Vol. 76, No. 7, July
Other Google Search Features and Functions
Field searching options
By link: (type link:), by title (type allintitle:), by URL
(type allinurl:).
PDF are files included in indexing.
Uncle Sam
Google's government search engine (perfect for finding government
reports, guidelines, and so on).
Narrows a search to specific university Web sites (great for expert
witness searches).
Can search for stock quotes; use the format "stocks:name of the company"
(that is, stocks:cisco) in the search box.
Daily news from Google from around the world as well as a "news only"
search engine are available via a tab on the Google home page.
The image tab on Google's home page facilitates searching through
thousands of photos, pictures, blueprints, clipart, and other
Google's home page also has a tab to link to a large searchable
archive of newsgroups, with thousands of threads of information and
Search a Specific Site
The word "site" followed by a colon enables you to restrict your search
to a specific site. To do this, use the site:sampledomain.com syntax in
the Google search box.
Phone Books
To find listings for a U.S. business, type the business name into the
Google search box, along with the city and state. Or type the business
name and zip code. Entering the phone number with area code also will
return a complete business listing. To find listings for a U.S.
residence, type any of the following combinations into the Google search
first name (or first initial), last name, city (state is
first name (or first initial), last name, state;
first name (or first initial), last name, area code;
first name (or first initial), last name, zip code;
phone number, including area code;
last name, city, state;
last name, zip code.
To use Google to find street maps, enter a U.S. street address,
including zip code or city/state (for example, 780 North Water Street
Milwaukee WI), in the Google search box. Often, the street address and
city name will be enough.
Enter your query into the search box as you would normally. Any or all
parts of your query for which the system has a dictionary definition
will be underlined and linked to a dictionary in the search summary bar
above the search results.
Foreign Language Tools
Google offers user interfaces for a wide variety of languages, including
Bengali, Malay, Indonesian, Welsh, Latin, Hungarian, Nepali, and Telugu,
but also fictitious languages like Elmer Fudd, Bork Bork Bork, Klingon,
Hacker, and Pig Latin. A translation page for text also is included.
Look for the link to "Language Tools" on the home page.
Beta Searches
Google Labs is the page listing search tools in development.
Google Answers
This page features access to more than 500 researchers who will help you
locate hard-to-find information on the Web. The fee for this service
starts at $2.50 per question.
Google Mail
You do not have to be on the Web to use Google. A free new service
called GoogleMail gives you email access to the popular search engine.
Just send a message to google@capeclear.com with your query in the
subject line. The search results will be sent to your in-box, usually
within minutes.
Google enables you to save certain search preferences, including the
number of results to show per page, the interface language, and whether
or not to use SafeSearch filtering. A link to choose Preferences appears
on the results page of a search.
When the Google Toolbar is installed, it automatically appears along
with the Internet Explorer toolbar. This means you can quickly and
easily use Google to search from any Web site location, without
returning to the Google home page to begin another search.