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Become an Influencer: Write or Speak to Wisconsin's Legal Community

typewriter what's your story?

​​Writing or speaking for the State Bar of Wisconsin is a great way to raise your profile, advance your career, and share your expertise with other legal professionals. T​hank you for your interest!

How would you like to get involved? There are many ways to contribute – presenting at a seminar, writing a feature article, penning a short review, and more.

Fill out the brief​ form below and we’ll get in touch with you soon! ​​​


Contact Information

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* Name:
* Email:

More Information

* Indicates Required Field
* How are you interested in contributing? (Check all that apply)
What subjects are you interested in writing or speaking about? Why is this an important topic?
We love knowing more about our contributors! Tell us about your unique interests, life experiences, hobbies, volunteer work, passions, etc.
Are you a member of any legal associations or other organizations?
Do you know anyone else who may be interested in contributing? Please list their name, contact, and anything else we should know.
Is there someone in the legal community you would like to read about or hear speak? Why?
