Feb. 7, 2024 – Attorneys must manage the demands of practice along with the unpredictable proverbial fires that require us to drop everything and change our schedules at the last minute. In addition, we must also manage the other demands on our time: caring for loved ones, staying connected with friends, managing a household, and maintaining our own wellness. Attorneys are also natural candidates for leadership in their communities, and so there are demands from the communities we serve, such as requests to donate, present, volunteer, or serve on a board.
Jane Bucher, U.W. 2010, is the president-elect of the State Bar of Wisconsin. She is an attorney with Russell Law Offices, S.C., in Brodhead. She can be reached at
It is always important to try to find balance to the extent that it is possible. It goes without saying that attorneys cannot say yes to every request for their time. I encourage all attorneys to consider volunteering for the State Bar, as the experience offers an opportunity to stay connected with the greater legal community as well as with changes in the practice of law that are occurring on a national level.
Please consider volunteering for a State Bar committee. Unlike other types of volunteer positions, service on a committee presents an opportunity to interact with other members of the legal system, engage with important legal issues, and shape the practice of law in Wisconsin.
We all had something that drove us to pursue the practice of law. Perhaps it was a passion for justice, a love of language and writing, an interest in a specific practice area, or a call to serve others.
Some of us are lucky to have jobs that reflect these reasons. Others have found ways to use their law degrees that they may not have been aware of when they entered law school.
Regardless of whether your current position reflects where you thought you would be at this stage in your career, service on a committee is a way to reconnect with the profession on a higher level, to delve into what makes the rule of law so important, and to be reminded of why it is a privilege and honor to be an attorney.
The profession needs competent, dedicated stewards during these ever-changing times. I invite you to reach out and explore the volunteer opportunities at the State Bar.
Volunteer to Serve on a State Bar Committee: Submit Your
Committee Volunteer Interest Form by April 15
For more information, visit the
Leadership Opportunities and
Committees pages on WisBar.org.
Standing Committees
Special Committees
Bar Relations
Bench and Bar
Insurance and Member Benefits
Law Office Management Assistance Program (LOMAP) Advisory
Lawyer Referral and Information Service
Leadership Development
Resolution of Fee Disputes
Wisconsin Lawyers Assistance Program (WisLAP)
Wisconsin Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection