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  • April 26, 2018

    Enhance Your Practice through International Education

    The practice of the law is becoming international in scope. Michael Jakus discusses how to enhance your international practice via the International Practice Section, now an Outreach Partner with Community Colleges for International Development.

    Michael P. Jakus

    One of the goals of the State Bar of Wisconsin International Practice Section, as set forth in its bylaws, is to “foster education related to International Law and global affairs.”

    In pursuit of this goal, the section is an Outreach Partner of Community Colleges for International Development (CCID).

    Community Colleges for International Development

    CCID is a nonprofit association with the goal of being a “Global Network of Community, Technical and Vocational Institutions dedicated to creating globally engaged learning environments.” It accomplishes this through campus internationalization, partnership development, education abroad, resource/professional development, and international student recruitment.

    Michael P. Jakus Michael P. Jakus, Marquette 1976, works in general practice in Brookfield, where he pursues an interest in the area of international education.

    Currently there are 140 member institutions from 14 countries including educational institutions in Australia, Bahamas, Canada, China, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, France, India, Japan, Mexico, and the Netherlands. It includes member institutions from 37 states, including Wisconsin. In Wisconsin, Fox Valley Technical College, Madison College, North Central Technical College, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, and Waukesha County Technical College are member institutions.

    Benefits of Being an Outreach Partner

    Being an Outreach Partner of CCID allows the State Bar of Wisconsin and, in particular, members of the International Practice Section to attend CCID functions at discounted CCID member rates. CCID has an Annual Conference in February that allows invited guest speakers and member institutions to make presentations relevant to best practices, in fostering not only international education, but also focusing on international development. CCID has had projects with both the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

    Attending the annual conference allows section members a unique opportunity to associate with individuals engaged not only in international education, but also with international development projects. It presents a unique networking opportunity for lawyers and law firms seeking to both enhance their international contacts and to have access to international resources.

    Annual Conference

    The 43rd CCID Annual Conference is Feb. 1-4, 2019, in San Diego, California, and will have a focus is on the AsiaPacific.

    The conference provides section members a unique opportunity to network not only with educational institutions but other Outreach Partners. As the only law-related Outreach Partner, law firms or lawyers who attend the conference have a unique opportunity to engage in client development from that area, while expanding their awareness of trends in international education.

    Where to Find Out More

    The practice of the law is becoming international in scope. Associating with institutions that foster international education and development is one means of enhancing your international practice.

    Should you wish to learn more about CCID, it has a comprehensive website that provides not only the history of CCID since its founding in the 1970s, but also currently lists its member institutions and current outreach partners.

    About the Author

    Michael Jakus is a past secretary and current board member of the State Bar of Wisconsin International Practice Section.

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    International Practice Section Blog is published by the State Bar of Wisconsin; blog posts are written by section members. To contribute to this blog, contact Betty Eberle and review Author Submission Guidelines. Learn more about the International Practice Section or become a member.

    Disclaimer: Views presented in blog posts are those of the blog post authors, not necessarily those of the Section or the State Bar of Wisconsin. Due to the rapidly changing nature of law and our reliance on information provided by outside sources, the State Bar of Wisconsin makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or completeness of this content.

    © 2024 State Bar of Wisconsin, P.O. Box 7158, Madison, WI 53707-7158.

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