Vol. 75, No. 10, October2002
Letters to the editor: The Wisconsin Lawyer
publishes as many letters in each issue as space permits. Please limit
letters to 500 words; letters may be edited for length and clarity.
Letters should address the issues, and not be a personal attack on
others. Letters endorsing political candidates cannot be accepted.
Please mail letters to "Letters to the Editor," Wisconsin Lawyer, P.O.
Box 7158, Madison, WI 53707-7158, fax them to (608) 257-4343, or email
them to wislawyer@wisbar.org.
Who Was to Lead the Bar?
As a former practicing attorney, prosecutor, corporate attorney, and
Kenosha County circuit court judge for 16 years, age 71, and retired, I
take issue with President Ballman's reference in her August column to
the State Bar of Wisconsin of 25 to 50 years ago as being an old, white,
boy's club run by middle-aged men.
Who was to run the Bar 25 to 50 years ago? Young persons just out of
law school? People 60 or older, phasing out of their practices?
There just were not many women and minorities coming out of the law
schools back then. That left middle-aged, white men running the Bar. Is
that bad? Was it somehow discriminatory? I think not.
The Bar has always looked for help, whether 50 years ago or today,
and took whatever competent help it could get.
Are those who stepped up to the plate, voluntarily served, sacrificed
in part their practices, to be criticized because they happened to be
men, white, and middle aged? No, they were just like the lawyers and
President Ballman serving the Bar today; that is, they were interested
in the law as a profession and trying to accomplish worthy goals.
Robert V. Baker, Kenosha
You are absolutely correct that there were very few women and
minorities coming out of law schools until recently. And that, in fact,
did leave middle-aged white men running the State Bar of Wisconsin. And
they did a great job.
I did not intend that my column meant to criticize the Bar
leaders 25, 50, or more years ago. What I was trying to emphasize was
that "this is a great Bar association for every lawyer."
Thank you for your letter. Whether or not you agree with all of
my opinions, I think it is important that all members of the Bar
association follow what is going on in the Bar and let their opinions be
Patricia K. Ballman
President, State Bar of Wisconsin
Additions to Teen Courts Listing
I read the August article by Dianne Molvig entitled "Justice, Teen
Style" with great interest. Unfortunately, the information printed
regarding DeForest's Teen Court is out-of-date. Judge Goedderz resigned
in September 2000, and I have taken his place since that time. In
addition, our program is multijurisdictional, because it also includes
the Town of Windsor.
Our DeForest/Windsor Teen Court has been modified since its inception
to place the emphasis more on the "peer judge" than that of "teen
judge." I believe that when an offender is adjudicated by one's peer,
even one who may have been an offender in the past, it places more
meaning on the participants. In addition, other than working with the
participants during the start-up phase, I have maintained my distance
from the program so as not to appear to control the peer judges. My
involvement is now limited to making the appropriate referrals and
managing the Steering Committee, which is comprised of the prosecuting
attorneys, citizens, and elected officials from both jurisdictions, the
local police agencies, and our local county social worker. It is a very
worthwhile program, and I hope that I can continue to find the funds to
keep the program running.
Hon. David J. Grove, Village of DeForest, Town of Windsor
Municipal Court
The Dodge County Community Teen Court began operation in November
2001 with the approval of the Chief Judge of District VI. Its
coordinators are Kenneth Peters and Robert Schumacher. The address of
the court is 205 S. Lincoln Ave., Beaver Dam, WI 53916; teencourt@powerweb.net.
Several State Bar members sit on the advisory board, including
Douglas W. Plier of Horicon and Maryann Schacht of Beaver Dam. Dodge
County ADA Bill Bedker currently serves as president of the board.
Laura L. Reynolds, Municipal Judge, City of Horicon
Wisconsin Lawyer