What happens when you test positive for or are informed that you have been exposed to COVID-19? How does your ethical duty of communication and confidentiality intersect with the public health strategy of contact tracing and reporting?
The Wisconsin Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection Committee reimbursed more than $46K to 14 victims of lawyer theft over the past year. Committee Chair Benjamin Kurten makes a request: Seek help when you can't properly represent your client.
At the Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Conference on Oct. 28-30, you'll be able to get your CLE credits, browse the vendor hall, network with colleagues, and have your chance to win prizes – all while social distancing at work or home.
WisLawNOW is the State Bar's new online community of Wisconsin legal bloggers.
Milwaukee attorney Anza D'Antonio makes a point to mentor students she encounters. As this year’s Diversity & Inclusion Trailblazer, D'Antonio is honored for her innovative internship program that opened doors for high school and law students who never imagined legal careers.
With the school year fast-approaching, lawyers will be busy fielding questions from school districts and parents. Jeff Spitzer-Resnick discusses the legal issues with reopening plans and a recent decision on the constitutional right to literacy.
Knowing the pitfalls and opportunities in advance can help you and your client have a less stressful experience, and enable the court to function efficiently under these new circumstances.
Juror trauma is real. But court systems don't typically provide post-trial mental health services for jurors. Should court systems do more to help jurors after tough cases?
At several closed administrative rules conferences in the spring of 2020, the court resolved certain outstanding questions regarding the various petitions.
"Agricultural cooperatives, worker cooperatives, and broadband/utility cooperatives are super important to our rural communities so the more education we can provide for lawyers in those communities, the better those lawyers can support their communities," says attorney Jeff Glazer.
State and federal agency regulations may not receive the same attention from the general public as Supreme Court opinions and statutes enacted by the legislature, but they play a significant role in governing the actions of individuals and businesses.
COVID-19 is here to stay, for the foreseeable future. Employers should be planning ahead for the potential impact on their workforces.
Good writing and good advocacy go hand in hand, says Ryan Walsh, one of five attorneys honored in the Best Briefs Competition by the Appellate Practice Section. Learn more about the winners and their approach to powerful written advocacy.
State Bar members are invited to attend the meeting of the Executive Committee when it will conduct its annual evaluation on the amount of dues members may deduct for activities that are not reasonably related to regulating the legal profession or improving the quality of legal services.
Honor a leader in solo and small-firm practice: We are seeking nominations for the 2020 John Lederer Service Award. Nominations are due Sept. 11.
The Wisconsin Law Foundation provides $2,300 each to three recent law school graduates who represent underserved populations – people who have difficulty affording legal services and those in rural areas with limited access to legal services.
"I had the unrealistic, naive expectation that the criminal justice system would give me the same presumption of innocence," said Jarrett Adams, who was 17 when he was wrongfully convicted of a crime in Wisconsin and spent 10 years in prison.
Courts and the legal community must leverage technology to address the access to justice gap for self-represented litigants who face technical barriers.
Lawyers are not typically thought of as first responders, but the pandemic highlights the essential nature of lawyers and pro bono service.
We must demand real change. And, we need your help.
The death of George Floyd and other cases of police brutality and explicit and implicit racism and inequality has sparked a movement for social and criminal justice reform.
Three presidents of the Wisconsin Association of African-American Lawyers discuss police brutality, civil unrest and protest, and what the legal community and organizations should do to demand and effect change.
A public hearing will be held on the petition of William J. Spangler, Eau Claire, to reinstate his Wisconsin law license. Any interested person may appear at the hearing and be heard in support of or in opposition to the petition.
When a colleague at their firm is also a family court commissioner, can a lawyer practice in family law in that same county? Turns out, a statute in the family code may prevent any lawyer in the commissioner's firm from appearing in a family law matter in that county – but not another county.
The Wisconsin Legislature redraws voting district boundaries every 10 years, and litigation usually follows. A recent petition submitted to the Wisconsin Supreme Court would establish the rules for any redistricting litigation in the next cycle.
Meet seven new Wisconsin lawyers, just completing their final semester and beginning their careers as lawyers, while in a world of pandemic, social unrest, and economic challenges.
What's the best way to stay on top of new developments in the law? Law librarian Laura Olsen provides tips and resources on a great way to stay up to date – using push-technology alerting and tracking tools.
Even as economic reopening happens, solo and small firms will need to find new opportunities to use their skills and connect differently with clients and potential clients, says Wausau solo Sarah Ruffi.
The Wisconsin Law Foundation supports programs that enhance the public's knowledge of the justice system, encourage diversity in the profession, and assist young lawyers with taking up leadership roles. Now is the time to remember the Foundation on your dues statement, says Foundation President Kevin Lonergan.
This year, members struggling to pay their annual court assessments and membership dues by July 1 may choose to pay in four installments. Sign up by June 9 to participate in the plan.
With the ongoing pandemic's impact on the economy, bankruptcy lawyers are seeing an uptick in calls from people worried about their finances, says James V. Block.
