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  • InsideTrack
  • May 15, 2024

    Cassel Villarreal: Dedicated to Wisconsin's High School Mock Trial Program

    Beaver Dam attorney Cassel Villarreal is the recipient of the Wisconsin Law Foundation's Gordon Sinykin Award of Excellence. Find out why she believes volunteering for the Wisconsin High School Mock Trial program is worth 22 years of dedication.

    Shannon Green

    Cassel Villarreal

    May 15, 2024 – There is no question in Cassel Villarreal’s mind: The Wisconsin High School Mock Trial Program is a vital opportunity for students to learn life skills and about the justice system.

    She demonstrates her belief with dedication: For over two decades, Villareal has dedicated countless hours volunteering for the program.

    Villarreal is this year’s recipient of the Wisconsin Law Foundation’s Gordon Sinykin Award of Excellence. The award recognizes a lawyer or group for their work on a recent or ongoing law-related education or public service project that promotes public understanding of the law, improves the administration of justice, or provides other law-related public service.

    “As Wisconsin Mock Trial celebrates its 40th anniversary, we are proud to honor a Wisconsin attorney who has volunteered her passion and personal time to the program for 22 years. Thank you, Atty. Cassel Villarreal. Its volunteers like you who make the program the success it is today,” said Hon. Joseph M. Troy, Wisconsin Law Foundation president.

    A family law litigator and mediator with Derr & Villarreal, LLC, in Beaver Dam, Villarreal said she is honored to receive the award. “This moment wouldn't be possible without also acknowledging all the volunteers who have helped me be a successful coordinator of the regional mock trial.”

    team from Shorewood High School

    Cassel Villarreal (back row, second from right) volunteered in 2016 as a scoring judge in the state finals tournament. She is pictured here with the finalist team from Shorewood High School, and members of the judging panel (back row, from left) Atty. Michael Rosenberg, Hon. Thomas Hruz, Hon. Stephen Crocker, and Hon. Brian Blanchard.

    22 Years as a Volunteer

    The Wisconsin High School Mock Trial Tournament is a State Bar of Wisconsin program funded by the Wisconsin Law Foundation, the charitable arm of the State Bar. Founded in 1983, the program helps students gain a deeper understanding of the legal system while developing leadership skills, critical thinking, problem-solving, public speaking, and how to work under pressure as part of a team.

    Shannon Green Shannon Green is communications writer for the State Bar of Wisconsin, Madison. She can be reached by email or by phone at (608) 250-6135.

    Villarreal has been a regional coordinator since 2005. Previously, she assisted the Beaver Dam team and volunteered as a scoring judge, beginning in 2002. She stepped up to volunteer when the State Bar hosted the National Mock Trial Championship in 2014 (read more about it here).

    When the program had to go virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Villarreal stepped up to help keep the program going. “That was an interesting experience for all involved,” she said.

    Villarreal is one of about a dozen volunteers who coordinate the 10 regional mock trial tournaments held around Wisconsin the first weekend each February. She supervises 30 attorneys who volunteer as tournament judges for the 10 competing teams in the Juneau region.

    “I don't think people realize how many volunteers it takes for the High School Mock Trial competition to happen every year,” Villarreal said. Volunteers write a new case each year, which is “no small task.”

    Additional volunteers are teachers and attorneys who give their time to coach the students. And judges and attorneys also volunteer on the day of the regional and state tournaments.

    “The support of the State Bar and its dedication to public education is also vital to the long-term success of mock trial,” Villarreal said. “As is the financial support of the Law Foundation.”

    Why Mock Trial is Important

    “Mock trial is an excellent activity for students,” Villarreal said. “Aside from learning the trial process, evidence rules, and how to think on your feet, students work together as a team.”

    “Every year I am impressed with the hard work and time students and their coaches have put in, and I enjoy watching students progress as their skill level increases over the years of competition,” she said.

    Celebrate these 15 Leaders in the Law

    Member Recognition Celebration collage

    They are members of the legal community who make a difference – by living a lifetime of service, mentoring others, offering their pro bono services, and going the extra mile. Congratulations to these 15 award recipients, all leaders in the law.

    Join Us at the Annual Meeting & Conference in June in Milwaukee

    Want to celebrate a friend, family member, or colleague being honored at the Member Recognition Celebration? Join us for this free event 5:45 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 20, at the KI Center in Green Bay.

    The celebration takes place at the State Bar Annual Meeting & Conference, June 19-21. Register now to choose from more than 26 CLE sessions covering top trends, hot topics, and enduring advice for today’s lawyers.

    In addition, featured plenary speakers, the Legal Expo, networking luncheons, the Presidential Swearing-in Ceremony, and the Lawyers at Lambeau All-Conference Bash will help you connect, learn, and relax.

    Reserve your spot today!​

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