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  • November 06, 2024

    The Wisconsin Lawyer's Guide to Earning, Tracking, and Reporting CLE

    Do you find continuing legal education (CLE) rules confusing? You have enough to worry about. In about five minutes, learn what you need to know about earning, tracking, and reporting CLE.

    Joe Forward


    Updated Nov. 6, 2024

    Nov. 6, 2024 – "Active" lawyers admitted to practice law in Wisconsin must obtain at least 30 continuing legal education (CLE) credits every two years. At least three of those credits must be in the area of ethics and professional responsibility (EPR). If you were admitted to practice law in an even-numbered year, CLE deadlines are fast-approaching.

    The reporting period for lawyers corresponds with the year of admission to practice law in Wisconsin. If you were admitted in an even​-numbered year, the reporting period technically ends on Dec. 31, 2024.

    The rules grant an additional month to obtain and report CLE activity for the reporting period. That is, to avoid a late filing fee or other penalties, 2023-24 courses must be completed by Jan. 31, 2025, and CLE reports must be submitted electronically to the Board of Bar Examiners (BBE) on or before Feb. 1, 2025.

    Note that the 30-credit requirement applies to “Active” status members. “Senior Active” members – those age 75 and older who are still practicing law – are only required to obtain 15 credits, three of which must be ethics and professional responsibility (EPR) credits.

    This article explains the basic CLE attendance and reporting requirements, noting different ways to obtain CLE credits and the exemptions that may apply.

    It does not discuss every detail of the Wisconsin Supreme Court and BBE Rules on CLE. Lawyers should consult SCR Chapter 31 covering CLE. Also consult the ​ information, forms, and filing instructions for the 2023-24 reporting period.

    Earn CLE in Different Ways

    Under Wisconsin Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 31.02, lawyers “shall attend a minimum of 30 hours of approved CLE during each reporting period.”1 Of those 30 hours, at least three hours must be on the subject of legal EPR.

    The language of SCR 31.02 is slightly confusing, suggesting that lawyers must “attend” 30 hours of approved CLE. Lawyers may associate “attendance” with coursework earned through CLE providers such as State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE®.

    But, as other provisions of the CLE rules make clear, lawyers may engage in a combination of different “activities” to satisfy the CLE requirements. In other words, coursework is not the only means of earning the required 30 credits. Lawyers can also earn credits through writing, speaking, teaching, and/or doing pro bono work.

    CLE infographic 1

    Click on image above to view larger version.

    Approved Coursework

    Lawyers could, if they wish, earn all 30 credits through approved coursework. The BBE approves CLE programs that meet certain criteria, explained in SCR 31.07. Remember that three of the 30 credits must be on EPR.

    CLE providers, such as State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE, typically submit programs or sessions for BBE approval in advance of the program or session. Thus, lawyers will know how many CLE or EPR credits are available for each program or session.

    The BBE grants general program approval (GPA) “to organizations who typically provide a high volume of continuing legal education courses,” according to the BBE. The BBE maintains a database of courses and GPA providers that it has approved for CLE credit. Members file their credit hours from GPA providers under “GPA course.”

    According to the BBE, “if you took the GPA course in Wisconsin, it will appear on the BBE CLE website with the number of credit hours designated.”

    “However, if you took a GPA course outside of Wisconsin, it may not appear on our website and you will need to calculate the number of credit hours the course is eligible to receive.”

    Lawyers who attended a program that was not already submitted for approval to the BBE can submit for approval using the CLE course approval application website.​

    A maximum of 15 CLE credits may be earned through a “repeated on-demand program,” which is an “on-line program delivered over the internet, consisting of a program previously approved by the board.” Lawyers can watch on-demand programs anytime.

    On-demand courses are different than live webcasts, which occur in real-time online and attendees can ask questions of the presenter through the online chat feature. There is no limit on the number of credits that lawyers can earn through live webcasts.