Since starting her pro bono volunteer work this past January, Madison family lawyer Elisabeth Fletcher of Musial & Friedrich S.C. makes a point to volunteer once a month with the Free Family Law Clinic at Vera Court Neighborhood Center in Madison.
Bayfield County Circuit Court Judge John Anderson is the recipient of the State Bar of Wisconsin's 2020 Judge of the Year award. Find out what it is like to be the judge in a one-branch county.
Judge Randy Koschnick, Director of Wisconsin State Courts, provides an update on where the state court system is now.
Wisconsin legal bloggers mobilized quickly to provide crucial information during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Many are featured on this 6th annual list of Wisconsin law blogs, a statewide community of legal bloggers.
Remote hearings will continue and jury trials are still suspended, but counties now have guidance and discretion to reopen their courts from the Wisconsin Courts COVID-19 Task Force and recent Wisconsin Supreme Court orders.
The Chief Judges' Subcommittee on Judicial Education filed a rule petition asking the court to amend several rules pertaining to continuing education for the Wisconsin judiciary and circuit court commissioners.
Gregory Grau, retired Marathon County Circuit Court judge, is the 2020 recipient of the State Bar of Wisconsin's Lifetime Jurist Award.
Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Patience Roggensack announced that the Wisconsin Courts COVID-19 Task Force has issued its final report, including a framework to guide counties and circuit courts as they work together to reopen facilities, return to in-person proceedings, and begin to normalize operations.
The State Bar asked the court to authorize the temporary waiver of SCR 10.07 (meetings of the association) and sections of State Bar Bylaws Article III relating to the annual meeting of the members, meetings associated with the annual meeting, and in-person requirements for regular meetings of the Board of Governors.
Lawyers who accept credit card payments into their operating accounts are not directly prohibited by the disciplinary rules from holding a client responsible for those costs.
COVID-19 is not going away just because people are coming back to work, says Lori Dorn, director of administration for Stafford Rosenbaum LLP. She shares tips for law firms and other employers to consider when reopening.
Confused about the myriad of regulations and best practices guiding return-to-work policies? You're not alone. Learn about the guidelines and standards employers should follow to create a safe working environment for employees returning to work sites.
A recent legal industry trends report found that new matter creation dropped by nearly 40 percent in April as individuals and business defer legal matters. But those matters aren't going away, and lawyers must find innovative ways to serve clients.
This year, in response to COVID-19, members struggling to pay their annual court assessments and membership dues by July 1 may choose to pay in four installments.
Simple things, such as practicing gratitude and understanding your thought processes, can provide mental health benefits during stressful times.
A public hearing will be held before Referee John Nicholas Schweitzer on the petition of Daniel Parks, Fond du Lac, to reinstate his Wisconsin law license.
For Theresa Elliott and the Professional Development team, the new world of social distancing has changed forever how the State Bar delivers information – and how Wisconsin lawyers are adapting to remote learning.
The well-being of lawyers continues to be of concern to the legal profession. Lindsey Draper, a current member of the National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being, discusses resources for attorneys.
Using a drone can land your client in legal trouble. Law librarian Carol Schmitt lists the resources to help you research the issues and current status of drone laws in Wisconsin and the U.S.
Workers facing loss of health care coverage due to a change in employment status now have more time and more options to continue or seek new coverage. A new rule extending timeframes for making special enrollment elections went into effect on May 4, 2020.
Effective July 1, 2020, attorneys may draft or assist in drafting a pleading, motion, or document filed by an otherwise self-represented litigant without signing it. The document must only note that it was "prepared with the assistance of a lawyer."
In this article, mediator and former Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Richard Sankovitz provides tips on conducting mediations remotely.
All branches are currently capable of conducting proceedings through Zoom videoconferencing, says Judge Koschnick, Director of Wisconsin State Courts. He offers advice for videoconferencing attorneys.
Comments are requested as to whether incumbent U.S. Magistrate Judge James R. Sickel should be recommended by the panel for reappointment by the court. Submit comments no later than May 31, 2020.
he Wisconsin Supreme has issued an order that pertains to the filing of paper documents in state courts for those unable to access and use the electronic filing system, creating a "temporary mailbox rule" that governs required filing dates.
Loan programs available under the CARES Act can assist small businesses, including law firms, with low-interest and forgivable loans. But applicants must act fast.
Conflicts are imputed among all lawyers at a single firm. But what happens to the conflicts if lawyers from different firms join together as co-counsel in a case?
Are you or do you know someone improving the legal profession and practice of law with innovative solutions. Nominate them for the State Bar of Wisconsin Legal Innovator initiative. Deadline for nominations is June 30, 2020.
They are members of the legal community who make a difference – by mentoring others, by offering their services in pro bono work, by leading the way in bettering the practice of law in Wisconsin. We congratulate these award recipients, and offer them a round of applause.
The State Bar is hosting a number of free virtual town hall meetings to let members in different practice areas connect and discuss common questions and issues, as well as work through practice management and technology issues.
Employers should create an immediate plan to deal with how to get through the next quarter by saving resources and supporting staff, says Nilesh Patel. But employers should also be looking at two or three quarters from now, and even farther out.
While Wisconsin law libraries are closed to visitors, librarians are available to help you with your research. Here are a few resources to boost your research remotely during this time of quarantine – and beyond.
Everyone is tackling the challenges of working remotely. The State Bar is offering assistance via a new partner: Identillect Technologies, to help you keep your email secure.
Learn more about two new State Bar tools for you to stay updated on the legal impact of the coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic.
In recognition of Healthcare Decisions Day on April 16, the State Bar is offering a free download – through April 25 – of our health care decisions guide, “A Gift to Your Family: Planning Ahead for Future Health Needs.”
From Eau Claire to Superior, from Milwaukee to Madison, lawyers are facing the challenges of uncertainty. But the State Bar is here to help.
Voting in the State Bar of Wisconsin elections gives you a chance to have a say in setting the direction and policies of the State Bar. Look for your ballots to come via email this year. Here's what you need to know to cast your vote.
The Legal Services Corporation's Basic Field Grants provide funding to support delivery of high-quality civil legal services and access to justice to low-income people, Native Americans, and agricultural workers during 2021.
It is ordered that the public hearing on rule petition 19-25, scheduled for Thursday, April 2, 2020, is hereby cancelled.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court has issued an order that provides guidance and information on appellate court operations, appellate court filings and deadlines, and access to court files in amidst the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Learn about employee policies and best practices to deal with possible COVID-19 exposure issues in the workplace, including a sample communication to staff.
In 2017, the Wisconsin Supreme Court approved creation of a pilot project for commercial court dockets for large claims business and commercial cases. This order reflects interim rule amendments to accommodate the addition of Dane County to the pilot project.
Now that lawyers have greater flexibility with respect to electronic payment of fees, is it possible to pass along to clients such fees as charged when they pay with a credit card?
"I was not done being an attorney and I knew there was a need," says Jeff Patzke, a retired government attorney who found, in retirement, a new outlet for his legal expertise.
The FFCRA imposes some significant new obligations on employers with fewer than 500 employees. What follows is a detailed description of the employer-leave obligations that will be required by the FFCRA.
All eyes will be on Wisconsin during the 2020 election. Michael Haas, staff counsel at the Wisconsin Elections Commission, answers to frequently asked election law questions and shares what voters should know before election day to ensure their ballot is counted.
A work two years in the making, the Wisconsin Association of African-American Lawyers has published the histories of 11 pioneering black Wisconsin lawyers. Find out more about these lawyers, and why it is important to keep their history alive.
If you are interested in seeking an appointment, please submit your resume and letter of interest (or fill out the form at the link below) before April 10, 2020, to be considered in the next round of nominations.
The court, on its own motion, identified the need for a technical correction to the interim commercial court rule.
On Dec. 23, 2019, the Wisconsin Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection petitioned the court to amend SCR 12.07(2)(a) to increase the annual assessment of attorneys for the fund to provide sufficient income for payment of eligible claims.
A public hearing will be held on the petition of William J. Spangler of Eau Claire to reinstate his Wisconsin law license.
While Google is the dominant search engine choice, it is not the only one available. Law librarian Bev Butula guides you through a menu of alternate search engines that can help you with your legal research.
Serving on a State Bar of Wisconsin committee is a way to make a difference quickly in the legal profession and in the justice system, says T.R. Williams, who is serving her fifth year on the State Bar's Leadership Development Committee.
Grants of up to $2,300 are available for programs that help public understanding of the legal system. Past recipients include ABC for Health, Inc., and teen court programs across the state. Apply by April 3, 2020.
The Family Law Section is offering 15 scholarships to its Annual Family Law Workshop in Door County, on Aug. 6-8, 2020, at Stone Harbor Resort and Conference Center in Sturgeon Bay.
The State Bar of Wisconsin *has cancelled* a debate between Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidates Daniel Kelly (incumbent) and Jill Karofsky (challenger).
Lawyers can help healthcare clients mitigate data breaches that can cost millions of dollars to fix, says David Cade, former deputy general counsel for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and current CEO of the nonpartisan American Health Lawyers Association.
In two recent cases, the employee alleged that the employer provided pretextual reasons for taking discriminatory action. Those arguments were rejected in both cases.
The candidates, both government lawyers, discuss what the State Bar can do to better serve government lawyers and help Wisconsin lawyers compete with market forces.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court has issued an order that expands Wisconsin’s Commercial Docket Pilot Project, also known as the Business or Commercial Court, to the Second and Tenth Judicial Administrative Districts.
On Oct. 22, 2019, the Director of State Courts petitioned the court to amend Wis. Stat. section 757.60(9) and (10), SCR 70.17(9) and (10), and to renumber Wis. Stat. section 753.06(9)(d). The petition proposed transferring Iron County from the ninth judicial district to the tenth judicial district for reasons of judicial efficiency.
