Sept. 21, 2022 – Who can forget the interminable dog-bite fact pattern from law school? The intersection of municipal, state, and common law? Second in timelessness to only Blackacre itself.
For some, this was our last experience with the complexities of animal law. For others, it was merely an introduction to a personal and professional calling.
In a largely agrarian state such as Wisconsin, which also boasts a culture focused on outdoor adventures and sports, there are many intersections with animal law and everyday life.
This article provides resources for those on each end of the spectrum, and everyone in between, to help navigate the multifaceted world of animal law.
Key Concepts
Animal law is a broad topic that intersects with many other areas of law. It can be difficult to locate information on animal law if you are accustomed to searching by broad topics – often, indexes do not include a specific animal law section.
Elizabeth Manriquez is head of Reference and Scholarly Support at the University of Wisconsin Law School Library. She is currently vice president of the Law Librarians Association of Wisconsin (LLAW). LLAW's Public Relations Committee coordinates regular contributions by its members to InsideTrack.
In these instances, it is important to begin with a secondary source. Information on a specific legal situation can be located by combining animal law with its compounding legal situation.
For example, common topics and keywords include:
property status of animals: pets, property, or persons?
rights versus welfare debate;
standing: access to the courts;
factory farmed animals;
animal cruelty and the First Amendment;
animals and domestic disputes;
service animals and humane officers;
laboratory animals and human experimentation;
strays, wildlife, and lost chattels;
veterinarians and animal health; and
endangered and threatened species.
Organizations Focused on Animal Legal Issues
Many nonprofit organizations and government agencies provide links to both primary and secondary sources relevant to their focus of animal law. Their websites often include an overview of the issues they are focused on, as well as primary law, journal articles, and current awareness tools that inform animal policies.
The following websites are curated by government and academic institutions, and provide reliable information:
Important U.S. Acts and Federal Regulations
As mentioned above, animal law is codified in many places, but there are important public acts to keep in mind while researching, such as:
In contrast, the Index to the Code of Federal Regulations is an excellent place to begin research if you are interested in regulations relating to all aspects of animal law, check out Westlaw, or’s CFR Index and Finding Aids or at page 91 of the Subject/Agency Index PDF file.
Wisconsin Statutes, Regulations, and Municipal Codes
Similar to federal law, Wisconsin statutes and ordinances relating to animal law span the gamut, rather than residing in one specific section.
An excellent secondary source for an overview of Wisconsin animal law is the Wisconsin State Law Library: Animal Law Research Guide. This guide provides links to several Wisconsin statutes, administrative codes, and a bank of municipal ordinances.
Locating Relevant Case Law and Information Available in Legal Databases
If you have access to any of the commercial databases, many provide specific collections for those researching animal law and are excellent resources for locating case law, legislative histories, and other related legal materials.
Conferences, Workshops, and Instructional Resources
To learn more about the latest advances and hot topics in animal law, Lewis & Clark Law School and the Animal Legal Defense Fund have cohosted an annual conference since 1993. You can attend by in person or virtually, and there are opportunities for CLE credit.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund also maintains a list of events relating to animals and the legal system across the country.
State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE® offers books, articles, and CLE sessions on various topics involving animal law. Use this link to WisBar Marketplace to search for current resources on animal law.
The PINNACLE OnDemand seminar, “Animal Law 2022” introduces information to attorneys on the development of animal rights and their impact on human rights law, wills and trusts, agriculture, and more – while also providing CLE credit.
General Treatises
These treatises and texts, similar to the secondary sources mentioned above, can provide a survey of federal law, general overview of a range of topics, or provide historical context for current policies and attitudes in animal law.
Resources to Stay Current
If you already have an established base of knowledge, podcasts and blogs can be excellent resources for staying current on animal law. Popular tools of this kind include the Animal Law Podcast, while the Justia BlawgSearch: Animal and Dog Law Blawgs page provides a directory to several blogs on various animal legal matters.
Where to Learn More
If you are feeling overwhelmed by the resources above or are still unsure where to start, contact a librarian! We are trained to assist patrons with finding and using the best resources for them and their unique legal research topics. Reach out and ask your local law librarian for help with your research, or at these libraries: