The State Bar's Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) matches Wisconsin lawyers with clients who are in need of legal help.
January 2004
Sign up for Lawyer Referral and Information Service; save on
The State Bar's Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS)
matches Wisconsin lawyers with clients who are in need of legal help.
LRIS panel members provide an important public service while generating
valuable clients for their practices. In 2002 and 2003, LRIS referred
cases worth more than $3.5 million in attorneys' fees.
With a quick phone call, or a visit to, consumers
are connected with LRIS legal assistants who can help them evaluate how
to get appropriate assistance. Individuals can be referred to a panel
attorney experienced in a specific area of law, learn about government
agencies or other resources that can help resolve issues, and even may
receive a free call back from an attorney to briefly discuss a legal
Register now through the remainder of the fiscal year, which ends
June 30, and receive a 50 percent discount, $47.50. To register, contact
Kristin Johnson at (800)
444-9404, ext. 6171; (608) 250-6171.
Inside the Bar