On Oct. 3, 2019, Gretchen Viney, Distinguished Clinical Professor, U.W. Law School, petitioned the court to amend SCR 31.05(3) pertaining to CLE. The petition seeks to ensure that a guest presenter in a law school course shall receive two hours of CLE credit for each hour of class presentation.
On Jan. 17, 2020, the Business Court Advisory Committee petitioned the court to approve certain amendments to extend and expand the existing pilot project for commercial court dockets for large claims business and commercial cases.
On Dec. 13, 2019, the Committee of Chief Judges petitioned the court to amend SCR 70.20, relating to the authority of the chief judge. On Jan. 30, 2020, the petitioner filed a motion to withdraw the petition.
Managing cyber threats is an ever-evolving facet of law practice today. Find out more about what to watch out for in 2020, and where to turn for help.
When a lawyer leaves a firm, what conflicts does the lawyer leave behind? Turns out, it may depend on the firm's file retention policy.
Congratulations to the 22 high school mock trial teams headed to state! The top two teams from each region will compete in Madison in March.
Doing pro bono work is "incredibly rewarding," says Milwaukee attorney Jon Richards. Find out more about why he focuses his volunteer work on helping victims of sexual violence and human trafficking.
Estate planning lawyers should modify their estate planning forms to reflect recent changes that impact retirement account distributions after death.
Some states, such as Utah, are already experimenting in the "regulatory sandbox" to find innovative solutions to access to justice.
Wisconsin's arrest and conviction law governs what employers can and cannot do with respect to employment decisions, and define the rights of potential and current employees previously arrested or convicted of a crime.
Lawyers should build a reputation for being "firm but fair" about fees, staring with the first consultation, says lawyer and practice management advisor Reid Trautz.
A brief summary of common legal issues and resources available to effectively assist transgender adults and children in Wisconsin.
Young lawers: earn up to 6.0 CLE and 1.0 EPR credits and expand your network of colleagues while exploring topics of interest to young lawyers in Wisconsin. Register today – it's free for members of the State Bar of Wisconsin Young Lawyers Division.
If you donated 50 or more hours of qualifying pro bono legal services to benefit low-income Wisconsin residents in 2019, you qualify as a member of the Wisconsin Pro Bono Honor Society – certify your service by Feb. 28.
Submit your petition to represent Wisconsin's legal community through the American Bar Association House of Delegates and keep the State Bar of Wisconsin Board of Governors informed of actions at the national level.
On Sept. 26, 2019, the State Bar of Wisconsin Appellate Practice Section petitions the court to facilitate online access to petitions for review and responses, in the same manner that appellate briefs are viewable online the court's website.
More than 1,000 high school students are preparing to compete in the 2020 High School Mock Trial regional competition on Feb. 8, 2020. This year, they tackle a case involving a fictional drowning case.
The State Bar of Wisconsin Lawyer-to-Lawyer Directory is an online resource for State Bar members to help each other by gaining and giving advice – and the possibility of gaining and giving client referrals.
By volunteering to serve on a State Bar of Wisconsin committee, not only do you help your profession, but you make lasting connections with your colleagues. State Bar President-elect Kathy Brost is seeking volunteers to serve on a committee for the 2020-21 fiscal year -- apply by April 15.
Three teen court programs, supported by the Wisconsin Law Foundation, make a significant impact in their local communities and the teenagers and families who live there by keeping teens out of the juvenile justice system.
In 2014, the Wisconsin Supreme Court unanimously adopted a rule encouraging attorneys to help low-income, self-represented litigants draft documents. Subsequent legislation scrapped that rule. Now, the court is considering whether to restore it.
What qualities you would like to see in the next dean of the University of Wisconsin Law School?
On March 13, 2019, the Office of Lawyer Regulation Procedure Review Committee petitioned the court to modify its ethics rules, specifically SCR 20:1.8(h)(3) and SCR 20:8.3 and related comments, to encourage greater reporting of professional misconduct by lawyers.
On March 13, 2019, the Office of Lawyer Regulation Procedure Review Committee and the Charging Process Subcommittee petitioned the court to modify rules to improve communications between the OLR and grievants, streamline the procedures applicable to consent reprimands, and to alleged breaches of a diversion agreement.
On March 13, 2019, the Office of Lawyer Regulation Procedure Review Committee petitioned the court to amend rules to permit the court to order permanent revocation of an attorney's law license.
On March 13, 2019, the Office of Lawyer Regulation Procedure Review Committee petitioned the court to create a new rule to provide a mechanism for enforcing disciplinary orders.
On March 13, 2019, the Office of Lawyer Regulation Procedure Review Committee petitioned the court to amend certain SCRs in chapters 21 and 22 to streamline the disciplinary process, including eliminating District Committees, allowing the OLR to reach an earlier resolution of grievances in appropriate circumstances, and to promote cooperation between the OLR and attorneys.