    Get Your CLE

    Lawyer Understanding and Awareness (LAU); Law Practice Management (LPM)

    Under supreme court rules, lawyers have the option to earn a maximum of six credits on subjects “designed to enhance a lawyer’s awareness and understanding [LAU] of substance abuse/dependence disorders, mental illness, stress management, and work/life balance relating to the practice of law.”3

    Lawyers may obtain another six credits “on the subject of law practice management [LPM], which may include topics such as client communications, trust accounting, record keeping, applications of technology, and other subjects essential to the practice of law. Courses or portions of courses dealing primarily with profit enhancement or marketing of services will be denied credit.”4

    PINNACLE program materials indicate whether the BBE has approved a session for LAU or LPM credit, as opposed to CLE or EPR credit. Just remember that the six-credit maximums apply to the LAU and LPM categories.

    Tip for New Lawyers

    If you were admitted to practice law in Wisconsin this year (2024), you are exempt from CLE attendance and reporting requirements for the current reporting period (Jan. 1, 2023 - Dec. 31, 2024). If you do earn credits this year, you can carry over as many as 15 credits into your next reporting period.

    Approved Teaching/Presenting

    If you don’t want to obtain all CLE credits through courses, consider teaching or presenting. Presenting an approved CLE or judicial education activity, or teaching a course at an ABA-approved law school, are activities that count toward the 30-credit requirement.5

    Lawyers can earn two hours for each hour of presentation of an approved CLE or judicial education activity, and one hour for each hour of presentation at a law school. There is no maximum on the number of teaching/presenting credits you may obtain.

    Approved Legal Writing

    Writing is another option to earn CLE credit. The BBE “may approve published legal writings for use toward the CLE requirement under rules it may adopt.”6 Lawyers can obtain up to 15 credits for writing.

    That is, a lawyer may claim up to 15 hours of credit for approved legal writing that was published during the reporting period. But BBE rules limit the types of legal writing that will be approved. The legal writing must satisfy the following criteria:

    1. The writing must be published, in print or electronically, in the form of an article, chapter, book, or significant revision;

    2. The writing must be written in whole or in substantial part by the lawyer submitting the request for approval; and

    3. The writing must satisfy the criteria set forth in SCR 31.07(2) (a) and (b) in that its objective is to increase the reader's professional competence as a lawyer, and in that its content must deal primarily with matters related to the practice of law, professional responsibility, or ethical obligations of lawyers.7

    Thus, lawyers could obtain CLE credit for legal writings published in State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE Books. These rules also allow lawyers to obtain CLE credit for published articles in State Bar print and electronic publications, such as Wisconsin Lawyer and InsideTrack so long as the above criteria are satisfied.

    To obtain credit, lawyers must submit CLE Form 4 (Request for Approval of CLE Credit for Published Legal Writing) to the BBE and attach a copy of the published work.

    Certain types of published material are specifically excluded.8 That includes contributions to blogs, material produced on behalf of a client, and material appearing in media controlled by the lawyer or the lawyer’s firm, such as a law firm website.

    Articles appearing in a publication for general circulation or directed to nonlawyer audiences are also excluded, as are materials developed for CLE presentations.

    Want to Write for the State Bar of Wisconsin?

    PINNACLE Books: Contact Dean Hunter by email or phone at (608) 250-6085.

    Wisconsin Lawyer: Contact Karle Lester by email or phone at (608) 250-6127.

    InsideTrack: Contact Joe Forward by email or phone at (608) 250-6161.

    Do Pro Bono Work

    Supreme court rules allow attorneys to obtain CLE credit for “qualified” pro bono work.9 Attorneys can earn one hour of credit for every five hours of pro bono work, up to a maximum of six credits per reporting period.

    The pro bono legal services must be provided through a “qualified pro bono program.” Four different types of programs are considered qualified pro bono programs:

    1. a pro bono program operated by a nonprofit legal services organization that receives funding from the Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation;

    2. a pro bono program operated by a Wisconsin law school;

    3. a pro bono program existing on the date that this rule was adopted that is operated by a Wisconsin bar association; and

    4. a program approved by the board as a qualified pro bono program.10

    Need help finding a pro bono program that qualifies? Contact Sarah Watson, the State Bar of Wisconsin’s pro bono program manager, by email or phone at (608) 250-6177.

