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    Aug. 02, 2022
    Blog of Experience

    The Wisconsin Supreme Court in 2021 established new requirements for guardians ad litem as it relates to domestic violence cases in family court. Debra Mancoske discusses recent GAL training in Brown County.

    Apr. 28, 2022
    Blog of Experience

    Senior lawyers are accused of ruining the profession despite the professionalism, dedication, and integrity we bring to the legal system. Steven Sorenson discusses the accusation, saying that while some may find such values old fashioned, they are crucial to the integrity of our profession. "As mentors to the younger generations of lawyers, it is our duty to uphold these values and pass them on," he writes.

    Feb. 08, 2022
    Blog of Experience

    Senior lawyers have a lot to offer the community through service in many areas, yet many don’t realize that. Jean Baker says that senior lawyers should recognize that the general know-how and strengths acquired during their careers are exactly the characteristics most helpful to community organizations right now.

    Oct. 28, 2021
    Blog of Experience

    What are the changes in the Emeritus status for senior lawyers? Michael May talks about the changes, who they apply to, and why he believes they were necessary.

    Apr. 15, 2021
    Blog of Experience

    Events of the past few years in the U.S. bear a disturbing resemblance to events of the Roman Empire before its fall, says Myron LaRowe, including polarized politics and civil unrest. What are the lessons to learn from the past?

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