Is the duty owed to former clients in connection with information disclosed to third parties? What actually constitutes "generally known" information about former clients?
High School Mock Trial is one of the Wisconsin Law Foundation's signature programs, teaching teenagers about the law and our system of justice. Volunteer attorney judges are needed for regional and semi-regional competitions in February and March – sign up today.
The gig economy and the different kinds of employment that people are seeking out today is leading to a lot of questions about whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor, says Madison attorney Caitlin Madden.
Get to know Michael P. May and Cheryl Furstace Daniels as they discuss changes affecting the profession and opportunities for the State Bar and its members.
A new federal law effective Feb. 19, 2020, is designed to simplify bankruptcy reorganizations for small businesses by reducing procedural and cost burdens.
As you determine your year-end giving, please consider supporting the Wisconsin Law Foundation. Your support is critical to our ability to fund important programs and services across Wisconsin.
Is it OK, while building your firm's presence on social media, to offer rewards to those who "like" the page and provide a good recommendation?
On June 25, 2019, the State Bar of Wisconsin petitioned the court to amend SCR 10.05(4)(m)1 to add the State Bar’s Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) to the list of assistance programs that are currently specified in the rule.
Have you or a colleague recently written an exceptional appellate brief? Think it could serve as a model for others? Enter the State Bar of Wisconsin Appellate Practice Section's competition to identify and recognize outstanding appellate briefs – entries are due Jan. 30.
Pro bono work "is a sacred duty and critical for the maintenance of our democracy," says Philomena Kebec. Meet the Odanah lawyer who not only assists pro bono clients through Wisconsin Judicare, but finds time to help fellow members of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.
Four common stressors and six ways to say not to holiday stress, from State Bar of Wisconsin WisLAP Coordinator Jason Magill, a licensed professional counselor.
"Work-life balance" assumes lawyers have an option to neatly balance the responsibilities of law practice with life outside of work. Attorney Deanne Koll says focusing on being a happy lawyer may be more achievable.
From providing tips on protecting your privacy to avoiding scams, the State Bar of Wisconsin's law office management Practice411 elist offered useful practice information in 2019. Here they are, all in one place.
Wisconsin Lawyer, InsideTrack, and Section Blogs: Highlighting substantive and procedural changes in the law in 2019 and providing a voice to members on legal issues and developments of the day in Wisconsin and beyond.
Attorney and technology guru Jeff Krause says the "Moneyball" concept can help law firms see things differently, with data, and improve profitability.
A relatively new program allows survivors of domestic abuse, including children, to keep their residence addresses confidential through a substitute legal address.
Social media is not just for socializing; it can be a robust tool for legal research. Find out what you need to know about using social media for legal research and to stay abreast of legal developments.
Serving in a leadership position in a State Bar of Wisconsin division is a fantastic way to make connections throughout the state and to have a say in your profession. Here's where to find out more about running for a leadership position in your division.
Are you a leader? Or do you wish to be one? Now's your chance to put your skills into action – and gain valuable leadership experience. Run for a 2020 State Bar Board of Governors' position – petitions due March 1.
Responding to requests from members, the State Bar of Wisconsin is implementing a new prepayment plan for court assessments and member dues. Starting in January, members have the option to pay monthly installments over a six-month period. Sign up by Jan. 6.
What it means to navigate the legal system in Wisconsin as a self-represented litigant, with little or no assistance from a lawyer.
The State Bar of Wisconsin's Board of Governors, at its Dec. 6 meeting, will discuss proposals on whether to change the structure of the "emeritus" membership status, which currently applies to members age 70 and older.
Trust accounts are subject to regulation, and the Supreme Court Rule governing these accounts is long and complicated. Turns out, the rule allows a lawyer to send funds from a trust account via a wire transfer.
Help your family and clients take the right steps at the right time, with the assistance of PINNACLE's 'Advising Older Clients and Their Families.'
High school students will tackle the difficult issues presented in a fictional drowning case involving bullying and poor safety practices. Want to get involved? Volunteers – whether attorneys or judges – are needed as referees for regional and state tournament competitions.
The Supreme Court of Wisconsin is seeking qualified candidates to serve as Referees in attorney disciplinary matters.
Under a new statute, attorneys can voluntarily agree to accept email service of discovery requests, responses, and other papers required to be served on counsel.
Established by the Wisconsin Supreme Court in 2017, the three-year Business Court Pilot Project has resolved nearly 80 cases on a dedicated commercial docket.
On March 13, 2019, the OLR Procedure Review Committee filed a petition asking the court to amend its confidentiality rules to balance the interests of an accused attorney against the public’s right to know and to be protected in lawyer disciplinary cases.
On March 13, 2019, the OLR Procedure Review Committee and the Reinstatement Subcommittee filed a petition asking the court to modify the Supreme Court Rules pertaining to reinstatement after an attorney’s law license has been suspended or revoked, to promote efficiency in the reinstatement process.
On March 13, 2019, the OLR Procedure Review Committee filed a petition asking the court to amend its ethics rules to encourage reporting of professional misconduct by lawyers.
