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  • Rotunda Report
    January 27, 2025

    Introducing Yourself to Lawmakers

    The beginning of a new legislative session is a busy time for Wisconsin’s lawmakers, but also the best time to introduce yourself as a constituent.

    Devin Martin

    Image of building blocks with icons of people and a handshakeJan 27, 2025 – The beginning of a new legislative session is a bustling, busy time for lawmakers. Some, brand new to the legislature, are getting familiar with new offices. Others are settling into new committee assignments. Many are working on introducing a flurry of new bills and building the outline for the coming 2025-27 biennial budget.

    The start of a new session is the best time for you to reach out to your legislators and introduce—or reintroduce—yourself. Letting them know who you are, what you care about, and how you can help them is a great first step toward building a relationship that can help ensure your voice is heard and appreciated over the course of this session and beyond.

    The State Bar is here to help make the process as easy and quick as possible. There is no need to look up the names or contact information of your legislators—simply go to our Advocacy Network action center, type in your address and zip code, and you will automatically be matched with your state lawmakers. There is even a convenient, pre-written message to help guide you.

    Devin Martin Devin Martin, is the grassroots outreach coordinator with the State Bar of Wisconsin. He can be reached by email, or by phone at (608) 250-6145.

    While all outreach is good, unique messages have a greater impact, so, if possible, take a few minutes to customize it, adding in details about yourself, your practice, and the issues that you care about and would like to see addressed at the Capitol over the coming years. Consider offering yourself as a resource should your legislator have questions about the legal system, the courts, or your area of practice.
    For more tips, visit the Advocacy Network Grassroots Toolkit, which includes best practices on communicating with your elected officials on page nine.

    As a member of the State Bar and someone who has intimate knowledge of how the law works, it’s important to use that knowledge to help direct our state’s lawmaking process. Take some time thinking about what’s important to you and what you’d like your lawmakers to know, and then take a moment to reach out and say hello.

    What You Can Do: State Bar of Wisconsin Advocacy Network

    Advocacy Network

    State Bar members are encouraged to introduce themselves and express their opinions on topics which positively affect the legal system using the Advocacy Network. Pre-written email messages are editable to suit your own thoughts and opinions and help to demonstrate the breadth of support for policies that prioritize access to justice.

    Don't forget to subscribe to Rotunda Report newsletter and follow us on X to stay informed and get involved in the legislative process.

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