    Tracking Your CLE

    As you can see, there are numerous avenues to obtain 30 CLE credits every two-year reporting period. So how do you keep track of it all?

    Good news. The State Bar of Wisconsin has a tool that will help you. It’s called myCLETracker. To use it, log in to and go to myStateBar at the top of the page, then click on myCLETracker.

    As the name implies, myCLETracker helps you track CLE credits throughout a reporting period, but CLE credits must be reported electronically directly to the BBE.

    This is an important point because attorneys sometimes incorrectly believe that myCLETracker is a CLE reporting tool. But myCLETracker is not a mechanism for reporting CLE, it just serves as a reference guide when you do report to the BBE.

    Questions about myCLETracker?

    Contact the State Bar’s Customer Service Team by email or phone at (608) 257-3838, toll-free at (800) 728-7788.

    Say you register and attend a PINNACLE event, such as the Wisconsin Solo and Small Firm Conference or a one-hour webcast on real estate law.

    Because you registered through PINNACLE, the program information automatically appears in myCLETracker, noting your attendance and the number of credits available (you can adjust the number of hours you actually attended). Refer back to this information when reporting CLE requirements to the BBE.

    But say you attended an out-of-state program, or did pro bono work, or wrote an article that appeared in Wisconsin Lawyer. You can also manually enter data about these CLE activities.

    When it’s time to report to the BBE, use myCLETracker as a reference tool to enter the information. Otherwise, you may rack your brain trying to remember it all later.

    CLE infographic 2

    Click on image above to view larger version.

    Report to the BBE

    You’ve been using myCLETracker. Now it’s time to report to the BBE. Go to the CLE reporting webpage on the Wisconsin Court System website. Starting this reporting period, all attorneys required to report must do so electronically. If you don’t have an account, you must create one in order to report CLE activity electrically.

    If the BBE has not approved a CLE activity, apply for approval through the CLE course approval application website​​. And lawyers must use CLE Form 4 to obtain credit for published legal writing (there is no CLE Form 3).

    Questions about CLE Requirements or Reporting?

    Contact the Board of Bar Examiners by email or phone at (608) 266-9760.

    Failing to obtain CLE credits by Jan. 31, 2025, and report them by the deadline (Feb. 1, 2025) for the current reporting period could result in the BBE imposing a late fee. Failing to comply with CLE attendance and reporting requirements could result in suspension of your law license.

    Exemptions to Attendance and/or Reporting Requirements

    New lawyer? Attorneys are exempt from the CLE attendance and reporting requirements in the year of their admission to the practice of law in Wisconsin.11 For the current period, that would include 2024 admissions.

    Did you attend CLE this year anyway? New lawyers who do earn CLE credit in the year of admission can carry forward up to 15 credits into the next reporting period.12

    Attorneys who do not engage in the practice of law during the applicable reporting period are exempt from the CLE attendance requirement for that reporting period.13 However, the attorney will not receive any carryover credits if they do elect this exemption. And nonpracticing attorneys must still report the designation to the BBE.

    Attorneys who principally practice law in other jurisdictions with mandatory CLE requirements are exempt from Wisconsin's CLE attendance requirement, but must still report the out-of-state CLE in order to maintain active standing in Wisconsin.14


    1 An “hour” means a period of approved CLE consisting of not less than 50 minutes. SCR 31.01(4).

    2 Rules of the Board of Bar Examiners, CLE 7.005.

    3 SCR 31.02(3).

    4 SCR 31.02(4).

    5 SCR 31.05(3).

    6 SCR 31.07(3); CLE 7.06 to 7.10.

    7 CLE 7.06(1).

    8 CLE 7.06(2).

    9 SCR 31.05(7).

    10 SCR 31.01(12).

    11 SCR 31.04.

    12 SCR 31.05(2)(a).

    13 SCR 31.04(2).

    14 SCR 31.04(3).

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