Several bills pending in the Wisconsin Legislature may change the way attorneys counsel clients on estate planning matters and would allow notarizations of legal documents to be conducted electronically and remotely online.
Need the history of a particular location or event? Check out the many digital collections in Wisconsin's universities and colleges, public libraries, and state departments.
You'll never be unprepared to handle a condominium issue – from planning and development through financing, and from insurance through governance – with the 'Wisconsin Condominium Law Handbook' from State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE® at your side.
A new partnership between the State Bar of Wisconsin and Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC) can help you access tax-advantaged benefits to combat rising healthcare costs.
For her years of dedicated service, Kathleen Brost, State Bar president-elect, is the 2019 recipient of the John Lederer Distinguished Service Award from the State Bar of Wisconsin Solo, Small Firm & General Practice Section.
The State Bar of Wisconsin successfully defended the Department of Revenue's claim that OnDemand CLE seminars are subject to sales tax. The tax attorneys who represented the State Bar in the years-long case explain the decision.
'Wisconsin Lawyer' magazine and its previous iterations are now part of the HeinOnline digital archive that includes issues dating back to 1927.
How to "think like a judge," and other helpful tips from Wisconsin Appeals Court Judge Michael Fitzpatrick.
Rep. Ron Tusler (R-Harrison) and Rep. Tip McGuire (D-Kenosha), both members of the State Bar of Wisconsin, support a bipartisan package of pending bills to improve the core functions of the justice system.
For this year's Pro Bono Week, please give a bit of your time to help those in need in your community.
Health Care Open Enrollment is here. Now is the time to prepare for making the best health care coverage for your situation.
Studies show that jurors make their up their minds pretty quickly during the trial. Litigator John Claypool shares tips to get them on your side.
Retired Madison litigator Earl H. Munson Jr., of BoardmanClark, is one of two recipients of the Wisconsin Law Foundation's 2019 Charles L. Goldberg Distinguished Service Award.
Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Carl Ashley is one of two recipients of the Wisconsin Law Foundation's 2019 Charles L. Goldberg Distinguished Service Award. His colleagues see him as a change-agent for reform.
Quickly locate on-point evidentiary rules and cases with 'The Wisconsin Rules of Evidence: A Courtroom Handbook' – the on-the-spot reference for Wisconsin attorneys in the heat of trial.
When a lawyer answers a call from the State Public Defender's Office to represent a client, what should happen when the lawyer learns that the client is not actually indigent?
With a night of celebration honoring leaders in the profession, the Wisconsin Law Foundation celebrates 45 new Fellows, members of the legal profession who show a commitment to the profession and community service. Congratulations!
National Pro Bono Celebration Week is Oct. 20-26. We celebrate pro bono lawyers providing free legal services through programs like Wills for Heroes.
Legal Action of Wisconsin's Volunteer Lawyers Project invites lawyers to serve clients throughout Legal Action's 39-county service area. Find out more about the project's free training opportunities for pro bono lawyers with Legal Action of Wisconsin.
Whether you represent employers or employees, Wisconsin Employment Law from State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE helps you protect your clients' rights and livelihood.
The State Bar's Ready.Set.Practice. mentoring program needs mentors and mentees for 2020. Those seeking a mentor should sign up by Nov. 1.
Kathleen Brost, State Bar president-elect and chair of the State Bar's Nominating Committee, says deciding to run for a State Bar officer position was one of the best decisions she’s made. Nominate yourself by Oct. 31 to run for a State Bar officer position.
Many younger lawyers gravitate to cities to start their legal careers, but "there are great advantages to being a lawyer in a smaller community," says Wisconsin Appeals Court Judge Lisa Stark.
Law firms should continually review cybersecurity practices to ensure the firm's protocols are keeping up with cybersecurity threats.
Background checks are tricky when dealing with prospective and current employees. Employment lawyers should be prepared to advise employers about arrest and conviction record discrimination.
In a ceremony on Sept. 27 in Neillsville, a floor of the Clark County Courthouse that houses courtrooms and other offices will be dedicated to former Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Bruce Beilfuss. All are welcome to attend.
The OLR Procedure Review Committee filed a rule petition asking the court to amend SCR 21.16(1m)(a) and SCR 22.29(2) to permit the court to order permanent revocation of an attorney’s law license, in certain circumstances.
The OLR Procedure Review Committee filed a rule petition asking the court to create a new rule, SCR 22.185, that would provide a mechanism for the enforcement of disciplinary orders.
The Office of Lawyer Regulation Procedure Review Committee filed a rule petition asking the court to amend Supreme Court Rules to streamline the disciplinary process.
The Joint Legislative Council filed a rule petition asking the court to amend Supreme Court Rules pertaining to the educational requirements for GAL appointments in actions affecting the family.
What are a lawyer's duties when their client dies while a case is pending? When does a lawyer's authority to act on behalf of a client end?
