The State Bar is rolling out a new webpage to focus on solutions for the challenges facing Wisconsin's criminal justice system.

March 6, 2023 – For the past several weeks, the State Bar of Wisconsin has been sounding the alarm to elected officials, media, and the public about the dire challenges facing our state’s criminal justice system. Left unaddressed, these challenges threaten to bring our courts to a breaking point, leaving victims without justice and the accused without their constitutional right to a fair and speedy trial.
Part of the solution to these challenges must include increased funding for state prosecutors, defenders, courts, and the rate paid to private bar attorneys who take assigned counsel. To ensure that happens, the State Bar of Wisconsin is introducing a new webpage on Wisbar,
This webpage will serve as an introduction to the issue for State Bar members, the public, and legislative officials and their staff. It includes easy-to-use tools to send messages to lawmakers on the topic, and will serve as a clearinghouse for articles, radio programs, and TV news appearances about the topic. We also hope to integrate social media mentions in the near future, to help capture more personal stories about how the criminal justice crisis is affecting members across the state.
In addition to this webpage, the Government Relations section of Wisbar also hosts sections where you can learn more about the other priority advocacy issues of the State Bar, including topics on
Criminal Justice Reform,
Civil Legal Aid,Funding the Justice System, and
Supporting the Legal Profession. For a complete overview of all of the State Bar’s policy positions, see the
Policy Position Handbook.
Finally, the Advocacy Team hopes that you will consider lending your own voice and efforts to advocate on behalf of the profession and for access to justice. Our
Advocacy Network center allows you to send a message to your lawmakers on timely topics or on any issue you choose, as well as track
State Bar monitored bills. To take the next step and consider becoming an “Advocacy Ambassador,” download the
Advocacy Network Grassroots Toolkit. This comprehensive guide explains the why and how of grassroots advocacy and how members can become powerful and respected voices in the legislature.
The State Bar is dedicated to amplifying and coordinating the voice of the legal profession, and believes that with your help, we can tackle even the most challenging issues of today. If you have questions or would like to talk more about advocacy, email me at
Visit today and send a message to your legislators about fixing the problems in the justice system, before it's too late!