February 2005
State Bar announces third candidate for president-elect; deadlines
near for district governors
Steve Levine, Madison, is a
candidate for State Bar president-elect. Levine, assistant general
counsel for the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, submitted a
petition signed by 100 active Bar members.
Steve Levine
"In most Bar elections just 30 percent of the members vote," says
Levine. "I want to be the candidate for the 70 percent who haven't found
a reason to vote - the member who believes that Bar membership should be
voluntary, the member who believes that dues shouldn't be spent on a PR
campaign to improve the image of lawyers, and the nonresident member who
pays full dues but is vastly underrepresented on the Board of Governors.
This will be an election of issues rather than personalities."
In December, the State Bar Nominating Committee announced two
president-elect candidates - Dean R. Dietrich, Wausau, and
G. Jeffrey George, La Crosse. Officer candidates'
platform statements and biographies will be published in the March
Inside the Bar.
Board of Governors. Districts
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 elect governors in 2005. District 2
(Milwaukee) elects seven governors; District 9 (Dane), three; and all
other districts, one. The Board of Governors is the State Bar's
policymaking body. Governors serve two-year terms. Interested Bar
members must submit a petition signed by 10 active members in their
district by March 1.
For more information or to obtain a petition, visit
www.wisbar.org/bar/bog.html, or contact Jan Marks at jmarks@wisbar.org, (800) 444-9404,
ext. 6106, or (608) 250-6106.
Election ballots will be mailed by April 8. Those elected will take
office July 1.
Inside the Bar