U.S. Senators Ron Johnson and Tammy Baldwin reestablished the Wisconsin Federal Nominating Commission.
Get quick answers to your citation questions with the 'Wisconsin Guide to Citation,' designed specifically for attorneys citing Wisconsin-specific sources and newly updated from State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE®.
Interested in gaining the tools and skills to make you confident as a leader? The G. Lane Ware Leadership Academy helps you do just that, according to its graduates. Apply for the 2019-20 Leadership Academy by Sept. 30.
The scams that target lawyers and trust fund accounts are evolving – are you prepared? Learn more about the latest in scams and gain tips to avoid being the next victim.
Lawyers have a role to play in helping organizational leadership understand the importance of diverse viewpoints in boardrooms.
A recent decision says employers who misclassify workers as independent contractors do not violate labor laws that prohibit employers from interfering with employees' right to organize, based on the misclassification alone.
Any decision, if the High Court decides to take the case, would have the largest impact on states, such as Wisconsin, without laws banning assault-style weapons.
Learn tips and tricks to maximize your results with Google Scholar. Law librarian Beverly G. Butula helps you make the most of this free resource in an upcoming, one-hour CLE seminar, Legal Research Using Innovative Google Methods, from the State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE®.
What do you need to enhance your practice? Learn tips and insights for your solo or small-firm practice at the 2019 Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Conference, Oct. 24-26 in Wisconsin Dells.
A public hearing will be held Nov. 12 on the petition of Michael Bauer, Madison, to reinstate his Wisconsin law license.
"The Wisconsin Public Records and Open Meetings Handbook," recently revised by State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE, helps you determine when governmental information and meetings must be accessible to the public.
Lessons learned from the G. Lane Ware Leadership Academy will help you enhance your practice and your leadership skills, says Academy graduate Eileen Dorfman. What kind of leader do you want to be? Gain the skills to succeed in the 2019-20 Leadership Academy – apply by Sept. 30.
Open Enrollment ends Dec. 15, 2019. As you consider your options, the State Bar of Wisconsin now offers another health care insurance option for members in firms of two or more employees. Learn how this health plan can impact your 2020 coverage.
Sometimes, clients are difficult. Three young lawyers share their strategies for dealing with them.
A joint initiative between the State Bar of Wisconsin Lawyer Assistance Program and the Senior Lawyers Division will highlight cognitive impairment among aging attorneys.
Millennials account for 40 percent of the U.S. workforce. Law firms can attract talented millennial lawyers, generally between ages 25 and 38, by focusing on law firm culture.
The new Marketplace – launched Aug. 20 – now has an easier, more intuitive shopping experience, similar to what you’ll find on other e-commerce sites.
The Board of Bar Examiners (BBE) proposes two changes to its appendices. The first involves amending BA 6.02, which identifies those matters into which the BBE may further inquire before deciding whether an applicant to the bar possesses the necessary character and fitness to practice law. The second involves changes to CLE 3.015 regarding requirements to reactivate licensure to active status.
File cleanup: What do you need to know in storing and destroying old files from closed client cases? How long do you have to wait before destroying closed client files? And do you need permission of the former client before destroying them?
A selection of recent Wisconsin case verdicts.
If you use Wisconsin's transfer by affidavit procedure, you can now find an updated transfer by affidavit form and more on the State Bar of Wisconsin website, thanks to the State Bar's Real Property, Probate, and Trust Law Section.
Milwaukee attorney Jim Baxter was well known for his compassion and dedication to helping struggling lawyers. He was recently honored for more than 30 years of work as a volunteer with the State Bar of Wisconsin Lawyers Assistance Program.
Attending a conference is about more than simply getting CLE credits. It's about building and strengthening your connections – creating a team of fellow practitioners you can turn to when the need arises. Timothy Cody shares how expanding your network expands your business opportunities.
Attracting young lawyers to smaller Wisconsin communities continues to be an uphill struggle. But some cities, such as Wausau, are ramping up the appeal.
The finalized biennial state budget includes an increase in the hourly rate paid to private bar attorneys taking public defender cases and pay increases for state prosecutors and public defenders. Learn more about the state budget bill and other legislation.
What do you do if a client has questions or projects outside your firm's purview? Solo and small firm lawyers can cover their bases by networking and partnering with other firms.
The OLR Procedure Review Committee and Confidentiality Subcommittee petitioned the court to modify its confidentiality rules to balance the interests of an accused attorney against the public's right to know and to be protected in applicable lawyer disciplinary cases.
The OLR Procedure Review Committee and Reinstatement Subcommittee petitioned the court to modify supreme court rules pertaining to reinstatement after an attorney’s law license has been suspended or revoked.
Researching archived legal information can provide useful insight into discovering what the law was at a set point in time. Law librarian Carol Hassler gives tips and links for finding archived legal material for your research needs.
Attorneys across the country have the opportunity to contribute to the National Conference of Bar Examiners study on what should be tested in the bar exam. The survey is available through the end of September.
