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    Legislative Reference Bureau Legislative Attorney

    The Legislative Reference Bureau drafts all legislation for introduction in the legislature, prepares the executive budget bill, drafts all amendments, writes analyses of legislation, conducts legal, public policy, and historical research, prepares legal memoranda, and provides information about the legislature and its proceedings. More information about the LRB can be found on the agency’s website at

    The LRB is strictly nonpartisan. Partisan political activity by the staff is not allowed. Appointments are made on a nonpartisan basis.

    The LRB is an equal opportunity employer and values diversity. All employment is decided on the basis of qualifications, merit, and business need.

    Position Summary

    A legislative attorney drafts legislation for the Wisconsin Legislature, the governor, and executive branch agencies and provides legal memoranda, advice, and services to legislators and legislative staff.

    The anticipated start date for this position is negotiable.

    Salary Information

    The starting salary is competitive and based on qualifications and experience. This position is in the unclassified state service and receives the same fringe benefits available to other state employees.


    The successful applicant will possess effective written and oral communication skills; analytical, organizational, and interpersonal skills; the ability to identify, analyze, and resolve legal and policy issues; and the ability to work under time constraints.

    How to Apply

    Please submit the following:

    1. A cover letter that addresses your qualifications, knowledge, and experience that relate to the position and that includes areas of law in which you possess expertise.

    2. A resume.

    3. An official law school transcript.

    4. An essay describing a legal issue or problem you recently confronted. How did you address the issue or resolve the problem? Evaluate your response to the issue or problem and explain what you could have done differently. Your paper should be no more than 1,000 words.

    Send completed application materials to Lynn Emery at or Legislative Reference Bureau, One East Main Street, Suite 200, P.O. Box 2037, Madison, Wisconsin 53701.

    Deadline to Apply

    The deadline to apply is September 29, 2021, at 5 p.m. ​​

    Location = Madison