Use technology
to improve education, communication, member services, cost-effective
access to legal resources, and effective management
As members have different comfort levels with technology,
the Bar is responding with different levels of service - technology training
for those who need it and online CLE opportunities for those who want it.
Increasing role of the Internet in delivering practice information.
The Internet offers great potential in assisting Wisconsin lawyers
with their practices by providing instant and continuous access to legal
resources. The State Bar is developing an Online Practice Resource Library,
a fully indexed and searchable database of State Bar practice materials,
including seminar and convention written materials, book abstracts, and
Wisconsin Lawyer articles. Available through WisBar, the practice library
is expected to debut in 2001.
The State Bar continues to experiment with different
forms of Internet delivery for CLE seminars. For instance, the Bar will
offer its first Web-enhanced seminar using various technologies in fall
2000. The seminar's audio portion will be delivered by phone, the visual
information by the Internet - allowing participants real-time, hands-on
training without requiring them to leave their offices. Archived seminars,
presentations, and accompanying materials on WisBar are available 24 hours
a day.
Using technology to improve communications. The Bar uses its
Internet site, WisBar, in a variety of ways to facilitate communications
between members and the Bar. Members may participate in WisBar's discussion
groups, subscribe to electronic mailing lists on topics specific to their
interests, and use "Lawyer Search" to locate and contact colleagues.
In June, the
State Bar conducted a focus group and usability study of WisBar users to
learn how WisBar can better assist lawyers in their practices and to provide
feedback for use in making it easier to navigate and use. Participants said
the Internet has become a daily partner in their practices, and many said
WisBar is a solid "starting point" or portal to other sites if the information
they need isn't directly available on WisBar. They also praised Caselaw
Express, delivered via email, and free Wisconsin case law as being extremely
valuable practice tools. Others regularly register for CLE seminars or purchase
State Bar products via WisBar's secure online order system, conduct research
using the vast amount of legal research materials available, and use the
Bar Information areas to learn about member benefits, Bar governance, and
to contact staff. WisBar is ever-evolving, and information provided by
focus groups and other users help the Bar evaluate and develop new content.
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