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Association for Women Lawyers Membership Information

Membership in the Association for Women Lawyers is renewable annually in the autumn. Dues are $60 for attorneys and $20 for student memberships. Membership applications can be obtained three ways:

  1. Call us at (414) 750-4404.
  2. Email us to send you one.
  3. Download the application by following the directions below.

Online Membership Form

If you have the Adobe Acrobat Reader software installed on your computer, you can complete your application online and then print it and mail it in. If you don't have Acrobat, you can download it for free from Adobe.

Interactive Form Instructions

  1. Use the program's "hand" tool to move from field to field. Simply move it over the area you want to type in and click when the hand becomes a "cross hair." You can also tab through to select specific fields.
  2. After you've filled in a field be sure to hit the return key. This is required to record your data.
  3. Choose print under file menu.
  4. Mail your completed application to:
    Association for Women Lawyers
    3322 N. 92nd Street
    Milwaukee, WI 53222
    (414) 750-4404

Why Join AWL?

Membership is open to attorneys who are graduates of accredited law schools and whose licenses to practice law are in good standing. Student membership is open to those persons currently enrolled in accredited law schools.

Among the benefits of AWL membership are:

  • An extensive monthly newsletter of events in the organization and in the community
  • Membership directory including a listing of members by legal practice areas
  • Membership meetings often with continuing legal education programs that are held at varied times to meet the varied schedules of our members
  • Practice area discussion groups for networking and legal information within particular areas of practice
  • Opportunities for pro bono work
  • Opportunities for community involvement
  • Special events for the whole legal community, such as Women Judges' Night and judicial debates.

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