For all judges on the bench and attorneys appearing in Wisconsin's circuit courts, the five judicial benchbook volumes, updated annually from State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE®, are the guides that help you navigate cases in state courts.
Learn tips and tricks to enhance your solo or small-firm practice at the 2019 Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Conference, Oct. 24-26 in Wisconsin Dells.
Congratulations to the 370 lawyers who are recognized as part of the Wisconsin Pro Bono Honor Society, which honors lawyers who provide pro bono legal services in excess of 50 hours annually.
Interested in gaining more tools and skills to help you succeed, and a network of colleagues to support you? The G. Lane Ware Leadership Academy helps you do just that, according to its graduates. Apply for the 2019-20 Leadership Academy by Sept. 30.
Join us in congratulating the attorneys and staff of Stafford Rosenbaum, recipient of this year's Champions of Diversity Award, for 20 years of participation in the State Bar of Wisconsin Diversity Clerkship Program. Their commitment boosted 20 legal careers.
A U.S. Supreme Court decision overrules a 1985 decision that required takings claimants against state and local governments to seek redress in state courts.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court issued 54 authored decisions in the 2018-19 term. This article provides statistics and analysis, as well as insights from civil and criminal lawyers, with the holdings and votes in all 54 decisions.
In 2016, there were approximately 13,500 eviction cases filed in Wisconsin. Tenants had an attorney in about 112 of the cases. The Eviction Defense Project, which provides free legal aid to low-income tenants, is working to help tenants know their rights.
Phyllis Frye, an attorney and judge in Texas, became an open transgender woman in the 1970s, and has fought to promote and protect transgender rights ever since. She is a featured speaker at the upcoming Health, Labor, and Employment Law Institute.
On March 13, 2019, the OLR Procedure Review Committee petitioned the court to modify the supreme court rules to afford referees more authority to rule on certain matters.
On March 13, 2019, the OLR Procedure Review Committee petitioned the court to amend the supreme court rules pertaining to the appointment and training of referees.
Effective July 1, 2019, the State Bar of Wisconsin will receive and administer the fee for admission pro hac vice according to the terms the court’s rule and a Memorandum of Understanding between the State Bar and the recipients of those funds. This order reflects the court’s approval of the Memorandum.
A petition to amend supreme court rules to abolish the mandatory bar and create a voluntary State Bar of Wisconsin was denied.
Job searches can give rise to conflicts for lawyers. Just when do lawyers have to notify clients that they are seeking a new position?
For anyone handling marital property issues, Marital Property Law & Practice in Wisconsin, from State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE®, provides a practical guide that answers your in-depth questions and saves you time with its quickly accessible forms and flowcharts.
Keep up with the evolving trends, technology, and political policies impacting health care and the workplace at the 2019 Health, Labor, and Employment Law Institute, Aug. 15-16, at Glacier Canyon Lodge in Wisconsin Dells.
Solo and small-firm lawyers, who is your go-to colleague for your most pressing questions? Nominate a solo or small-firm lawyer for the 2019 John Lederer Service Award. Nominations are due Aug. 19.
Learn more about current Indian law issues from notable practitioners, and hear about legal issues and opportunities for mutual state and tribal benefit from Attorney General Josh Kaul at the eighth annual Indian Law CLE, Aug. 1-2, 2019, in Wisconsin Dells.
The Wisconsin Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection Committee reimbursed more than $207K to 36 victims of lawyer theft over the past year. Committee Chair Benjamin Kurten makes a request: help prevent claims by helping each other as colleagues.
This year, State Bar of Wisconsin members who graduated law school in 1969 celebrate 50 years in the legal profession. In this article, learn some of their stories.
A new WisBar Marketplace – where you can find State Bar products or register for events – is coming in August, with improved browsing, searching, and navigation.
CNN Legal Analyst Joan Biskupic knows something about the U.S. Supreme Court: She has been covering the High Court for almost three decades.
Recent decisions by the Wisconsin and the U.S. supreme courts provide additional layers to state and federal law on burglary and the impact of prior convictions.
You've worked within the system – here's your chance to be heard. Take 10 minutes to let the Wisconsin Supreme Court's Planning and Policy Advisory Committee know what you think about critical issues within the court system.
Business clients count on their lawyers for advice about avoiding or handling disputes before or when they arise. For fast and accurate guidance and solutions, turn to Business Litigation and Dispute Resolution in Wisconsin from State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE®, newly revised and expanded for 2019.
Wisconsin Supreme Court assessments and State Bar of Wisconsin membership dues for fiscal year 2020 are due July 1. Statements were sent in early May.
Upon the court's own motion, and in consultation with the Board of Bar Examiners, the court has eliminated certain fees as part of the application process for admission to the Bar. The court eliminated the $100 admission fee and the $25 fee required for change of name.
The unique role of guardians ad litem (GAL) pose challenges in applying the Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys, such as determining whether GAL work may conflict with your other cases. Tim Pierce, State Bar of Wisconsin ethics counsel, provides insight into one particular case that may help.