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Every year, many Wisconsin residents contact the state with complaints about negative consumer experiences. This article sketches out the state’s consumer protection apparatus, identifies the most common types of complaints, and suggests best practices for consumers to work out disagreements with businesses.
By Dianne Molvig
The sheer scope and complexity of consumer law is daunting for consumers and practitioners. Consumer protection provisions are scattered among many different statutes and administrative code chapters, but the responsibility for enforcing them rests among several administrative agencies, often with overlapping jurisdiction. Here is an overview of Wisconsin consumer protection laws, and the regulatory agencies responsible for them.
By John S. Greene
Our justice system needs competent lawyers willing to pursue consumer law claims for individuals who have been victimized by predatory economic practices. Here is a look at a consumer law practice, federal and state consumer protection laws, and how lawyers can obtain an award of attorney fees based on the fee-shifting provisions in consumer protection statutes.
By Mary C. Fons

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • Editor's Note
  • A Focus on Protecting Consumers
  • This issue centers on consumer protection, says Erik Guenther, and looks into unfair, deceptive, and fraudulent business practices and how lawyers can help address them.
  • President's Message
  • Lawyers Promoting Good Government
  • Paul Swanson urges lawyers to use their unique training and skills to promote good government by political leaders and better understanding by the public.
  • Your State Bar
  • Darkness on a Sunny Day
  • For Larry Martin, every encounter is an opportunity to recognize what’s really important in life and to tolerate our own and other people’s imperfections.
  • Managing Risk
  • Caution: Consumer Protection Law Is Complex
  • Tom Watson says lawyers preparing to practice in consumer protection should steep themselves in the law of the particular focus area, such as auto fraud, home improvement, debt collection, and more.

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