Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2000
Fiscal Year 2000 Revenues
2000 Annual Report
1. Increase and diversify participation in Bar activities.
2. Increase public understanding of citizens' legal rights and responsibilities.
3. Enhance public understanding of the administration of justice.
4. Improve access to justice.
5. Improve member education that is responsive to changing member needs.
6. Improve member service that is responsive to changing member needs.
7. Use technology to improve education, communication, member services, cost-effective access to legal resources, and effective management.
8. Evaluate and improve our own governance and administration to best effectuate our mission.
9. Advocate for the integrity and effectiveness of the legal profession.
10. Support and promote attorneys as problem solvers.
Total current assets:
Total Assets:
Total current liabilities:
Total fund balances:
Annual Report
Wisconsin Lawyer